
尹章義's 的頭像
尹章義 Chang-Yi Yin
輔仁大學歷史學系 學士 1967
輔仁大學史學系教授(1982-2004; No. 3853)
輔仁大學史學系副教授(1976-1982; No. 5481)
輔仁大學史學系講師(1972-1976; No. 6652)
中國文化大學 史學研究所教授(2004-current)
台灣史研究會 副會長
中華綜合發展研究院應用史學研究所 所長
台灣佛教史研究中心 主持
兩岸關係文教基金會 執行長
台北板橋地方法院,台北高等法院特罷 古文物鑑定人

Professional Books and Area Studies

31. 2009.01,《新屋鄉志》,800 頁,桃園縣新屋鄉公所。(與葉志 杰等合作)(ISBN: 978-986-736-9598)
January 2009. Area Study: Sinwu Record. 800 pages, Tauyuan County, Sinwu Township Co. (Cooperated 
with Hong, Jian-Rong, et al.) (In Mandarin)
30. 2008.12. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Patient unit safety and care quality: Promotion of 
self-healing systems during hospital stays. New York: Nova Science Publishers (329 pages). (ISBN:
978-1-60456-670-3) (In English)
Dec. 2008,《住院病室安全及照護品質:促進住院期間自癒系 統的能力》,329 頁,Nova Science Publishers?New York?USA。
29. 2008.10,《萬巒鄉志》,738 頁,屏東縣萬巒鄉公所。(與葉志 杰等合作)(ISBN: 978-986-01-5526-6)
Oct. 2008. Area Study: Wanluan Record. 738 pages, Pingtung County, Wanluan Township Co. (Cooperated 
with Ye, Zhi-Jie, et al.) (In Mandarin)
28. 2006.10,《文化資產法律實務》,206 頁,文笙書局,台北。(與 尹章華、尹章中合作)(ISBN: 986-7227-31-X)
Oct. 2006. Culture Property Law: Practice and Administration Guides. 206 pages, Wen-Sheng 
Bookstore, Taipei. (Cooperated with Yin, Zhang–Hua, and Yin, Zhang-Zhong) (In Mandarin)
27. 2005.03,《文化資產保存之法概論》,240 頁,文笙書局,台 北。(與尹章華、尹章中合作)(ISBN: 986-7856-95-3)
Mar. 2005. Introduction to the Regulations and Laws Related to Culture Property Preservation. 240 
pages, Wen-Sheng Bookstore, Taipei. (Cooperated with Yin, Zhang-Hua, and Yin, Zhang-Zhong) (In 

26. 2003.12,《台灣客家史研究》,330 頁,台北市客家事務委員會,台北。(ISBN: 957-01-6168-X)
Dec. 2003. Research on Taiwan Hakka History. 330 pages, Taipei
City Hakka Association, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
25. 2002.06,《羅東鎮志》,903 頁,宜蘭縣羅東鎮公所(與黃明 田等合作)。(ISBN: 957-0107-70-7)June 2002. Area Study: Luodong Record. 903 pages, Yilan County, Luodong Township Co. 
(Cooperated with Huang, Ming-Tian, et al.) (In Mandarin)
24. 2002.02,《後龍鎮志》,607 頁,苗栗縣後龍鎮公所(與黃明 田等合作)。(ISBN: 957-01-0849-5)
Feb. 2002. Area Study: Hou-Long Record. 607 pages, Miaoli County, Hou - Long Township Co. 
(Cooperated with Huang, Ming-Tian, et al.) (In Mandarin)
23. 2001.12,《林口鄉志》,724 頁,台北縣林口鄉公所(與葉志 杰等合作)。(ISBN: 957-0102-27-6)Dec. 2001. Area Study: Linkou Record. 724 pages, Taipei County, Linkou Village Co. (Cooperated with 
Ye, Zhi-Jie, et al.) (In Mandarin)
22. 2000.12,《當代中國學術發展史—人文社會稱學之部,大陸 篇》,561 頁,中華綜合發展研究院應用史學研究所,台北(尹 章義主編,北京聯合大學台灣研究所所長徐博東副主編,大陸 
著名學者十八人撰稿)。(ISBN: 9577442846)
Dec. 2000. Current Chinese Academic Development History in Humanity, Literature, and Social 
Science: Mainland China. 561 pages, Applied History Graduate School, Comprehensive Development 
School, Taipei, Taiwan (Editor-in-Chief: Yin, Chang-Yi; Vice Editor: Xu, Bo-Dong, Director of 
Taiwan Graduate School, Bei-Jing United University) (In Mandarin)
21. 2000.02,《台灣發展史》,192 頁,交通部觀光局,台北(與 陳宗仁合作,2001 年出版電子書)。Feb. 2000. Taiwan’s Development History. 192 pages, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and 
Communication, Taipei, Taiwan. (Cooperated with Chen, Zong-Ren; Electronic version published in 
2001) (In Mandarin)
20. 1997.11,《五股志》,1192 頁,五股鄉公所,台北。(與洪健 榮、李逸峰等合作)。
Nov. 1997. Area Study: Wu Ku Record. 1192 pages, Wu-Gu Village Co., Taipei. (Cooperated with Hong, 
Jian-Rong, and Li, Yi-Feng, et al.) (In Mandarin)
19. 1996.12,《台灣文具史—專訪篇》,台灣區教育用品工業同業 公 會 , 台 北 。( 與 該 會 理 事 長 李 翼 文 合 作 )。( ISBN:
957-98882-0-5)Dec. 1996. Taiwan’s Stationery History. Publisher: Taiwan Educational Appliance Association, 
Taipei. (Cooperated with Li, Yi-Wen, the President of Taiwan Educational Appliance Association) (In 
18. 1996.07,《台灣歷史研究法大綱(稿本)》,111 頁,台灣史蹟 源流研究會,台中。
Jul. 1996. Outline of the Taiwan History Research Methods. 111 pages, The Association of Taiwan 
History and its Origins, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
17. 1996.06,《鹿港小鎮塵封往事》、《八卦山的故事》、《彰化文學 圖像》、《彰化政治發展史》、《彰化開發史》、《彰化的自然環境 與原住民》等六書,彰化縣文化中心,彰化。(擔任六書策劃、 主編及計劃執行人,與葉大沛、趙莒玲、賴盟騏、施懿琳、閻 萬清、陳宗仁、程士毅等合作)。
June 1996. A total of six books: “Past Events in Lugang Small Town”, “Stories of Bagua Mountain”, 
“Images of Zhanghua Literature”, “Zhanghua Political Development History”, “Zhanghua Development 
History”, and “Zhanghua’s Nature Environment and Native Inhabitants.” Publisher: Zhanghua County 
Culture Center, Zhanghua, Taiwan. (Editor-in-Chief andProject Executor: Yin, Chang-Yi; Cooperated with Ye, Da-Pei, Zhao, Ju-Ling, Lai, Meng-Qi, Shi, Yi-Lin, Yan, Wan-Qing, Chen, Zong-Ren, Cheng, Shi-Yi, et al.) (In Mandarin)
16. 1995.06,《中國自然資源叢書(台灣卷)》,492 頁,中國環境 科 學 出 版 社 , 北 京 。( 與 陳 永 山 、 韓 清 海 合 編 )。 (ISBN:780-09374-1-0)
June 1995. Collections of Chinese Nature Resources in Taiwan.
492 pages, Chinese Environmental Science Publisher, Beijing. (Editors: Yin, Chang-Yi, Chen, 
Yong-Shan, & Han, Qing-Hai) (In Mandarin)
15. 1994.07,《一步一腳印—台中縣政紀要(1990-1993)》,台中 縣政府,台中。(與魏可風合作)。(ISBN: 957-00-3060-7)
July 1994. Area Study of Taichung County Government from
1990 to 1993. Publisher: Taichung County Government, Taichung, Taiwan. (Cooperated with Wei, 
Ke-Feng) (In Mandarin)
14. 1994.07,《泰山志》,383 頁,泰山鄉公所,台北。(與閻萬清、 洪健榮等合作)。
July 1994. Area Study: Tai- Shan Record. 383 pages, Tai- Shan Township, Taipei. (Cooperated with 
Yan, Wan-Qing, and Hong, Jian-Rong, et al.) (In Mandarin)
13. 1994.07,《大陸文化資產(文物)維護之行政體制及相關法令 之調查研究》,528 頁,行政院文化建設委員會,台北。(ISBN:957-89895-7-1)
July 1994. Administration Systems of Chinese Culture Property Preservation and Research on Related 
Laws and Policies. 528 pages, Council for Cultural Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
12. 1994.02,《新店市誌》,311 頁,新店市公所,台北。(ISBN:986-00-4378-7)
Feb. 1994. Area Study: Hsintien Record. 311 pages, Hsintien, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
11. 1993.06,《大陸地區古蹟現況與維護整修相關之法令制度研究》,393 頁,內政部,台北。
June 1993. Research on the Current Situations of Historical Interests in Mainland China, and 
Related Laws and Policies on Preservation of Historical Interests. 393 pages, Ministry of the 
Interior Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
10. 1989.12,《台灣開發史研究》,583 頁,聯經出版公司,台北。
(學界推為研究台灣史必讀十書之一)(ISBN: 957-08-0093-3)
Dec. 1989. Research of Taiwan Development History. 583 pages, Lianjing publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. 
(One of the ten classical books for researching Taiwan history in academia) (In Mandarin)
9. 1989.03,《新莊政治發展史》,562 頁,新莊市公所,台北。(與 陳宗仁合作)。
Mar. 1989. Political Development History in Hsinchuang. 562 pages, Hsinchuang, Taipei, Taiwan. 
(Cooperated with Chen, Zong-Ren) (In Mandarin)
8. 1988.07,《抽濃煙、喝烈酒、大聲抗議—台灣歷史與台灣前途》,
288 頁,作者自印,自立報系出版社代售,台北。
July 1988. Smoke a lot, Drink Spirit, Protest Boldly: Taiwan’s History and its Future. 288 pages; 
this book was printed by the author. Sales representative: Zili Newspaper Series publisher, Taipei, 
Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
7. 1986.09,《台灣近代史論》,268 頁,自立報系出版社,台北。
(ISBN: 957-5961-06-4)
Sep. 1986. The Latest Taiwan History. 268 pages, Zili Newspaper
Series Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
6. 1985.10,《新莊廣福宮調查研究》,頁 1-20,漢光建築師事務 所,台北。(與漢寶德合作)。
Oct. 1985. Research on the Hsinchuang Guagfu Temple. Page numbers 1-20, Hanguang Architect Firm, 
Taipei, Taiwan. (Cooperated with Han, Bao-De) (In Mandarin)
5. 1985.09 ,《 台 灣 鑑 湖 張 氏 族 譜 》, 445 頁 , 張士箱家族拓展史研纂委員會,台北。Sep. 1985. Family Name Jen-Hu Zhang’s matrilineage in Taiwan.
445 pages, Committee of Zhang- Shi- Xiang Family Development
History, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
4. 1983.07,《張士箱家族移民發展史—清初閩南士族移民台 灣 之一個案研究(1702-1983)》,184 頁,張士箱家族拓展史研 纂委員會,台北。2001.12 
Oct. 1983. Zhang, Shi-Xiang Family’s Immigration Development History: A Case of Study of Minnan 
Members Immigrating to Taiwan in the Beginning of Qing Dynasty (1702-1983). 184 pages, Committee of 
Zhang, Shi-Xiang Family Development History, Taipei, Taiwan. On December 2001, Taiwan Province 
Archive Association republished this book, Nantou, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
3. 1981.01,《新莊(台北)平原拓墾史》,190 頁,新莊市公所, 台北。
Jan. 1981. Hsinchuang (Taipei) Plain Pathfinding History. 190 pages, Xinzhuang City Hall, Taipei, 
Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
2. 1980.07,《新莊發展史》,102 頁,新莊市公所,台北。
July 1980. Area Study: Hsinchuang Development History. 102 pages, Hsinchuang City Hall, Taipei, 
Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
1. 1972.06,《明代的馬政》,100 頁,台灣大學史學研究所碩士論 文,作者自印,台北。
June 1972. Policies and Regulations Related to Horse Administration in Ming Dynasty. 100 pages, 
Master Thesis, Graduate School of History, Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)

Original Articles, Commentary, and Case Reports

301. 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2009). Adding additional grab bars as a possible strategy for 
safer hospital stays. Applied Nursing Research (in press). (In English) (ISSN: 1532-8201) (SCI, 
2009,(與曾惠明合作),「即刊」,〈提升住院病人安全之一可 行策略:加裝安全扶把〉,《Applied Nursing Research》。
300. 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2009). Inpatient falls: The impact of family and personal 
caregivers. Applied Nursing Research (in press). (In English) (ISSN: 1532-8201) (SCI, SSCI)
2009,(與曾惠明合作),「即刊」,〈從家屬及看護的陪伴看住 院 病 人 的 跌 倒 事 件 及 跌 倒 造 成 的 傷 害 〉,《 Applied Nursing Research》。
299. 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (Summary 2009). Are call light use and response time correlated 
with inpatient falls and inpatient dissatisfaction? Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(3) (in 
press). (In English) (ISSN: 1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2009,(與曾惠明合作),「即刊」,〈Call light 使用率及回應時 間與住院病人跌倒率及不滿意度之相關性分析〉,《Journal of Nursing Care 
298. March 28-29, 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2009).
Understanding the prevalence of toileting-related inpatient falls in acute care settings from 
the fall incident reports. Paper presentation (oral) at “MNRS 33rd Annual Research 
Conference” the Midwest Nursing Research Society, held at Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
2009.03.28-29,(與曾惠明合作),〈談與如廁相關的急性住院 病人跌倒案例流行趨勢〉,Midwest Nursing Research Society
《 中 西 部 護 理 研 究 學 會 第 三 十 三 屆 年 度 學 術 會 議 》, Minneapolis,密西西比州,美國。
297. January 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2009). Perspectives of recently discharged patients on 
hospital fall-prevention programs. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(1): 42-49. (In English) 
1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2009.01,(與曾惠明合作),〈出院病人對於醫院跌倒預防衛教 的感受〉,《Journal of Nursing Care Quality》,24(1): 42-49。
296. January 2009. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY. (January/February 2009).
Historical trends in human resource issues of hospital nursing in the past generation. Nursing 
Economics, 27(1) (in press) (In English) (ISSN: 0746-1739) (SCI, SSCI)
2009.01,(與曾惠明合作),「即刊」,〈醫院護理人力資源研究 議題趨勢分析: 1977-2006〉,《Nursing Economic$》,27(1)。
295. November 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Family involvement in inpatient care: Are families 
there to offer support or are they concerned about quality of care? Clinical Nursing Research, 
17(4): 297-311. (In English) (ISSN: 1054-7738)
2008.11,(與曾惠明合作),〈住院病室家屬陪病之研究:陪病 是為了提供心理支持或是關切照護品質?〉,《Clinical Nursing Research》,17(4): 297-311。
294. October 2008. Tzeng, HM, Yin, CY, & Grunawalt, J (2008).
Effective assessment of use of sitters by nurses in inpatient care settings. Journal of Advanced 
Nursing, 64(2): 176-183. (In English) (ISSN: 0309-2402) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.10,(與曾惠明合作),〈住院病室有效評估陪病員需求之 研究〉,《Journal of Advanced Nursing》,64(2): 176-183。
293. August 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Crisis management systems: Staff nurses demand more 
support from their supervisors. Applied Nursing Research, 21(3): 131-138. (In English) (ISSN: 
1532-8201) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.08,(與曾惠明合作),〈危機管理系統:基層護理人員需求更多直屬主管的支持〉,《Applied Nursing Research》,21(3):
292. August 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Globalization and pandemic: Fighting against the 
spread of infectious diseases. In V. Tschudin and A. Davis (Eds.), Globalization of nursing: 
Ethical, legal and political issues (pp. 189-197). London, UK: Radcliffe Medical (ISBN: 978 1 84619 
149 7).
2008.08,(與曾惠明合作),〈全球化與傳染病大流行:對抗傳 染病的漫延〉,《護理全球化:倫理、法律、及政治相關議題》,
189-197 頁,Radcliffe Medical?London, UK。
291. July 17-19, 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Professional verses ordinary negligence in 
clinical nursing practice. Paper presentation (oral) at “Nursing Ethics and Health Care Policy – 
Bridging Local, National and International Perspectives” the International Centre for Nursing 
Ethics, held at Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. (Full-length 
conference article; in English).
2008.07.17-19,(與曾惠明合作),〈談與臨床護理照護相關的 專業及一般性過失/疏忽〉,護理倫理國際中心舉辦《護理倫理 與健康照護政策:連結地方性、全國性及國際性的需要》,耶 
290. July 17-19, 2008. Green, C, Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008).
Ethical practices in human resource management in health care settings: A case study of an employee 
suicide incident after termination. Paper presentation (oral) at “Nursing Ethics and Health Care 
Policy – Bridging Local, National and International Perspectives” the International Centre for 
Nursing Ethics, held at Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. 
(Full-length conference article; in English).
2008.07.17-19,(與曾惠明,Catherine Green 合作),〈談醫療 機構人力資源管理的職業倫理:分析一解罷員工自殺案例〉, 
護理倫理國際中心舉辦《護理倫理與健康照護政策:連結地方性、全國性及國際性的需要》,耶魯大學護理學院,康乃狄克 州,美國。
289. July 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). The extrinsic risk factors for inpatient falls in 
hospital patient rooms. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23(3): 233-241. (In English) (ISSN:
1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.07,(與曾惠明合作),〈醫院病房內跌倒事件的外在危險 因素探討〉,《Journal of Nursing Care Quality》,23(3): 234-242。
288. June 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Religious practices of inpatients and their families. 
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 26(2):
98-106. (In English) (ISSN: 0898-0101)
《Journal of Holistic Nursing》26(2): 98-106。
287. June 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Heights of occupied patient beds: A possible risk 
factor to in-patient falls. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(11): 1503-1509. (In English) 
0962-1067) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.06,(與曾惠明合作),〈臥有病人床之床的高度:一可能 導致病人跌倒的危險因素〉,《Journal of Clinical Nursing》,
17(11): 1503-1509。
286. May/June 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Nurses’ solutions to prevent inpatient falls in 
hospital patient rooms. Nursing Economic$, 26(3): 179-187. (In English) (ISSN:
0746-1739) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.05,(與曾惠明合作),〈預防醫院病室內的病人跌倒事 件:護理人員的對策〉,《Nursing Economic$》,26(3): 179-187。
285. May 2008,〈台灣地方志的數量、品質與方志學的發展—【台 灣地方志總目錄】試析〉,《方志學理論與戰後方志?修實務國 際學術研討會》,1-95 頁,國史館台灣文獻館,民國九十七年 
2008.05. The quantity, quality and development of gazetteers:Analyses on [The Catalog of the Gazetteers about Taiwan]. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theories of Gazetteergraphy and the Practice of Writing Gazetteers After 1945 in Taiwan, held at the Taiwan Provincial Common History Historica, Chunshin Village, Nantou 
City, Taiwan (Full-length conference article; in Mandarin) (pp. 1-95).
284. May 2008,(與曾惠明合作),〈清代台灣所遺民間原始文件 在史學研究上的價值—以美國安阿保密西根大學教授 Joseph Beal Steere, 
1844-1940,(史帝耳)蒐藏的十四份台灣最初的長 老會教徒的紅紙拜帖為例〉,《第二屆台灣古文書與歷史研究學 術研討會,研討會論文集》,1-33 頁,逢甲大學出版社,民國 

2008.05. Yin, CY, & Tzneg, HM (2008). The value of original nongovernmental documents in historical 
research on Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty: Using 14 personal introduction cards of Presbyterian 
Christians presented to Joseph Beal Steere (1844–1940), Professor of the University of Michigan, 
Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Taiwan’s hIstorical Documents: 
Methods & Perspectives of Historical Research, held at Feng Chia University, Seatwen, 
Taichung, Taiwan (Full-length conference article; in Mandarin) (pp. 1-33).
283. April 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). A crisis: Fear toward a possible H5N1 pandemic. 
Journal of Nursing Care Quality 23(2): 177-183. (In English) (ISSN: 1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.04,(與曾惠明合作),〈危機:對於 H5N1 大流行的恐懼〉,
《Journal of Nursing Care Quality》,23(2): 177-183。
282. March 2008,〈中醫到底是科學還是玄學?〉,《明報》月刊,
235 期,頁 17-18,香港明報集團,2008 年 03,香港。
2008.03. Is Chinese medicine a science or metaphysics. Ming Pao Monthly, 2008(3): 17-18. Hongkong: 
Ming Pao Monthly Inc. (In Mandarin)

281. January 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Innovation in patient safety: A new task design in 
reducing patient falls. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23(1): 34-42 (In English). (ISSN:
1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.01,(與曾惠明合作),〈安全的下床姿勢〉,《Journal of
Nursing Care Quality》,23(1): 34-42。
280. January 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Patient satisfaction versus Quality. Nursing 
Ethics, 15(1): 121-124. (In English) (ISSN: 0969-7330) (SCI, SSCI)
《Nursing Ethics》,15(1): 112-115.
279. January 2008. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). What’s our philosophy? Journal of Professional 
Nursing, 24(1): 5-6. (In English) (ISSN: 8755-7223) (SCI, SSCI)
2008.1/2,(與曾惠明合作),〈我們的哲學是什麼?〉,《Journal of Professional Nursing》,24(1): 5-6。
278. December 2007. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2007). Height of hospital beds and inpatient falls: A 
threat to patient safety. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(12): 537-538. (In English) (ISSN:
0002-0443) (SCI, SSCI)
2007.12,(與曾惠明合作),〈床的高度與住院病人跌倒意外: 病人安全的潛在威脅〉,《Journal of Nursing Administration》,
37(12): 537-538。
277. October 2007. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2008). Seeing the nursing profession from a 
different perspective: Nurstry? Why not! Nursing Forum 24(4): 185-188. (In English) (ISSN: 
2007.10,(與曾惠明合作),〈用 Nurstry 代表護理專業又何 妨!〉,《Nursing Forum》,24(4): 185-188。
276. October 2007. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2007). No safety, no quality: Synthesis of research on 
hospital and patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 22(4): 299-306. (In English)

(ISSN: 1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2007.10,(與曾惠明合作),〈沒有安全就是沒有品質:論醫院 與病人安全之相關研究歷史趨勢〉,《Journal of Nursing Care Quality》,22(4): 299-306。

275. July/August 2007. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2007). Using family visitors, sitters, or volunteers 
to prevent inpatient falls. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(7-8): 329-334. (In English) 
0002-0443) (SCI, SSCI)
2007.07/08,(與曾惠明合作),〈讓家屬、陪病員、及志工參 與 住 院 病 人 的 跌 倒 預 防 〉,《 Journal of Nursing 
Administration》,37(7-8),頁 329-334。
274. August 2007,(與曾惠明合作),〈明清之際中醫與西醫的第 二場戰爭—鄧玉函的落伍解剖學和吳有性”瘟疫論”中醫傳染 病學的飛躍〉,《歷史月刊》,235 期,頁 
71-81,歷史智庫出版 公司,2007 年 08,台北。歷史智庫出版公司,台北。(ISSN:
1019-9144)。[參見相關論文 269:晚明中醫與西醫的第一場戰 爭—利瑪竇利用三錂鏡征服中國]
2007.08. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2007). The second war between Chinese medicine and western medicine 
during the late Ming Dynasty and early Ching Dynasty: Jean Terrenz’s (1576-1630) out-dated 
knowledge in anatomy, Yeou-Shing Wu’s “Epidemic on Fevers” (1641), and the rapid progress of 
Chinese medicine in epidemiology. History Journal Monthly, 235: 71-81. Publisher: Intellectual 
Capital of History Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin) [Also see the related article 
#269: The first war between Chinese medicine and western medicine in the late Ming Dynasty: 
Matteo Ricci expedition China by using Vitrio Triangulare di Venetia (prism)]
273. 2007.07,〈倚山傍海、地靈人傑--新屋鄉志編纂後記〉,收於
《新屋鄉志》,頁 815-816,桃園縣新屋鄉公所。
July 2007. The presence of heroes brings glory to Sinwu, a place surrounded by mountains and sea. 
This article is the epilogue of the book “Area Study: Sinwu Record,” written by Yin, Chang-Yin, et al., pp. 815-816. Publisher: Tauyuan County, Sinwu Township Co.
272. 2007.07,〈走過千溪、迎向萬巒--萬巒鄉志編纂後記〉,收於
《萬巒鄉志》,頁 983-984,屏東縣萬巒鄉公所。
July 2007. Walk over thousand streams and meet million mountains in Wanluan. This article is the 
epilogue of the book “Area Study: Wanluan Record,” written by Yin, Chang-Yi, et al., pp. 983-984. 
Publisher: Pingtung County, Wanluan Township Co.
271. 2007.07,(與曾惠明合作),〈晚明中醫與西醫的第一場戰爭— 利瑪竇利用三錂鏡征服中國〉,《歷史月刊》,234 期,頁 80-91, 歷史智庫出版公司,2007 年 
07,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
July 2007. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2007). The first war between Chinese medicine and western medicine 
in the late Ming Dynasty: Matteo Ricci’s use of the Vitrio Triangulare di Venetia (prism) during 
his expedition to China. History Journal Monthly, 234:
80-91. Publisher: Intellectual Capital of History Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
270. June 2007. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2007). Learning the available and supplied 
religious facilities for inpatient services: An example of Taiwan’s hospital environment. Nursing 
Economic$, 25(3): 167-173. (In English) (ISSN: 0746-1739) (SCI, SSCI)
《Nursing Economic$》,25(3): 167-173。
269. April 2007. Tzeng, HM, Yin, CY, et al. (2007). Patient falls and open visiting hours: A case 
study in a Taiwanese medical center. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 22(2): 145-151 (In English) 
(ISSN: 1057-3631) (SCI, SSCI)
2007.04,(與曾惠明合作),〈病人跌倒、開放探病時間、及陪 病家屬之間的關聯性研究:以一台灣醫學中心為例〉,《Journal of Nursing Care Quality》,22(2): 

268. Dec. 2006. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). The staff-working height and the designing-regulation 
height for patient beds as possible causes of patient falls. Nursing Economic$, 24(6):
323-327, 279. (In English) (ISSN: 0746-1739) (SSCI)
(病床 )高度 及病 床 的設計 高度是 導致 病 人跌倒 的可能因 素〉,《Nursing Economics》,24(6): 323-327。
267. 2006.11,〈日本人屠殺了多少無辜台灣人?〉,《歷史月刊》,
226 期,頁 48-60,歷史智庫出版公司,2006 年 11,台北。(ISSN:
Nov. 2006. How many innocent Taiwaneses were killed by Japanese military officers during the 
process of conquering Taiwan? History Journal Monthly, 226: 48-60. Publisher: Intellectual Capital 
of History Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
266. 2006.09.01,(與曾惠明合作),〈讀者投書:醫師對於自身專 業及病人的尊重,決定了民眾的健康與權益〉,《康健》,10,
12 頁,天下系列,台北。(ISSN: 1560-3121)
September 1, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). Letter to editor: The public’s health and right: 
Physicians have to respect their own professional and patients. Common Health, (September,
2006): 10, 12. Publisher: Ten-Sha Series, Taipei, Taiwan. (In
Mandarin; Publication type: Professional comment)
265. Sep. 2006. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). Nurses’ fears and professional obligations concerning 
possible human-to-human avian influenza. Nursing Ethics, 13(5): 455-470. (In English) (ISSN: 
0969-7330) (SCI, SSCI)
2006.09,(與曾惠明合作),〈護理人員的專業職責及其對於可 能 發 生 的 人 傳 人 禽 流感 的 恐 懼 〉,《 Nursing Ethics 》, 13(5):
264. 2006.08.07,(與曾惠明合作),〈臨床藥物試驗醫學倫理考 量〉,《民生報》,A7 版,醫藥最前線-開放空間,聯合報社, 台北。August 7, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). Clinical drug trials and medical ethics. Min Sheng Daily, (August 7, 2006): A7. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei. (In Mandarin; 
Publication type: Professional comment)
263. 2006.07.20,〈鬼月寓言-今之師道與醫道〉,《聯合報》,A15
版,民意論壇,聯合報社,台北。July 20, 2006. The fable in ghost month: The contemporary ways of teacher and doctors. United Daily 
News, (July 20, 2006): A15, Public Forum. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
262. 2006.07.10,(與曾惠明合作),〈不騙人≠誠實:從台灣基因 體資料庫談醫學研究倫理迷思〉,《民生報》,B9 版,醫藥最前 線,聯合報社,台北。
July 10, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). Not lying is not equal to being honest: Myths of 
medical and research ethics. Min Sheng Daily, (July 10, 2006): B9 (In Mandarin; Publication type: 
Professional comment).
261. July 10, 2006. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). Globalization and fighting against the spreads of 
infectious diseases. Paper presentation (oral) at the conference ‘The globalization of nursing: 
Ethical, legal and political issues’, organized by the International Centre for Nursing Ethics 
(ICNE) and the Journal ”Nursing Ethics”, at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK (Conference 
Article; in English).
2006.07.10,(與曾惠明合作),〈全球化與對抗傳染病的傳播〉, 護理倫理國際中心舉辦《護理國際化:倫理、法律及政治議題 探討》,英國。
260. 2006.06.19,(與曾惠明合作),〈傳染病患者的責任〉,《民生 報》,B9 版,醫藥最前線,聯合報社,台北。
June 19, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). The responsibility of patients with infectious 
diseases. Min Sheng Daily, (June 19,
2006): B9. (In Mandarin; Publication type: Professional comment)
259. May 2006. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). Is H5N1 like a ghost-flu that can cause a pandemic in 
humans? Nursing Ethics,
13(3): 219- 221. (In English) (ISSN: 0969-7330) (SCI, SSCI)
2006.05,(與曾惠明合作),〈如鬼魂般的禽流感 H5N1 病毒, 可 能 引 發 人 傳 人 的 大流 行 嗎 ? 〉,《 Nursing Ethics 》, 13(3):
258. 2006.04,〈被出賣的台灣:美國與台灣的歷史探究,美國的 擴張主義與台灣的命運--160 年來美台關係的回顧〉,《歷史月 刊》,219 期,頁 46-54,歷史智庫出版公司,2006 
年 04,台 北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Apr. 2006. Taiwan betrayed: The research of American and Taiwan history, the principle of 
American expansion and the fortune of Taiwan: The review of the relationship between U.S. and 
Taiwan in the past 160 years. History Journal Monthly, 219:
46-54. Publisher: Intellectual Capital of History Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
257. March 2006. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). Demands for religious care in the Taiwanese health 
system. Nursing Ethics,
13(2): 163-179. (In English) (ISSN: 0969-7330) (SCI, SSCI)
2006.03,(與曾惠明合作),〈台灣健康照護系統對於宗教照護 的需求〉,《Nursing Ethics》,13(2): 163-179。
256. 2006.02.20,(與曾惠明合作),〈推動 「台灣基因資料庫」 參與取樣民眾應獲告知:如未經當事人同意取得資料,恐違醫 學倫理,也有侵犯人權之虞〉,《民生報》,A7 版,開放空間, 
February 20, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). In the process of developing “Taiwanese gene 
database,” participants have to be told about the project: If researchers did not obtain 
participants’ informed consent, researchers would have violated medical ethics and have 
encroached upon the right of human subjects. Min Sheng Daily, (February 20, 2006): A7. (In 

255. 2006.02,〈動物保護:「神豬」考釋-肥豬變神仙的故事〉,《鄉 間小路》32 卷 2 期,頁 72-73,財團法人豐年社,台北。(ISSN:
Feb. 2006. Animal protection: Explanation of “A Magic Pig“: The story about how a fat pig becomes 
god. Countryside Alley, 32(2):
72-73. Publisher: Juridical People’s Cooperation’s Feng-Nian
Club, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
254. 2006.02,(與蔡瑛瑛、曾惠明合作),〈新興傳染病對人類之 影響與醫療機構的因應之道〉,《醫院雜誌》,39 卷 1 期,頁
8-20 , 中 華 民 國 醫 院 協 會 , 2006 年 02 月 , 台 北 。 (ISSN:
Feb. 2006. Tsai, YY, Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). The impact of newly emerging infectious diseases 
on human beings and successive changes. Hospital, 39(1): 8-20. (In Mandarin)
253. 2006.01.23,(與曾惠明合作),〈違醫師法,衛生署應負連帶 責任—衛署早於民國 72 年授權公衛護士執行疫苗注射,若此 舉違法,衛署應早修法或頒布新法才是〉,《民生報》,A7 版, 
January 23, 2006. Yin, CY, & Tzeng, HM (2006). The government, Department of Health, should take 
the responsibility in determining who are responsible to give vaccines to children. Min Sheng 
Daily, (January 23, 2006): A7. (In Mandarin)
252. 2006.01. Tzeng, HM, & Yin, CY (2006). Learning to respect a patient's spiritual needs 
concerning an unknown infectious disease. Nursing Ethics, 13(1): 17-28 (In English) (ISSN: 
0969-7330) (SCI, SSCI)
2006.01,(與曾惠明合作),〈學習尊重感染未知傳染病病人的 靈性需求—以一感染 SARS 的實習醫生的日記為例〉,《Nursing Ethics》,13(1): 17-28。
251. 2005.12,<台北的歷史飛躍與台北人的精神特質>,《台 北 文獻直字》,154 期,頁 61-106,臺北市文獻委員會,2005 年12 月出版,台北。又收於 2006.01,<台北的歷史飛躍與台北 人的精神特質>,《第一屆台北學國際學術研討會論文集》,頁
Dec. 2005. Taipei city’s major leaps in history and Taipei people’s characteristics. Reference of 
Taipei, 154: 61-106. Publisher: Committee of Taipei City Archives, Taipei City, Taiwan.
This article also included in the book “Collection of Presented Papers in The First International 
Academic Conference about Taipei Study.” Page numbers 29-43. Publisher: Taipei City, Bureau 
of Cultural Affairs (Published on January 2006, Taipei, Taiwan). (In Mandarin)
250. 2005.10.24,<繼續完成光復台灣的未竟大業-美國侵台之歷 史剖析>,中央政府駐港連絡辦事處台灣事務部主辦「紀念台 灣光復六十周年研討會」宣讀論文,香港。刊於香港《成報》 A11 
版專欄,10 月 27 日、28 日兩天全文連載。
Oct. 24, 2005. Continue to accomplish the unfinished business after recovering Taiwan from Japan: 
The historical analysis of America invading Taiwan. Paper presented in the Seminar for the
60th Anniversary of Getting Taiwan Back from Japan. Organizer: Taiwan Affair Department in Hong 
Kongnese Central Government, Hong Kong.
This paper is also published on “Cheng Newspaper” on October
27 (Part I) and October 28, 2005 (Part II). (In Mandarin)
249. 2005.07,〈我愛淡水〉,收於趙莒玲《淡水心靈地圖》,卷首 頁 3-7,黎明文化,台北。(ISBN:9571607304)
July 2005. I love Tamshui. This article is the forward of the book “The Soul Map of Tamshu,” 
written by Chao, Chu-Ling, pp. 3-7. Publisher: Li Ming Cultural Enter. Co., Taipei.
248. 2004.11,〈飛躍之後,何去何從?超越台灣,又如何?〉,收 於陳云《超越台灣-粵台經濟比較》繁體字版,卷首,秋水堂 文化,台北。(ISBN: 7-306-02174-5)
Nov. 2004. Where shall we go after the big leap? What should one do after overstep Taiwan? This paper is collected as the preface of the book of “Overstep 
Taiwan: A comparison of the economies of Taiwan and Guandong,” by Chen, Yun. Publisher: Chiu Sui 
Tang Cultural Enterprise, Taipei.
247. 2004.10,〈台灣的性格與歷史發展〉,《歷史月刊》201 期, 頁 41-51,歷史智庫出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Oct. 2004. Taiwan’s character and its development history. Historical Journal Monthly, 201: 41-51. 
Publisher: Intellectual Capital of History Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
246. 2004.10.20,〈中國如何對待韓國-以朝鮮義勇隊與台灣義勇 隊的比較研究為中心所作的個案分析〉,《第七屆環太平洋韓國 系國際學術會議論文集》,中國文化大學,台北。
Oct. 20, 2004. How did China treat Korea? A case analysis that compares the differences between the 
Korean brave team and Taiwan brave team. This paper is collected in the book of “The Thesis Series 
of the 7th International Academic Conference in Korean and Sournding Pacific Countries.” Publisher: 
Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
245. 2004.09.24,〈從保護動物觀實看神豬習俗〉,《2004 年動物保 護公共論壇論文集》,頁 31-37,南華大學非營利事業管理研 究所,嘉義。
Sep. 24, 2004. The custom of “Magic Pigs” and issues related to animal protection. This paper is 
collected in the book of “Theses Series of Public Discussions on Animal Protection in 2004,” pp.
31-37. Publisher: Graduate School of Non-Interest Business Administration, Nanhua University, 
Chiayi, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
244. 2004.08,〈「神豬」考釋-肥豬變神化的故事〉,《歷史月刊》
199 期,頁 15-21,歷史智庫出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Aug. 2004. Illustration the myth of “Magic Pig”-The story about a fat pig turning to be a 
religious idol. History Journal Monthly, 199: 15-21. Publisher: Intellectual Capital Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
243. 2004.04,〈台北簡史—台北設府築城百廿年祭〉,《歷史月 刊》,195 期,頁 34-42,歷史智庫出版公司,2004 年 04 月, 台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)

Apr. 2004. Brief history of Taipei: The 120th anniversary of building Taipei city. History Journal 
Monthly, 195: 34-42. Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Capital Publisher, Taipei. (In 
242. 2004.04,〈東港第一—為葉志杰領先研究東港的成果作序〉, 收於葉志杰《聽看東港—從老漁村見識大歷史》,郿人出版社, 台北。(ISBN: 957-29293-3-X)
Apr. 2004. Tung Kang First. This paper is collected as the preface of the book “A View on Tung 
Kang: Learning the History from an Old Fishing Village.” Publisher: Yeh Jen Publishing Co., Taipei.
241. 2004.03,〈格局決定發展、性格決定命運〉,收於習賢德著《統 獨 啟 示 錄 — 飛 彈 危 機 下 的 台 海 和 戰 抉 擇 ( 1996-2006 )》,
2004.03,亞太出版社,台北。(ISBN: 986-7809-14-9)
Mar. 2004. Pattern decides development while character decides destiny. This article is collected 
in the book of “An Epoch of Independence and Unity: The Selection between Peace and War under the 
Missile Crisis in Taiwan Strait,” written by Shi, Hsien-Der (1996-2006). Publisher: Ya Tai 
Publishing Co., Taipei.
240. 2004.03,〈延平王國的性質及其在國史上的地位—兼答廈門 大學鄧孔昭教授〉,《輔仁歷史學報》第十三期,頁 33-54,本 文為本目錄 92 及 93 
之完整版,(前二刊皆係編者略微刪節) 投稿《輔仁歷史學報》經審查全文刊出。該期版權頁及封面之 出版時間為中華民國九十一年六月出版,實際出版時間為九十 三年三月。(ISSN: 1023-2850)
Mar. 2004. The characteristics of Yanping Kingdom and its status in Chinese history. The History 
Journal of Fu-Jen Catholic University, 13: 33-54. (In Mandarin)

239. 2003.12.13,〈心如工畫師觀畫諸世間〉,《民生報》A13 版文 化版,聯合報社,台北。
Dec. 13, 2003. An eye on the world as a painter. Min Shen Daily News (December 13, 2003): A13. 
Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
238. 2003.12,〈與清修《明史》外國列傳《雞籠》篇相關的幾個 問題的初步探索〉,《東吳歷史學報》第十期,頁 151-177,東 吳大學史學系,台北。(ISSN: 1025-0689)
Dec. 2003. Investigating issues related to the book of ”Ming History” written in Qing Dynasty, 
and the foreign legends included in the book of “Cage for Chicken.” Dongwu History Journal, 10: 
151-177. Publisher: Department of History, Dongwu University, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
237. 2003.10.27,〈清修《明史》的歷程及其評價問題〉,佛光人 文社會學院歷史系第一屆「清史學術研討會」會議宣讀論文。
Oct. 27, 2003. The writing process of “Ming History” in Qing Dynasty and its values. The paper is 
presented at the 1st Qing History Conference, held by the Department of History, Foguang Human 
Sociology College, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
236. 2003.09,〈積久功深自有得-推薦徐博東教授《民進黨論文 集》〉,《海峽評論》153 期。香港《大公報》轉載,2003.08.14 先刊。
Sep. 14, 2003. A tremendous achievement from a longtime study: A recommendation to Professor Hsu, 
Po-Tung’s “Thesis Collection about Democratic Progressive Party.” Strait Comments,
This article is also published on the newspaper “Takungpao,” Hongk ong, on August 14, 2003.
235. 2003.09,〈全球化發展史與台灣本土化危機〉,《社會新天地》 第 5 期,頁 1-9,龍騰文化,台北。
Sep. 2003. History of global development and crises related to Taiwan localization. New Social Area, 5: 1-9. Publisher: Longteng Culture Publisher, 
Taipei. (In Mandarin)
234. 2003.08,〈台灣的地質、斷層、地震研究與《建築技術規則》 耐震設計震區劃分規範的關係—九二一大震災責任歸屬問題 試探之一〉,《建築師》雜誌 344 期,頁 102-111,中華民國建 
築師公會全國聯合會雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 1011-6818)

Aug. 2003. Taiwan geology, faults, earthquake research, and the rules of architectural techniques: 
An investigation on the responsibilities and attributions of the 921 earthquake. Architect 
Magazine, 344: 102-111. Publisher: Taiwan Architect Association Publisher, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
233. 2003.07,〈神話與現實—SARS 的大流行與傳染病心理學的 建立〉,《歷史月刊》186 期,頁 30-38,歷史智庫出版公司,
2003 年 07 月,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
July 2003. Tale and reality about the SARS epidemic: The needs to build the psychology of 
infectious diseases. History Journal Monthly, 186: 30-38. Publisher: History Intellectual Capital 
Publisher, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
232. 2003.06,〈朝鮮義勇隊與台灣義勇隊—兼論二十世紀中期中 國人的「朝鮮、台灣觀」〉,《輔仁學報》第 14 期,頁 1-16, 台北。
June 2003. A comparison between the Korean and Taiwan Troops, and Mainland China people’ 
perspectives toward Korean and Taiwan in the mid-20th Century. The Journal of Fu-Jen Catholic 
University, 14: 1-16. (In Mandarin)
231. 2003.06.14,〈與清修《明史》外國列傳〈雞籠篇〉相關的幾 個問題的初步探索〉,頁 1-20,「第二屆史學與文獻學研討會-- 
慶祝東吳大學歷史系成立三十周年活動」宣讀,2003.06.14, 東吳大學外雙溪校區國際會議廳,台北。
June 14, 2003. Discussions on relevant issues related to “Ming History,” foreign legends, the 
chapter of Chicken Cage Chapter. Page numbers 1-20. Paper presented at the 2nd academic seminar of history and reference theories, held at the Riverside Campus, Soochow University, Taipei. (In 
230. 2003.06,〈福爾摩沙原住民部落對抗荷蘭帝國的禦侮戰爭〉,
《歷史月刊》185 期,頁 79-91,歷史智庫出版公司,2003 年
06 月,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
June 2003. Formosa aboriginal tribes’ wars against Holland. History Journal Monthly, 185: 79-91. 
Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Capital Publisher, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
229. 2003.05.01,〈連雅堂《台灣通史》的體例、格局及其所反映 的時代精神〉,《中央日報》2003 年 05 月 01 日四版,台北。
May 1, 2003. Lian, Ya-Tang’s system, style, and spirit in the book of “Taiwan History.” Central 
Newspaper, (May 1, 2003): 4. Publisher: Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
228. 2003.04.06,〈崩解的是中國還是預言:章家敦—忽略中國是 個有機體、預言父親祖國的崩解、解決自己的認同焦慮;大前 研一—懂經濟不懂政治、說台灣二零一零年前加入中華聯邦, 
April 6, 2003. Is China or predictions which will collapse -- Gordon G.. Chang: The negligence of 
the organic structure of China, by predicting the motherland’s collapse to solve personal anxiety; 
Kenichi Ohmae only knows economy but knowing nothing about politics, the prediction of Taiwan’s 
joining China Federal Unity might not come true. United Daily News, (April 6,
2003): Publich forum. Publisher: Public Forum, Taipei.
227. 2003.04,〈從中國歷史上的分合論大前研一—《中華聯邦》 與章家敦《中國即將崩潰》的洞見與盲點〉,《歷史月刊》183 期,頁 105-113,歷史智庫出版公司,2003 年 04 
Apr. 2003. Separation and cooperation in Chinese history: Discussion on Da-Chen Yen-I’s book of 
“United China” and Zhang, Jia-Dun’ book “China going to be subjugated,”--Its view and blinding 
spot. History Journal Monthly, 183: 105-113.Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Capital Publisher, Taipei. (In
226. 2002.11,〈吉娃斯‧阿麗版的台灣原住民族史綱(下)〉,《歷 史月刊》,2002 年 11 月號,頁 98-105,歷史智庫出版公司, 台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)

Nov. 2002. Ji-Wa-Si Ali’s version of aboriginal history outlines in
Taiwan (Part II). History Journal Monthly, (November 2002):
98-105. Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Publisher, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
225. 2002.10.29,〈開放博奕澎湖鹹魚翻身〉,《中國時報》十五版, 中國時報社,台北。
Oct. 29, 2002. The turnover of Peng-hu only if gamble is permitted. China Times, (October 29, 
2002): 15. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
224. 2002.10.07,〈花蓮需要地標吸引世界目—光觀光客倍增計劃 可曾思考台灣有什麼東西吸引別人來「觀」〉,《聯合報》十五 版《民意論壇》,聯合報社,台北。
Oct. 7, 2002. Hualien needs landmarks to attract global eyesight: Does the tourist doubling plan 
ever think about what Taiwan has to attract other people to come to "view." United Daily News, 
(October 7, 2002): 15 (Public forum). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
223. 2002.10.07,〈花蓮神雕綠起—「給花蓮一個機會,許花蓮一 個夢」—綜合三大巨雕文化打造花蓮藝術地標〉,《神雕論壇》, 花蓮縣文化局演藝堂國會議廳宣讀論文,花蓮。
Oct. 7, 2002. An introduction to the joss cultivation of Hualien-"Gives Hualien 
a chance, and allows Hualien a dream"-Combining the three cultures of joss cultivation to 
create the Hualien art landmark. Paper presented in the Joss Cultivation Forum, held by Hualien 
County Cultural Bureau, Hualien.
222. 2002.10.03,〈族罵間的瞭解與尊重—台灣經驗兩種〉,《「我-國族罵政策與法制之設計」學術研討會》專題討論宣讀論文, 佛光人文社會學院,宜蘭。
Oct. 3, 2002. Promoting understandings and respects among races: Two kinds of Taiwan 
experience. Paper presented at The Academic Seminar of Racial Policy and Law Design of Taiwan, 
held by the Department of History, Foguang Human Sociology School, Yilan, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
221. 2002.10,〈吉娃斯‧阿麗版的台灣原住民族發史綱(上)〉,《歷 史月刊》2002 年 10 月號,頁 88-98,歷史智庫出版公司,台 北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Oct. 2002. Ji-Wa-Si Ali’s version of aboriginal history outlines in Taiwan (Part I). History 
Journal Monthly, (October 2002), 88-98. Publisher: Historical and Intellectual publisher, Taipei. 
(In Mandarin)
220. 2002.09.27,〈這頁台灣史請李登輝讀讀〉(論甲午前,台灣 始終有效管轄釣魚台罵島),《中國時報》十五版《民意論壇》, 台北。
Sep. 25, 2002. Lee Teng-hui needs to read this page of Taiwan history. Taiwan ever effectively 
ruled the Tiaoyutais before the
1984 Sino-Japan War. China Times, (September 25, 2002): 15 (Public forum).
219. 2002.07,〈歷史的宏觀、智識份子的宏願—論陳癸淼《論台 灣》〉,《海峽評論》月刊第 139 期,頁 60-62,海峽學術出版 社,台北;又收於陳癸淼《論台灣—為台灣把脈》,頁 
(ISBN: 957-2040-27-8)
July 2002. The macro-view of history, and the great wish of intellectuals: A review on “Talks 
about Taiwan” by Chen Kuei-Miao. Strait Comments Monthly, 139: 60-62.
This paper is also collected in the book of “Talks about Taiwan: A Diagnosis for Taiwan,” written 
by Chen, Kuei-Miao, pp. 179-185.
218. 2002.06,〈延平王國的性質及其在國史上的地位〉,《歷史月刊》2002 年 6 月號,頁 37-44,歷史智庫出版公司,台北。(ISSN:
June 2002. The characters of Yanping Kingdom and its status in Chinese history. History Journal 
Monthly, (June 2002): 37-44. Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Capital Publisher, Taipei. (In 
217. 2002.04.18,〈延平王國的性質及其在國史上的地位-兼答廈 門大學鄧孔昭教授〉,「鄭成功驅荷復台三百四十周年學術研討 會」大會宣讀論文,廈門大學,廈門。又刊於《長共海濤論延 
平—紀念鄭成功驅荷復台 340 周年學術研討會論文集》,頁
Apr. 18, 2002. The characters of Yanping Kingdom and its status in Chinese history. Paper presented 
at the Academic Seminar: The
340th Anniversary of Zhang, Cheng-Gong who expelled Dutch and got Taiwan back. This conference is 
held at Shamen University, Shamen, China. (In Mandarin)
This paper is also collected in the book of “Thesis Series: The
340th Anniversary of Zhang, Cheng-Gong Who Expelled Dutch and Got Taiwan back,” pp. 140-156. 
Publisher: Shanghai Guji Publisher, Shanghai. (In Mandarin)
216. 2001.12,〈「明亡清與史事對照表」暨明亡清與史事試析〉,《台 灣文獻》52 卷 4 期,頁 255-287,台灣省文獻會,台灣南投。
(ISSN: 1016-457X; 0492-1739)
Dec. 2001. Analyses of the synopsis of Ming Dynasty expelled by Qing Dynasty and related historical 
events. Taiwan Reference (Taiwan Archives), 52(4): 255-287. Publisher: Taiwan Archives, Nantou, 
Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
215. 2001.11,〈日本殖民台灣時台灣人的國籍與認同問題〉,《歷 史月刊》2001 年 11 月號,頁 40-51,歷史智庫出版公司,台 北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Nov. 2001. The problems of Taiwanese nationality and identification during the period Japan 
settlement of Taiwan.History Journal Monthly, (November 2001): 40-51. Publisher: Historical and Intellectual Capital 
Publisher, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
214. 2001.06,〈台灣人的日本觀—以日台關係史為軸心所作的探 索〉,《歷史月刊》2001 年 6 月號,頁 32-41,歷史智庫出版公 司,台北。《海峽評論》月刊 127 期,頁 
154 期,頁 37-47。《政治評論》2001 年 6 月及 7 月分上下兩 篇刊出。(ISSN: 1019-9144;ISSN:1018-1075;ISSN: 0577-6422)
June 2001. Views of the Taiwanese about Japan: A focus on the relationship between Japan and 
Taiwan. History Journal Monthly, (June 2001): 32- 41, Historical and Intellectual Capital 
Publisher, Taipei.
This paper is also published on the Journal of Political Comment, on the issues of June and July, 
2001. (In Mandarin)
213. 2001.05,〈兩岸文物保存刑罰規範之比較〉,《立法院聞》29
卷 5 期,頁 35-48,中華民國立法院,台北(與尹章華合作)。
May 2001. A comparison of the criminal laws related to preservation of cultural objects between 
China and Taiwan. News of Legislative Yuan, 29(5): 35-48. Publisher: Legislative Yuan, Taiwan. 
(Cooperated with Yin, Zhang-Hua) (In Mandarin)
212. 2000.08,〈捨我其誰的史學家與客觀環境的互動-以葉榮鐘 手稿本、報刊本《日據下台灣政治社會運動史》和單行本《台 灣民族運動史》等三個版本所做的比較研究為例〉,《葉榮鐘全 
集》、《日據下台灣政治社會運動史》,頁 547-672,晨星出版 公司,台中。
Aug. 2000. The interactions between the unique historian and the objective environment: Manuscript 
and newspaper publications from Ye, Rong-Zhong’s “History of Taiwan’s Political Assembly under 
Japanese Domination” and the offprint “History of Taiwan’s Racial Activities“: A 
comparison analyses and research on these three versions. This article is collected in the book of 
“History of Taiwan Political Assembly under Japanese
Domination” (pp. 547- 672). Publisher: Chenxing publisher, Taichung, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
211. 1999.06,〈台灣族罵關係與地方開發之比較研究—以台北地 區與高屏地區為例〉,《客家文化研究通訊》,2 期,頁 7-10, 中央大學客家研究中心,中壢,台北。

June 1999. A comparative research on the ethnicity relationship in Taiwan and the local 
development history: Taipei and Kaohsiung-Pingtung areas. Hakka Culture Studies Newsletter, 2:
7-10. Publisher: Center for Hakka Studies of National Central
University, Jhongli City, Taoyuan, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
210. 1999.01,〈台灣的族罵問題與政治版圖—舊瓶老酒的「新台 灣人論」〉,《新》月刊,75 期,台北。
Jan. 1999. The ethnicity problem and the political landscape of
Taiwan. Hsin Monthly, 75.
209. 1998.12,〈從瞭解到尊重—台灣歷史研究法舉例〉,《探勘台 灣文化論文集》,實踐大學通識教育中心編印,台北。
Dec. 1998. From comprehension to respect: Examples of Taiwan history research methods. This paper 
is collected in the book of “Exploration of Taiwan Cultural Thesis Series.” Publisher: The general 
education center of Shijian University, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
208. 1998.12,〈台灣族罵研究的回顧與展望〉,《歷史》月刊,歷 史月刊社,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Dec. 1998. A review and prospect on researches on Taiwanese ethnicity. History Journal Monthly, 
December 1998. Publisher: History Monthly Publishing Co., Taipei.
207. 1998.12,〈新黨發展史外一章—為錢達的《黃旗夢碎》作序〉,
Dec. 1998. Outside the history of the development of the New Party. This article is collected as 
the preface in the book of “The Break of Yellow Flag.” Publisher: Business Weekly Publications,
Inc., Taipei.
206. 1998.11,〈生氣蓬勉的人生最幸福〉,趙莒玲《台灣開發故事》 序 ( 五 冊 ), 天 衛 文 化 圖 書 有 限 公 司 , 台 北 。 (ISBN:
Nov. 1998. It is the happiest to have a vigorous life. This paper is collected as the preface of 
the book “Stories of the Development of Taiwan (Volumn Five),” written by Chao, Chu-Ling. 
Publisher: Tien-Wei Publishing Co., Taipei.
205. 1998.06,〈青潭大溪畔的陌生人—新店漢人移墾史研究〉,《北 縣文化》,57 期,頁 13-24,台北縣文化局,台北(與陳宗仁 合作)。
June 1998. Strangers by the Green Lake: Research on the immigration history of the Han People in 
Sindan. Taipei County Culture, 57: 13-24. Publisher: Cultural Affiars Bureau, Taipei County, 
Taiwan. (Cooperated with Chen, Zong-Ren) (In Mandarin)
204. 1998.04,〈有愛才能成家—跋《尋找天堂的天使—受虐兒的 故事》〉,《尋找天堂的天使》,頁 293-295,平安文化出版公司, 台北。(ISBN:9578031610)
April 1998. Love is necessary for a home – postscript in “An Angel Seeking for Paradise--Stories of 
Abused Children.” This article is collected as the postscript in the book of “An Angel Seeking for 
Paradise,” pp. 293-295. Publisher: Ping Ann Publishing Co., Taipei.
203. 1997.12,〈五股志刊行後記〉,《五股志》,頁 1153-1154,五 股鄉公所,台北。
Dec. 1997. After publishing “Wu Ku Record.” This paper is collected as the postscript in the book 
of “Wu Ku Record,” pp.
1153-1154. Publisher: Wu Ku Hsiang Government, Taipei.
202. 1997.07,〈史觀非史實—《認識台灣》不該模糊焦點〉,《新 黨通訊》1997 年 7 月號,新黨通訊社,台北。

July 1997. A historical view is not a historical fact: “To Know Taiwan” should not blur the focus. 
New Party Communication, (July 1997). Publisher: New Party Communication Co., Taipei.
201. 1997.06.10,〈歷史教科書首須符合客觀真實〉,「史觀與史實 間的歷史教材」,《聯合報》國中教材《認識台灣》歷史篇座談 會紀錄,《聯合報》十一版,聯合報社,台北。

June 1997. What should be included in the history textbook for junior histh schools? The historical 
teaching materials between our historical views and historical facts. United Daily News, 
(June 10, 1997): 11. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
200. 1997.06.06,〈國中《認識台灣》教科書的討論是知識問題不 是意識形態問題〉,《聯合報》十一版「兩極對話」,聯合報社, 台北。
June 6, 1997. Discussion about the junior high school history textbook “To Know Taiwan.” United 
Daily News, (June 6, 1997):
11 (The conversation Between the Two Poles). Publisher: United
Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
199. 1997.06,〈台灣客家史研究的回顧與展望〉,《台灣文獻》48
卷 2 期,頁 7-18,台灣省文獻會,台中;又《客家雜誌》第
85 期 1997.08 起連載,客家雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 1016-457X
0492-1739;ISSN: 1027-3794)
June 1997. Reviews and expectations of Taiwan Hakka history research. Taiwan Reference, 48(2): 
7-18. Publisher: Taiwan Archives, Taichung.
This paper is also published on the magazine of Hakka Magazine,
85 (August 1997). Publisher: Hakka Magazine Co., Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
198. 1997.06,〈葉大沛《鹿港發展史》序〉,《鹿港發展史》卷首, 左羊出版社,彰化市。(ISBN: 957-9319-23-5)
June 1997. The preface of The Development of LuKang by The
Ta-Pei. This preface is collected in the book of “The
Development of LuKang.” Publisher: Tso-Yang Publishing Co., Changhwa.
197. 1997.06,〈六堆黨和義民黨的啟示—客家組黨今不如昔〉,《客 家雜誌》,84 期,頁 23-25,客家雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 1027-3794)
June 1997. The inspiration from Lu-Deau Tang and Yi-Ming Tang: The contemporary party of Haka is 
not as good as what was in the past. Hakka Monthly, 84, pp. 23-25. Publisher: Hakka Magazine Co., 
196. 1997.03.31,〈心靈的盛宴,時代的脈動—《漢聲雜誌》的崎 嶇 長 路 〉,《 中 國 時 報 》 副 刊 , 中 國 時 報 社 , 台 北 。 (ISSN:
March 31, 1997. The feast of mind, and the impulse of time: The craggy road of Han Shen Magazine. 
China Times, (March 31,
1997): Supplement. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
195. 1996.10.02,〈釣魚台主權明確的史證—數百年來漁業活動仰 賴主權明確水師巡哨〉,《聯合報》十一版專論,聯合報社,台 北。
Oct. 02, 1996. Historical evidences of ascendance of Diao-Yu-Tai: Fishing activities depending 
on the clear ascendance by coastguard. United Daily News, (October 2, 1996): 11 (Special 
column). Publisher: United Daily News Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
194. 1996.08.14,〈文化政策要「因勢利導」—論社區總體營造〉,
《聯合報》文化廣場,聯合報社,台北。(與文建會副主委陳 其南對談)。
Aug. 14, 1996. The cultural policy should follow the tide – a discussion about the integral 
construction of community. A talk with Mr. Chen, Chi-Nan, the Vise Chairman, Council of Cultural 
Affairs. United Daily News, (August 14, 1996): Cultural Square. Publisher: United Daily News Co. 
Ltd., Taipei.
193. 1996.06.01,〈天台龍象、台灣高僧—斌宗法師(1911-1958) 的生平與思想〉,「台灣佛教學術研討會」論文,該會論文集,
頁 27-46,佛教青年文教基金會,1996.12,台北。又刊於《輔 仁歷史學報》第 7 期,1996.12,頁 241-256,輔仁大學歷史系, 台北。(ISSN: 1023-2850)

June 1, 1996. Magic scenery at the balcony: Taiwan’s great monk, Master Binzong’s (1911-1958) life 
experiences and thinking. This paper is presented at the Taiwan Buddhism Academic Conference. Paper 
is published on the “Thesis Series of the Taiwan Buddhism Academic Conference,” on December 1996, 
Page numbers 27- 46. Publisher: Buddhism Youngster Cultural Foundation, Taipei.
This paper is also published on the journal of “Fu-Jen Historical and Academic Journal,” 7 
(December 1996): 241-256. Publisher: History Department, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei. (In 
192. 1996.06,〈《彰化的自然環境與原住民》導讀〉,《彰化的自然 環境與原住民》卷首,彰化縣文化中心,彰化。(與程士毅合 作)。(ISBN: 957-0093-05-6)
June 1996. Guidance to the Natural Environment and Locales of Changhwa. The preface of the book 
“The Natural Environment and Aborigine of Changhwa.” Publisher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, 
Changhwa. (Coauthor: Chen Shih-Yi)
191. 1996.06,〈《彰化開發史》導讀〉,《彰化開發史》卷首,彰化 縣文化中心,彰化。(與陳宗仁合作)。(ISBN: 9570093048)
June 1996. Guidance to the development history of Changhwa. The preface of the book “The 
Development History of Changhwa.” Publisher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, Changhwa. (Coauthor: 
Chen, Tsung-Jen)
190. 1996.06,〈《彰化政治發展史》導讀〉,《彰化政治發展史》卷 首,彰化縣文化中心,彰化。(與閻萬清、陳宗仁合作)。(ISBN:
June 1996. Guidance to the political development history of Changhwa. The preface of the book “The 
Political Development History of Changhwa.” Publisaher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, Changhwa. (Coauthor: Yen, Wan-Ching, and Chen, Tsung-Jen)
189. 1996.06,〈《彰化文學圖像》導讀〉,《彰化文學圖像》卷首, 彰 化 縣 文 化 中 心 , 彰 化 。( 與 施 懿 琳 合 作 )。 (ISBN:
June 1996. Study guidance to “The Literature Pictures of Changhwa.” The preface of the book “The 
Literature Pictures of Changhwa.” Publisher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, Changhwa. (Coauthor: 
Shih, Yi-Ling).
188. 1996.06〈《八卦山的故事》導讀〉,《八卦山的故事》卷首, 彰 化 縣 文 化 中 心 , 彰 化 。( 與 賴 盟 騏 合 作 )。 (ISBN:
June 1996. Study guidance to “The Stories of Pa-Gua Mountain.” The preface of the book “The Stories 
of Pa-Gua Mountain.” Publisher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, Changhwa. (Coauthor: Lai, 
187. 1996.06,〈《鹿港小鎮塵封往事》導讀〉,《鹿港小鎮塵封往事》 卷首,彰化縣文化中心,彰化。(與趙莒玲、葉大沛合作)。(ISBN:
June 1996. Study guidance to “The Past Stories of Lu-Kang.” The preface of the book “The Past 
Stories of Lu-Kang.” Publisher: Changhwa County Cultural Center, Changhwa. (Coauthor: Chao, 
Chu-Ling, and Yeh, Ta-Pei).
186. 1996.05.20,〈台北晚安〉,《中時晚報》專欄,中時晚報社, 台北。
May 20, 1996. Good evening Taipei. China Times Evening News, (May 20, 1996): Special column. 
Publisher: China Times Co., Taipei.
185. 1996.03.20,〈文官武將鎮台灣—從道台、總兵到巡撫〉,《中 國時報》寶島版專論,中國時報社,台北。
Mar. 20, 1996. Civil officials and generals who protected Taiwan: From Daotai, Zongbing, to Xunfu. 
Chinese Daily News, March 20, 1996): Special column. Publisher: Chinese Daily News Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
184. 1995.12.02 ,〈 爭 一 時 也 爭 千 秋 — 甲 午 戰 爭 百 年 史 的 新 評 價〉,《時報周刊》882 期,時報周刊社,台北。(ISSN: 1023-4543)
Dec. 2, 1995. Not only for contemporary, but also for permanent: A new evaluation to the centenary 
history of the 1984 Sino-Japan War. Times Weekly Magazine, (December 2, 1995): 882. Publisher: 
China Times Co., Taipei.
183. 1995.11.07,〈祝福南台灣—為王耀德《南台灣的政治天空》 作序〉,《自立晚報》本土副刊,自立報社,台北。
Nov. 7, 1995. A bless to southern Taiwan: Preface of the book “The Political Environment in 
Southern Taiwan” written by Wang, Yao-Der. Independence Evening News, (November 7, 1995): 
Supplement. Publisher: Independence News Co., Taipei.
182. 1995.10.20,〈總統大選第三勢力應否整合?—林陳配?第三 股不安的勢力〉,《聯合報》民意論壇專論,聯合報社,台北。
Oct. 20, 1995. Should the third influence of the presidential election integrate? A match of Lin 
and Chen? The third unstable influence. United Daily News, (October 20, 1995): Public forum, 
special column. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
181. 1995.10.08,〈學術界的黑手誰來掃除?〉,《時報周刊》919
期專論,時報周刊社,台北。(ISSN: 1023-4543)
Oct. 8, 1995. Who can sweep away the manipulator in academic field? Times Weekly Magazine, (October 
8, 1995): 919. Publisher: China Times Co., Taipei.
180. 1995.10,〈家變—為吳行健的新書作序〉,《家變—新黨不是 政客的家?!》,日臻出版社,台北。(ISBN: 957888236X)
Oct. 1995. A disaster in the family--Preface for the book “A Disaster in the Family: New Party is 
not the Home of Politicians,” written by Wu Hsin-Chien. Publisher: Jih Chen Publishing Co., Taipei.

179. 1995.09.11,〈「有一點……又不太……」—台灣文化基本文 法〉,《中國時報》寶島版專論,中國時報社,台北。
Sep. 11, 1995. Some kind of … but not exactly…: A basic grammar principle in Taiwanese culture. 
China Times, (September 11, 1995): Special column. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
178. 1995.07.28,〈地方志修纂的理論與實務—以新莊志、新店 志、泰山志、五股志為例所作的說明〉,國史館「台灣光復後 修纂地方志研討會」論文,收於《中國現代史專題研究報告》 第 18 
輯,頁 139-206,中華民國史料研究中心,1996.12,台 北。(ISBN: 957-9967-17-2)
July 28, 1995. The theory and practical things of writing area studies: Using published area 
studies of Xinzhuang, Xindian, Taishan, and Wugu as examples. Paper collected in the book of “Paper 
Collection from the Seminar for Writing Area Studies after Taiwan was Recovered from Japan,“ 
published by National History Museum.
This paper is also collected in the book of “Research Reports
Related to Chinese Current History”, 18 (December 1996):
139-206. Publisher: Historical Material Research Center, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
177. 1995.05.04,〈檳榔之害甚於菸毒〉,《中國時報》十一版專論, 中國時報社,台北。
May 4, 1995. The damages of betel nut are larger than those of cigarettes. China Times, (May 4, 
1995): 11 (Special column) Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
176. 1995.04,〈二二八與殖民地回歸的痛苦教訓〉,《明報月刊》,
1995 年 4 月號,明報社,香港。
April 1995. The 228 Incident and the painful lesson of colony return. Ming News Monthly, (April 
1995). Publisher: Ming News Co., Hong Kong.
175. 1995.02.28,〈「新台灣人」的誕生〉,《中國時報》時論廣場專論,中國時報社,台北。

Feb. 28, 1995. The birth of the new Taiwanese. China Times, (February 28, 1995): Public forum 
(Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
174. 1994.10.28,〈只要尊嚴,不要融合—台灣省籍、語罵、族罵 矛盾的省思〉,《中國時報》十一版時論廣場專論,中國時報社, 台北。
Oct. 28, 1994. Demanding dignity and refusing blending: An examination on the contradiction of the 
birth place, languages, and ethnicity in Taiwan. China Times, (October 28, 1994): 11 (Public forum, 
special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
173. 1994.07.30,〈客家人,不要做門神族罵—朝郿各政黨都未照 族罵比例分配資源,客家族罵得不到應有利益〉,《中國時報》 十一版時論廣場專論,中國時報社,台北。
July 30, 1994. Hakkanese, be not the door god of ethnicity: Hakka group was not granted 
its supposed privilege and all parties did not distribute resources by ethnicity proportion. 
China Times, (July 30, 1994): 11 (Public forum, special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., 
172. 1994.07,〈田郿調查與文學史料採訪蒐集〉,《文藝史料整理 研習營成果專輯》,頁 1-10,屏東縣立文化中心,屏東。
July 1994. Field studies and collecting literature and historical materials. Paper collected in the 
book of “Academic Reports from the Workshop of Managing Culture and Historical Materials,” pp.
1-10. Publisher: Pingtung County Culture Center, Pingtung, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
171. 1994.06.24,〈甲午,中國和台灣歷史發展的轉捩點〉,《中國 時報》十一版時論廣場專論,中國時報社,台北。
June 24, 1994. 1984--The turning point of the historical development of China and Taiwan. China 
Times, (June 24, 1994):
11 (Public forum, special column). Publisher: China Times Co.,Ltd., Taipei.
170. 1994.05,〈為台灣佛教史研究的開展合什〉,《台灣佛教的歷 史與文化》序,靈鷲山般若文教基金會國際佛學研究中心,台 北。(ISBN: 957-8788-04-5)

May 1994. Bless for the development for the research of Taiwan Buddhism history. This preface is 
collected in the book of “The History and Culture of Taiwan Buddhism.” Publisher: Ling Jiou 
Mountain Buddhist Foundation, International Buddhism Research Center, Taipei.
169. 1994.03.21,〈對日索賠,政府替我們出面吧!〉,《聯合報》 十一版民意論壇專論,聯合報社,台北。
March 21, 1994. Government helps us to make the claims To Japanese government. United Daily News, 
(March 21, 1994): 11 (Public forum, special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
168. 1994.03,〈史學方法論〉,《機關志講義彙編》,頁 1-8,台灣 省文獻會,台中。(ISBN: 957-0028-36-X)
Mar. 1994. Methodology of historical research. Collected in the book of “Handouts for Writing Area 
Studies with a Focus on Gonvernment Agencies,” pp. 1-8. Pulisher: Taiwan Archives, Taichung, 
Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
167. 1994.03,〈「台灣意識」的形成與發展—歷史的觀點〉,中央 研究院近代史研究所及美國柏克萊加州大學合辦「認同與國 家:近代中西歷史的比較」學術研討會論文,收於《認同與國 
家:近代中西歷史的比較》論文集,頁 363-387,中央研究院 近代史研究所,1994.06,台北。
Mar. 1994. The formation and development of Taiwan ideology: A historical point of view. Paper 
presented in the Conference of Identification and Nationality: A Comparison between the 
Modern Chinese and Western Histories. Organizers: Research Center of Modern History, Academic 
Sineca, and University of Berkeley, at Taipei, Taiwan.
This paper is also collected in the book of “Identification and Nationality: A Comparison between 
the Modern Chinese and Western Histories,” pp. 363-387, and published on June 1994. Publisher: 
Research Center of Modern History, Academic Sineca, and University of Berkeley. (In Mandarin)
166. 1994.02.26,〈我們都是二二八受益人—他們的苦難,成為政 治民主化利器〉,《聯合報》十一版民意論壇專論,聯合報社, 台北。Feb. 26, 1994. We are all beneficiaries of the 228 Incident: Their suffering became the 
democratization tool of ours. United Daily News, (February 26, 1994): 11 (Public forum, special 
column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
165. 1994.01.12,〈「台灣意識」的形成與發展〉,《聯合報》十一 版專論,聯合報社,台北。(本文為〈「台灣意識」的形成與發 展—歷史的觀點〉一文的節要)。
Jan. 12, 1994. Formation and development of Taiwan ideology. United Daily Newspaper, (January 12, 
1994): 11 (special column) Publisher: United Daily Newspaper Co., Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
164. 1993.12.02,〈誰先開發台灣—客家人?福佬人?〉,《聯合晚 報》天地版專欄,聯合晚報社,台北。
Dec. 2, 1993. Who developed Taiwan first? Hakkanese or Fulaoese? United Evening News, (December 2, 
1993): Special column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
163. 1993.11.25,〈一府二鹿三新莊〉,《聯合晚報》天地版專欄, 聯合晚報社,台北。
Nov. 5, 1993. The First, Fu-Chen, the second, LuKang, and the third, Meng-Chia. United Evening 
News, (November 25, 1993): Special column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
162. 1993.11.18,〈卓蘭湘軍昭忠廟〉,《聯合晚報》天地版專欄, 聯合晚報社,台北。

Nov. 18, 1993. Chao-Lan Hu-Nan Martyrs’ Shrine. United Evening News, (November 18, 1993): Special 
column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
161. 1993.11.11,〈文建會再出發—文建會十二週年慶〉,《民生報》 文化版專論,民生報社,台北。
Nov. 11, 1993. The new start of Council of Cultural Affairs: Celebrating the 12th Anniversary of 
Council of Cultural Affairs. Min Shen Daily News, (November 11, 1993): Special column. Publisher: 
Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
160. 1993.11.11,〈台灣最古老的幾間媽祖宮〉,《聯合晚報》天地 版專欄,聯合晚報社,台北。
Nov. 11, 1993. The oldest Ma-Chu Temples in Taiwan. United Evening News, (November 11, 1993): 
Special column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
159. 1993.11.06,〈台北地名怎麼來的?〉,《聯合晚報》天地版專 欄,聯合晚報社,台北。
Nov. 6, 1993. How did the place name of Taipei come? United Evening News, (November 6, 1993): 
Special column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
158. 1993.11,〈滄海不捐細流—各縣市文化中心出版作家作品集 的意義〉,《文訊》雜誌,97 期,文訊雜誌社,台北。(ISSN:
Nov. 1993. The meanings of publishing local writors’ works by each county or city’s culture center. 
Article News Magazine, 97. Publisher: Article News Magazine Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
157. 1993.10.28,〈「老同學」的公義,人道待遇在那裡?—白色 恐怖受刑人平反不易〉,《聯合報》十一版專論,聯合報社,台 北。
Oct. 28, 1993. Where is the justice and humane treatment for "Old schoolmates?" It is not easy to 
redress the miscarriage of justice for persons suffering in White Terror Period. United Daily News, (October 28, 1993): 11 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., 
156. 1993.10.21,〈墮落天使何時夢醒—兼論中國知識份子的幾種 類型〉,《聯合晚報》「當代省思」專論,聯合晚報社,台北。
Oct. 21, 1993. When will the falling angels wake up? The types of Chinese intellectuals. United 
Evening News, (October 21,
1993): Contemporary inspection special column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
155. 1993.09.09,〈為三峽老街民俗村遷建計畫催生〉,《聯合報》 民意論壇專論,聯合報社,台北。
Sep. 9, 1993. Requsting for the initiation of the movement of Sanhsia Civic Village. United Daily 
News, (September 11, 1993): Public forum special column. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., 
154. 1993.06.30,〈從《認識台灣》札根〉,《聯合晚報》「聯合論 壇」專欄,聯合晚報社,台北。
June 30, 1993. To root from “To Know Taiwan.” United Evening news, (June 30, 1993): Special 
column. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.
153. 1993.06,〈台灣史研究資料的蒐集與利用〉,《藝文英華—文 物鑑賞演講集》,頁 22-27,彰化縣文化中心,彰化。
June 1993. Collecting and using Taiwan historical materials for research. This paper is collected 
in the book of “The Cream of Aesthetic Articles: Speech Series of Appreciating Culture and 
Literature,” pp. 22-27. Publisher: Changhua County Culture Center, Changhua, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
152. 1993.01.29,〈國民黨主流非主流動員向「歷史負責」來對決— 此刻的「歷史」是「政治實力」〉,《聯合報》四版「學者觀點」 專欄,聯合報社,台北。 Jan. 29, 1993〈The side stream of KMT mobilizes to fight against“Be Responsible to History” – The current “History” is “Political Power”〉, 《United Daily News》, 4, scholar’s viewpoint special column, United Daily News Co. Ltd., 
151. 1993.01,〈台灣走向「多元化」社會〉,《貴族雜誌》1993 年
1 月號,頁 124-125,貴族雜誌社,台北。
Jan. 1993. Taiwan heads for diversification. Noble Magazine, (January 1993): 124-125. Publisher: 
Nobility Magazine Co., Taipei.
150. 1992.12.01,〈愛鄉更愛土的環保運動〉,《台灣博物》11 卷 4 期,「台灣文化特展專刊」,頁 35-37,台灣文化發展專論之五, 台灣省立博物館,台北。(ISSN: 
Dec. 1, 1992. Loving our country and local lands: Activities of environmental protection. Taiwan 
Broad Things, 11(4): 35-37.
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for Taiwan Cultural Exhibition—The 
Fifth Volumn”. Publisher: Taiwan Province Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
149. 1992.12.01,〈台灣—中國現代化的實驗室,我們到底要以什 麼樣的丰姿來面對二十一世紀?〉,《台灣博物》11 卷 4 期,「台 灣文化特展專刊」,頁 
31-32,台灣文化發展專論之四,台灣 省立博物館,台北。(ISSN: 1026-2393)
Dec. 1, 1992. Taiwan as the laboratory of China modernization: What kind of attitudes should we 
have to face the 21st century? Taiwan Broad Things, 11(4): 31-32.
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for Taiwan Cultural Exhibition—The 
Fourth Volume”. Publisher: Taiwan Province Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
148. 1992.12.01,〈源遠流長的姓氏堂號〉,《台灣博物》11 卷 4 期,「台灣文化特展專刊」,頁 29-30,台灣文化發展專論之三, 台灣省立博物館,台北。(ISSN: 
Dec. 1, 1992. Family names in the Chinese history. Taiwan Broad
Things, 11(4): 29-30.
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for
Taiwan Cultural Exhibition—The Third Volume”. Publisher: Taiwan Province Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. 
(In Mandarin)
147. 1992.12.01,〈日據時代台灣的發展〉,《台灣博物》11 卷 4 期,「台灣文化特展專刊」,頁 27-28,台灣文化發展專論之二, 台灣省立博物館,台北。(ISSN: 

Dec. 1, 1992. Taiwan’s development during Japan settled Taiwan. Taiwan Broad Things, 11(4): 27-28.
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for Taiwan Cultural Exhibition—The 
Second Volume”. Publisher: Taiwan Province Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
146 1992.12.01,〈科舉制度對於台灣歷史發展的影響〉,《台灣博 物》11 卷 4 期,「台灣文化特展專刊」,頁 20-26,台灣文化發 展專論之一,台灣省立博物館,台北。(ISSN: 
Dec. 1, 1992. The influence of the traditional exam systems to
Taiwan’s development history. Taiwan Broad Things, 11(4):
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for Taiwan Cultural Exhibition—The 
First Volume”. Publisher: Taiwan Province Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
145. 1992.11.20,〈和諧、安定、進取、開創—台灣文化的特質〉,
《活水》雙周刊,34 期,中華文化復興委員會,台北。(魏可 風紀錄)。
Nov. 20, 1992. Harmony, stability, progression, and creation: The special qualities of the Taiwan 
culture. Flowing Water Biweekly,
34 (November 20, 1992). Publisher: China Culture Renaissance
Committee, Taipei.
144. 1992.11,〈台灣政壇的怪力亂神與男盜女娼〉,《大國民》月 刊 1992 年 11 月號,大國民雜誌社,台北。
Nov. 1992. The fairy tales and cheats in Taiwan political arena. Citizen Monthly, (November 1992). 
Publisher: Citizen Monthly Co., Taipei.

143. 1992.10.26,〈跨進世界村—翻開台灣環保運動史〉,《中時晚 報》時代副刊專論,中時晚報社,台北。
Nov. 26, 1992. Entering the global village: Leafing through the history of the environmental 
protection activities in Taiwan. The China Times Evening News, (October 26, 1992): Supplement 
(Special column). Publisher: China Times Evening News Co., Taipei.
142. 1992.10.25,〈台灣現代風貌形成的歷程〉,《聯合報》六版專 論,聯合報社,台北。
Oct. 25, 1992. The process in which the contemporary appearance of Taiwan was formed. United Daily 
News, (October 25, 1992): 6 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
141. 1992.10.08,〈歷史性的展覽、歷史性的博物館—台灣省立博 物館「台灣文化溯源發展特展」〉,《民生報》文化版專論,民 生報社,台北。
Oct. 8, 1992. The historic exhibition and a historical museum: A special exhibition of the Origin 
of Taiwan Culture in Taiwan Provincial Museum. Min Shen Daily News, (October 8, 1992): Special 
column. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
140. 1992.09,〈大時代的女兒—為楊祖珺的新作寫序〉,收於《玫 瑰盛開—楊祖珺十五年來時路》,時報出版公司,台北。
Sep. 1992. The daughters of the big era--Preface for Yang, Chu-Chun’s new book. This 
preface is collected in the book of “Roses Blossom: The Fifteen Years of Yang, Chu-Chun.” 
Publisher: China Times Publishing Co., Taipei.
139. 1992.08,〈秀出政治人物的品味來!〉,《大國民》月刊 1992
年 7 月號,頁 15,大國民雜誌社,台北。
Aug. 1992. Politicians, show us your taste. Citizen Monthly, (July
1992): 15. Publisher: Citizen Magazine Co., Taipei.
138. 1992.07.20,〈新時代新人生觀〉,《活水》雙周刊,26 期,中 華文化復興委員會,台北。

July 20, 1992. The new philosophy of life in the modern era. Flowing Water Biweekly, 26 (July 20, 
1992). Publisher: China Culture Renaissance Committee, Taipei
137. 1992.07.05,〈要古蹟更要公義〉,《活水》雙周刊,25 期,中 華文化復興委員會,台北。
July 25, 1992. Justice is more important than relics. Flowing Water Biweekly, 25 (July 25, 1992). 
Publisher: China Culture Renaissance Committee, Taipei.
136. 1992.06.08,〈說故事的人—略論高陽〉,《中國時報》人間副 刊,中國時報社,台北。
June 08, 1992. The story teller: A brief description about Kao, Yang. China Times, (June 8, 1992): 
Supplement. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
135. 1992.06,〈台灣發展的軌跡與台灣人的精神特質〉,《台灣文 獻》,43 卷 2 期,頁 1-5,台灣省文獻會,台中。(ISSN: 1016-457X
June 1992. The history of Taiwan’s development and Taiwanese people’s spiritual characteristics. 
Journal of the Taiwan Provincial Literature, 43(2): 1-5. Publisher: The Taiwan Provincial 
Literature Committee, Taichung. (In Mandarin)
134. 1992.06,〈口述歷史是最新的寫作體裁—《耆宿懷雞籠》序〉,
《 耆 宿 懷 雞 籠 》 卷 首 , 基 隆 市 文 化 中 心 , 基 隆 。 (ISBN:
June 1992. Dictation of history is the latest writing style--preface to “The Memory of the Elders 
about Keelung.” This preface is collected in the book of “The Memory of the Elders about Keelung.” 
Publisher: Keelung Municipal Culture Center, Keelung.
133 1992. 06,〈民進黨不可以永遠十五歲〉,《大國民》月刊 1992
年 6 月號,頁 32-33,大國民雜誌社,台北。
June 1992. Democratic Progressive Party must not be always 15 years old. Citizen Monthly, (June 
1992): 32-33. Publisher: Citizen Magazine Co., Taipei.
132. 1992.05,〈尋找台灣「統派」的出路〉,《大國民》月刊 1992
年 5 月號,頁 34-35,大國民雜誌社,台北。
May 1992. Looking for the exit for the “Unity Party” of Taiwan. Citizen Monthly, (May 1992): 34-35. 
Publisher: Citizen Magazine Co., Taipei.
131. 1992.04.19,〈古蹟鮮活起來—澎湖天后宮倖免於〝新〞,表 現令人欣慰〉,《民生報》文化版專論,民生報社,台北。
April 19, 1992. A vivid relic: Prevening “Renewal” the Ma-Chu Temple in Penhu was a delighted 
decision. Min Shen Daily News, (April 19, 1992): Special column. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News 
Co., Taipei.
130. 1992.04,〈天子逆勢出奇招,滿朝文武吃黃蓮—李登輝無端 捲起千?浪〉,《大國民》月刊 1992 年 4 月號,頁 44-45,《1992 草山傳奇之(1)》,大國民雜誌社,台北。
April 1992. The odd responses of the president: Lee, Teng-Hui’s irritating acts. Citizen Monthly, 
(April 1992): 44-45
This article is also collected in the book of “Tsa-Shan Legend in
1992-Part I.” Publisher: Citizen Magazine Co., Taipei.
129. 1992.03.22,〈走資與走社是並行不悖的道路—將孔孟的「民 貴」思想深刻化為近代的民主主義中國的未來十分樂觀〉,《時 報周刊雜誌》「明日中國」專欄,時報周刊雜誌社,台北。(ISSN:
Mar. 22, 1992.〈Capitalism and socialism can work together – the
prospect of the future China is bright if we realize the concept
“People are the most valuable” of Confucius and Mencius into modern democracy〉, 《Times Weekly》, the 
future China special
column, Times Weekly Magazine Co., Taipei.
128. 1992.03.18,〈政黨應落實黨內民主—國民黨主席宜透過黨員 直選產生,再談省長民選與總統直選〉,《聯合報》十一版專論, 聯合報社,台北。March 18, 1992. Political party should realize democracy inside the party: It is better to elect 
the chairman of KMT; Another discussion about provincial governor and presidential election. United 
Daily News, (March 18, 1991): 11 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
127. 1992.03.08,〈誰來安慰台籍慰安婦—「慰安婦」索賠案全面 普查〉,《時報周刊》732 期,頁 102-107,時報周刊社,台北。
March 8, 1992. Can the Taiwanese sexual slavery recruited by the Japanese military be consoled? 
A survey on the claims for “Sexual Slavery.” Times Weekly, 732: 102-107. Publisher: Times 
Weekly Magazine Co., Taipei. (Coauthors: Wang, Feng, Lee, Ching-Hua, Huang, Yuan-Liang, Shih, 
Hsian-Chung, & Hu, Yu-Hao)
126. 1992.02,〈口述歷史〉,《台灣史蹟源流研習會講義彙編》,台 灣史蹟源流研習會,台北。
Feb. 1992. Dictating history. Paper presented at the Conference of
Taiwan’s Historical Traces, Taipei, Taiwan.
This article is also collected in the book of “Special Issue for
Taiwan’s Historical Traces.” (In Mandarin)
125. 1992.02,〈略評黃仁宇〉,《閱讀》雙月刊第 3 期,誠品書店, 台北。
Feb. 1992. A brief evaluation on Huang, Jen-Yu. Reading. Bimonthly, 3. Publisher: Eslite Books Co., 
124. 1992.01.11,〈假如我是連戰〉,《民生報》「文化特餐」專欄, 民生報社,台北。
Jan. 11, 1992. If I were Lien Chan. Min Shen Daily News, (January 11, 1992): Special column. 
Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
123. 1991.12.10,〈政治利益不能纏上歷史悲劇〉,《聯合報》三版專論,聯合報社,台北。Dec. 10, 1991. Political benefit should not be tangled with historical tragedy. United Daily News, 
(December 10, 1991): 3 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
122. 1991.05.20,〈憾無太史公,史明才能領風騷〉,《聯合報》三 版專論,聯合報社,台北。
May 20, 1991. Only without Shih-Ma Chien, Shih-Ming could be famous. United Daily News, (May 20, 
1991): 3 (Special column). Publihser: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
121. 1991.05.11,〈史明《台灣人四百年史》的流行,是台灣史研 究和台灣史教育的失敗〉,《中國時報》三版專論,中國時報社, 台北。
May 11, 1991. The prevalence of Shih-Ming’s “The Four Hundred Years of Taiwan” is a dismal 
failure on Taiwan’s historical research and history education. China Times, (May 11,
1991): 3 (Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
120. 1991.05,〈開拓漢人移民史研究的新領域—為陳亦榮的新書 寫序〉,《清代漢人在台灣地區遷徙之研究》,私立東吳大學中 國學術著作獎助委員會,台北。
May 1991. To open a new arena for the research of immigration history of the Han People--preface 
Chen, Yi-Jung’s new book. This preface is collected in the book of “Research on the Movement of Han 
People in Taiwan Area during Qing Dynasty.” Publisher: Chinese Scholarly Works Award Committee, 
Private Tonwu University, Taipei.
119. 1991.04.26,〈評介《被出賣的台灣》〉,《中國時報》開卷版, 中國時報社,台北。
April 26, 1991. Book review of “The Betrayed Taiwan.” China Times, (April 26, 1991): Reading. 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.118. 1991.04.10,〈看史料從大處著眼—彭孟緝信函的意涵不可忽 視〉,《聯合報》四版專論,聯合報社,台北。
April 10, 1991. Do not overlook the meanings of historical materials: The meaningsof Peng, 
Meng-Chi’s letters. United Daily News, (April 10, 1991): 4 (Special column). Publisher: United 
Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
117. 1991.02.28,〈研究二二八事件應掌握歷史原因〉,《中國時報》 二版專論,中國時報社,台北。
Feb. 28, 1991. Investigating the 228 Incident: Grasp the history factors. China Times, (February 
28, 1991): 2 (Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
116. 1991.02.28,〈以二二八事件作為鬥爭工具的時代已過去,朝 郿若無共識將有礙台灣前途的思考處理〉,《聯合報》二版專 論,聯合報社,台北。
Feb. 28, 1991. Using the 228 Incident as the fighting tool is no longer prevalent: Lacking cosensus 
between the government and the people will hinder the prospect of Taiwan. United Daily News, 
(February 28, 1991): 2 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
115. 1991.02.27-28,〈解讀二二八—撥開迷霧,回到歷史的原 點〉,《中時晚報》時代副刊,連載二日,中時晚報社,台北。
Feb. 27-28, 1991. Interpretating the 228 event: Tracing back to the orgin of the history. The China 
Times Evening News, (February 27-28, 1991): Supplement (Special column). Publisher: China Times 
Evening News Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
114. 1991.02,〈政商結盟新趨勢〉,《統領》雜誌二月號,統領雜 誌社,台北。(ISSN: 1017-8015)
Feb. 1991. The new trend on the way of alliance between politics and business. Leader Magazine, 
(February 1991). Publisher: Leader Magazine Co., Taipei.
113. 1990.12,〈台灣檳榔史〉,《歷史月刊》35 期,頁 78-87,歷史月刊社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Dec. 1990. The history of betel nut in Taiwan. Histiory Journal,
35: 78-87. Publisher: Linking Books, Co. Ltd., Taipei. (In
112. 1990.12,〈台灣佛教史的開展(1661-1895)〉,第二屆中國政 教關係國際學術研討會論文,收於《台北文獻》直字 95 期, 頁 
1-23,1991.03,台北市文獻委員會,台北。又收於《台灣 佛教的歷史與文化》,頁 15-47,靈鷲山般若文教基金會國際 佛學研究中心,1994.05,台北。( ISSN: 
1021-0660; ISBN:
Dec. 1990. The development of Buddhism in Taiwan (1661-1895). Paper presented at the Conference of 
the Second International Symposium on the Relationship between Religions and Politics in China.
March 1991. This paper is published on the Journal of “Taipei City Archive.” Taipei City Archive, 
95: 1-23. Publisher: The Taipei City Archives Committee, Taipei, Taiwan.
May 1994. This paper is also collected in the book of “The History and Culture of Buddhism 
in Taiwan,” pp. 15-47. Publisher: Lin-Ju-Shan-Ben-Ro Foundation, International Buddihism Research 
Center, Taipei. (In Mandarin)
111. 1990.12.22,〈乾坤萬萬年—中國人的末世預言〉,《中時晚報》 副刊,中時晚報社,台北。
Dec. 22, 1990. Heaven and earth in a great many year: The Chinese’s prophecy about the last year. 
The China Times Evening News, (December 22, 1990): Supplement (Special column). Publisher: China 
Times Evening News, Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
110. 1990.12,〈百合盛開豔陽下〉,林耀德《1947 高砂百合》序, 聯合文學出版社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISBN: 957-5220-24-2)
Dec. 1990. Lilies blossom under the Sun. This paper is collected as the preface in the book of 
“1947 Kao-Sha Lilies,” written by Lin, Yao-Der. Publisher: United Publishing Co., Linking Books,Co., Ltd., Taipei.
109. 1990.12,〈力拒美國「兵變立孫」的誘迫—孫立人可以「生 前論定」〉,《聯合報》三版專論,聯合報社,台北。
Dec. 1990. Resisting the lure from America: The character of Sun, Li-Jen can be judged while he is 
still living. United Daily News, (December 1990): 3 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News 
Co. Ltd., Taipei.
108. 1990.11,〈日本軍國主義的形成與發展〉,《美洲版時報周 刊》,中國時報社,台北。
Nov. 1990. The formation and development of Japanese region doctrine. The American Times Weekly 
(published in North America). Publisher: China Times Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
107. 1990.08,〈台灣移民開發史上與客家人相關的幾個問題〉,中 央研究院中山人文社會學研究所主辦第四屆「中國海洋發展史 研討會」論文,刊於該會議論文集,頁 
259-282,1991.03,中 央研究院中山人文社會學研究所,台北。又收入《輔仁歷史學 報》,第 2 期,頁 77-94,1990.08,輔仁大學歷史系,台北。 又收入《客家雜誌》第 31 
期,頁 64-78,1990.08,台北,(補 題為「誰最早來台灣?」)。又轉載於《中原周刊》第 677-682 期,1990.08.26-09.30,苗栗。又收於《台灣史研究會論文集 第三集》,頁 
Aug. 1990. Issues regarding the immigration development history on Taiwanese and the Hakka. This 
paper is collected in the book of “Research Articles in The History of China Ocean Development,” 
pp. 259-282. Publisher: Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica.
August 1990. This paper is also collected in the journal of
“Fu-Jen Catholic University History Journal Monthly,” 2: pp.
77-94. Publisher: Fu-Jen Catholic University History Department. August 1990. (Related article) Who 
came to Taiwan first? The Hakka Magazine, 31: 64-78.
This paper is lso published on “Cho-Yu University Weekly,”Volume 677-682 (August 26-September 30, 1990).
This paper is also collected in the book of “Research in Taiwan History (Volumn III).” Publisher: 
Taiwan History Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
106. 1990.08,〈從少年劍士到總統—李登輝的成長歷程〉,《美洲 版時報週刊》,中國時報社,台北。又收於《台灣史研究會論 文集第三集》,頁 1-12,1991.04,台北。

Aug. 1990. From a young swordsman to the president of a nation: Lee Teng-Hui’s stories. China Times 
Weekly (America Version). Publihser: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei. April 1991. This paper 
is also collected in the book of “Research in Taiwan History Research (Part III),” pp. 
1-12. Publisher: Taiwan History Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
105. 1990.06,〈什麼是台灣文學?台灣文學往那裡去?〉,《台灣 文學觀察雜誌》,第 1 期,頁 19-24。
June 1990. What is Taiwanese literature? Where does the
Taiwanese literature go? Taiwan Literature Observation,1: 19-24.
104. 1990.04,〈從唐山、半山聯合治台到福佬沙文主義—光復以 來的省籍問題〉,《美洲版時報周刊》268 期,1990.05.12-14,
《中時晚報》時代副刊轉載,改題為「打開省籍矛盾史」,連 載三日,中時晚報社,台北。又收於《台灣史研究會論文集第 三集》,頁 305-315,該會出版,1991.04,台北。
Apr. 1990. Migrating from Tang Mountain and Ban Mountain to Taiwan and the Chauvinism among people 
from Foochen: The problems of the provincial identification since the Recession of Taiwan. The 
American Times Weekly, 268.
May 12-14, 1990. Unfolding the contradictory: The history of provincial identification. The China 
Times Evening News, Supplement (Special column). Publisher: China Times Evening News Co., Taipei.
This paper is also collected in the book of “Research in Taiwan
History (Volumn III).” Publisher: Taiwan History Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Mandarin)
103. 1990.03,〈清代台灣婦女的社會地位〉,《歷史月刊》26 期, 頁 33-41,歷史月刊社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Mar. 1990. The social status of Taiwanese women in Qing Dynasty. History Journal Monthly, 26: 
33-41. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
102. 1990.02.24,〈理解二二八,消弭人間戾氣〉,《聯合報》三版 專論,聯合報社,台北。
Feb. 24, 1990. Comprehending the 228 Incident and then quelling the foul atmosphere. United Daily 
News, (February 24, 1990): 3 (Special column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
101. 1990.01.04,〈九○年代的統獨大辯論—國家認同與憲政危 機〉,楊國樞、盧修一、謝長廷、蕭新煌、尹章義座談會,座 談會紀錄發表於《中國論壇》344 期,頁 
7-27,1990.02.10, 中國論壇社,台北。
Jan. 04, 1990. The great debate between unity and independence in the 1990s: Country identy and 
constitutional crisis. Paper presented in The Forum among Yang, Kuo-Shu, Lu, Hsiu-I, Hsieh, 
Chang-Ting, Hsiao, Hsin-Huang, and Chang-Yi Yin. This paper is published on the journal of “China 
Forum,” 344 (February 10,
1990): 7-27. Publisher: China Forum Co., Taipei.
100. 1990.01,〈滄桑之際的台灣豪門—一九四五~一九五○〉,《歷 史月刊》24 期,歷史月刊社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN:
Jan. 1990. The rich and powerful families in the times of great changes in Taiwan from 1945 to 
1950. History Journal Monthly,
24. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
99. 1989.12,〈嘉義發展史—台灣開發史第五章〉,《漢聲雜誌》23
期,頁 118-127,漢聲出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1023-0386)
Dec. 1989. The development history of Chiayi: The fifth chapter of the book of “Taiwan 
Development History.” The Echo Magazine, 23: 118-127. Publisher: The Echo Magazine
Publishing Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
98. 1989.11,〈台灣錢淹腳目〉,《歷史月刊》22 期,歷史月刊社、 聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Nov. 1989. There is a huge amount of money in Taiwan. History Journal Monthly, 22. Publisher: 
Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
97. 1989.10,〈清代台灣的考古〉,《歷史月刊》21 期,歷史月刊 社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Oct. 1989. The archaeological excavation of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty. History Journal Monthly, 
21. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
96. 1989.09.16,〈《渡台悲歌》出版的意義〉(書評),《民生報》 書評周刊,民生報社,台北。
Sep. 16, 1989. The meaning of publishing the book “A Somber Song of Crossing the Strait” (Book 
review). Min Shen Daily News, (September 16, 1989): Book review weekly. Publisher: Min Shen Daily 
News Co., Taipei.
95. 1989.08,〈台南發展史—台灣開發史第四章〉,《漢聲雜誌》22
期,頁 104-115,漢聲出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1023-0386)
Aug. 1989. The development history of Tainan: The fourth chapter of the book “Taiwan 
Developing History.” The Echo Magazine, 22: 104-115. Publisher: The Echo Magazine Publishing 
Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
94. 1989.08.17,〈台灣商人是化解中國問題的先驅〉,《中國商情》 周刊,台北。
Aug. 17, 1989. The Taiwanese businessmen are the pioneers to dissolve China problem. China Business 
Weekly, (August 17,
1989), Taipei.
93. 1989.07.30,〈一齊走向新樂園—序魏貽君「台灣政治磁場將 士象」〉,《自立晚報》副刊,自立晚報社,台北。
July 30, 1989. Heading for a new paradise. This paper is collected as the preface toward the book 
“The Political Figures of Taiwan by Wei Yi-Chun,” written by Wei, E-Jun. Independence Evening News, 
(July 30, 1989): Supplement. Publisher: Independence Evening News Co., Taipei.
92. 1989.06,〈高雄發展史—台灣開發史第三章〉,《漢聲雜誌》21
期,頁 16-127,漢聲出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1023-0386)
Jun. 1989. The development history of Kaohsiung: The third chapter of the book “Taiwan Developing 
History.” The Echo Magazine, 21: 16-127. Publisher: The Echo Magazine Publishing Co., Taipei. (In 
91. 1989.05,〈我所親歷見聞的中國大陸人權問題〉,中國人權協 會主辦《人權顯影》論文集,頁 278-283,久大文化公司,台 北。
May 1989. The problems related to human rights in Mainland China: What I saw and heard. This paper 
is collected in the book of “Illustrating Human Rights,” pp. 278-283. Organizer: China Human Right 
Association, Taipei. Publisher: Chiou-Ta Cultural Co., Taipei.
90. 1989.05.11,〈媽祖文化超乎政治利益—民間信仰理應多尊 重〉,《中國時報》三版專論,中國時報社,台北。
May 11, 1989. Machu culture supersedes political benefit: We should respect folk faith more. China 
Times, (May 11, 1989): 3 (Special column). Publihser: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
89. 1989.03.26,〈台灣海峽兩岸價值體系與文化現象之考察〉,中 國統一聯盟、中華雜誌等合辦「海峽兩岸關係學術研討會」宣 讀論文,刊於《中華雜誌》,311 期,頁 46-48,中華雜誌社, 
台北。(ISSN: 0578-1442)
March 26, 1989. An observation on the value systems and cultural phenomenon in Mainland China and 
Taiwan. Paper presented in the Conference of Cross-Straits Relation Research, held jointly by the 
China Unity Alliance, and China Magazine. This paper is also collected in the journal of “China Magazine, 311: 46-48. Publisher: China Magazine Co., 
88. 1989.03,〈台北盆地的開發〉,《漢聲雜誌》20 期,頁 100-111, 漢聲出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1023-0386)
Mar. 1989. The development of Taipei. The Echo Magazine, 20:
100-111. Publisher: The Echo Magazine Publishing Co., Taipei. (In Mandarin)
87. 1989.03,〈古蹟史料蒐集建檔與運用技術〉,《古蹟解說員訓練 講習會教材》,頁 45-68,內政部,台北。
Mar. 1989. The skills of filing relics historical materials and applications. This article 
is collected in the book of “Teaching Materials for the Relic Guide Training Seminar,” pp. 45-68. 
Publisher: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan.
86. 1989.03,〈台灣史概說〉,《古蹟解說員訓練講習會教材》,頁
Mar. 1989. Introduction to Taiwan’s history. This article is collected in the book of “Teaching 
Materials for the Relic Guide Training Seminar,” pp. 3-44. Publisher: Ministry of Internal Affairs, 
Taipei, Taiwan.
85. 1988.12,〈台灣開發史的階段論和類型論〉,《漢聲雜誌》19 期,頁 84-95,漢聲出版公司,台北。另收於《輔仁歷史學報》 第 1 
期,1989.07,輔仁大學歷史系,台北。又收於《台灣史 研究會論文集第二集》,頁 1-26,1990.07,該會出版,台北。 又,作為拙著《台灣開發史研究》代序。(ISSN: 1023-0386)
Dec. 1988. The theoretical typology and phases of Taiwan’s development history. The Echo Magazine, 
19: 84-95. Publisher: Taipei: The Echo Magazine Publisher.
July 1989. This article is also published on the journal of “Fu-Jen Catholic University History 
Journal,” 1. Publisher: Taipei: Fu-Jen Catholic University, History Department.
July 1990. This article is also collected in the book “Research in Taiwan History (Volumn II),” pp. 1-26. Publisher: Taiwan History
Research Foundation, Taipei.
84. 1988.08.25,〈沒有幻想只是無知—一個史學研究者大陸行衝 擊〉,《中國時報》二版專論,中國時報社,台北。又收錄於《世 界銀行經濟考察團,大陸長期發展的問題和方案之報告—大陸 
投資的抉擇依據(一)》一書代序,1988.12,懋聯文化基金會, 台北。

August 25, 1988. No illusion, just being innocent: The impact of a trip to Mainland China on a 
history scholar. China Times, (August 25, 1988): 2 (Special column). Publihser: China Times Co., 
Ltd., Taipei.
This paper, as the preface, is also collected in the book of “How to Invest in Mainland China (Part 
I): A report from the Economy Inspection Group of World Bank,” published on December 1988. 
Publisher: Mao-Lien Cultural Foundation, Taipei.
83. 1988.08.08,〈中國統一與台灣獨立問題試析—歷史的觀點〉, 北京中國社會科學院與台灣史研究會合辦「海峽兩岸學術研討 會」宣讀論文,收於《台灣研究》,第 6 期,頁 18-26(上) 
及第 7 期,頁 9-16(下),1989.06,及 1989.09,中國社會科 學院台灣研究所,北京。又收於《抽濃煙、喝烈酒、大聲抗議— 
台灣歷史與台灣前途》論文集中,作者自印,1988.07,台北。 又收於《台灣史研究會論文集第二集》,頁 335-370,1990.07, 該會出版,台北。
Aug. 8, 1988. Analyses of Taiwan problems related to uniting to China and being independent from 
China: The historical point view. Paper presented in The China and Taiwan academic workshop, 
organized by Beijing Chinese Academy of Social Science and the Taiwan History Research Foundation.
June 1989. This paper is collected in the journal of “Taiwan Research,” 6 (June 1989): 18-26, and 7 
(September 1989): 9-16. Publisher: Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China.
July 1990. This article is also collected in the book “Research inTaiwan History (Volumn II),” pp. 335-370. Publisher: Taiwan History Research Foundation, Taipei.
82. 1988.08,〈吳鳳騎白馬?〉,《歷史月刊》19 期,頁 87,歷史 月刊社、聯經出版公司,台北。(ISSN: 1019-9144)
Aug. 1988. Did Wu Fong ride a white house? History Journal
Monthly, 19: 87. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
81. 1988.08,〈台灣開發史芻論〉,廈門大學與台灣史研究會合辦
「台灣歷史研討會」宣讀論文,收於廈門大學出版《海峽兩岸 首次台灣史學術交流論文集》,頁 208-220,1990.07,廈門。
(ISBN: 7561502777)
Aug. 1988. The preliminary discussion of the Taiwan’s development history. Paper presented in the 
The Taiwan History Conference, organized by Xiamen University and the Taiwan History Foundation. 
This article is collected in the book of “Research Reports: The First Academic Exchange Related to 
Taiwan History between Mainland China and Taiwan,” pp.
208-220 (Published on July 1990). Publisher: Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
80. 1988.06.09,〈讓五二○事件只留在歷史的附註中—農民暴動 事件所透露的歷史訊息〉,《中國時報》二版專論,中國時報社, 台北。
June 9, 1988. Leaving the 520 Incident in the history as footnotes: The historical message revealed 
from the event of farmers’ riot. China Times, (June 9, 1988): 2 (Special column). 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
79. 1988.04,〈二十五年來的輔仁大學史學系〉,《慶祝王任光教授 七秩嵩慶中西歷史與文化研討會論文集》,輔仁大學史學系, 台北。
April 25, 1988. Changes in the past 25 years: The Department of History of Fu-Jen Catholic 
University. The paper is collected in the book of “Research on Western and Chinese History and 
cultures: Celebrating the 70th year birthday of Professor Wang,Jen-Kuang.” Publisher: The Department of History, Fu-Jen
Catholic University, Taipei.
78. 1988.04,〈日本為何要奪取台灣—鄰國善處最難〉,《日本文摘》 月刊,4 月號,頁 69-70,台北。(台灣史研究會、中國時報、 日本文摘雜誌社合辦「日本為什麼要奪取台灣」演講會主持人 
講稿)。(ISSN: 1021-3759)

April 1988. Why did Japan want to occupy Taiwan? It is ifficult for neighboring countries to get 
along with. Japanese Digest Monthly, (April 1988): 69-70, Taipei. This paper was presented as a 
special speech, “Why did Japan want to occupy Taiwan?” This speech was sponsored by the Taiwan 
History Research Foundation, China Times, and Japanese Digest Co.
77. 1988.03.21,〈揭開孫案陰影、擷取歷史教訓—孫立人恢復自 由的意義〉,《中國時報》二版專論,中國時報社,台北。
March 21, 1988. To uncover the facts of Sun, Li-Jen’s case, and the meanings of Sun Li-Jen’s being 
freed. China Times, (March
21, 1988): 2 (Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
76. 1988.03.11,〈應組織中立的調查委員會—二二八省思〉,《中 國時報》三版專論,中國時報社,台北。
March 11, 1988. Rethinking the meanings of the 228 Incident: Demanding to establish a neutral 
investigation committee. China Times, (March 11, 1988): 3 (Special column). Publisher: China Times 
Co., Ltd., Taipei.
75. 1988.03,〈結清積欠史帳重建社會秩序—從孫立人調查報告公 布說起〉,《中國時報》三版專論,中國時報社,台北。
March 1988. To conclude the historical debt and re-establish the order of the society: An 
illustration on the investigation reports of Sun Li-Jen’s case. China Times, (March 1988): 3 
(Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.

74. 1988.03,〈二二八事件的善後工作要落實〉,《時報新聞周刊》
49 期,中國時報社,台北。
March 1988. Got to implement and complete the promised efforts toward the 228 Incident. Times News 
Weekly, 49 (March 1988). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
73. 1988.03,〈二二八事件的真相在那裡?〉,《聯合報》二版專論, 聯合報社,台北。
March 1988. Where is the truth of the 228 Incident? United Daily News, (March 1988): 2 (Special 
column). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
72. 1988.02.28,〈坦然面對不幸悲劇—論如何撫平二二八創痛〉,

Feb. 28, 1988. To face the unfortunate tragedy calmly: How to comfort the trauma from the 228 
Incident? China Times, (February 28, 1988): 3 (Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., 
71. 1988.01.09,〈略評《興盛與危機》〉,收於《台北評論》第 4

Jan. 9, 1988. A review on the book of “Prosperity and Crisis.” Taipei Comments, 4: Reviews of 
“Prosperity and Crisis.” Publisher: Taipei Comments Magazine Co., Taipei.
70. 1988.01,〈知識分子與中國的分合強弱〉,《中國論壇》,25 卷
8 期,頁 26-31,中國論壇社,台北。
Jan. 1988. Educated people’s point of views on union versus disunion with China. The Chinese 
Forum, 25 (8): 26-31. Publisher: The Chinese Forum Co., Taipei.
69. 1988.01,〈日治時代台灣歷史人物的評價問題〉,台灣史研究 會主辦「第一屆台灣史學術研討會」宣讀論文,收於該會《論 文集第一集》,頁 54-79,台灣史研究會,台北。(輔仁大學歷 
史系出版《慶祝王任光教授七秩嵩慶中西歷史與文化研討會論 文集》轉載,1988.04,頁 221-238)。
Jan. 1988. Evaluation of the historic personage in the Japanese Colonial Period. Paper presented in 
the First Academic Conference in Taiwan History, organized by Taiwan History Foundation, Taipei, 
Taiwan. This is paper is collected in the book of “Research in Taiwan History (Volumn I),”pp. 
54-79. Publisher: Taiwan History Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
April 1988. This paper is also collected in the book of “Cellebrating the 70th Birthdate of 
Professor Wang, Zen-Kong: Research in the Western and Chineses History and Cultures,” pp.
221-238. Publisher: Fu-Jen Catholic University, Department of
History, Taipei, Taiwan.
68. 1987.12,〈王敏川當然是抗日英雄〉,《台灣史研究會會訊第三 期》,台灣史研究會,台北。
Dec. 1987. For sure, Wang, Ming-Chuan was an anti-Japan hero. News Letter of Taiwan History 
Research Foundation, 3 (December 1987). Publisher: Taiwan History research Association, 
67. 1987.11,〈古蹟史料之蒐集與利用〉,行政院文化建設委員會 主辦「文化資產維護研討會」宣讀論文,該會論文集,文化建 設委員會,台北。
Nov. 1987. Gathering and utilizing historic records and materials. Paper presented in the 
Conference of Conserving Cultural Properties. This paper is also collected in the book of “Research 
in Conserving Cultural Properties.” Publisher: Council for Cultural Affairs, Taipei City, 
66. 1987.10.18,〈從文化歷史觀點評估探親政策—應讓大陸台胞 返鄉〉,《自由時報》二版專訪,自由時報社,台北。
Oct. 18, 1987. Examining the relative-visiting policy from the historical point of view: The 
government should allow the Taiwaneses, who were born in Mainland China, to visit Mainland China. 
Liberty Times, (October 18, 1987): 2 (Special interview). Publisher: Liberty Times Co., Taipei.

- 66 -

65. 1987.10,〈台灣意識試析—歷史的觀點〉,聯合報文化基金會 主辦「中國結與台灣結研討會」宣讀論文,《中國論壇》,25 卷 1 期,頁 95-112,中國論壇社、聯經出版公司,台北。

Oct. 1987. The analysis of Taiwan consciousness: The historical viewpoint. The Chinese Forum, 
25 (1): 95-112. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
64. 1987.09.22,〈台灣人前日本兵的賠償及其相關問題〉,《中國 時報》第二版專論,中國時報社,台北。
Sep. 22, 1987. The Taiwanese ex-Japanese soldiers’ indemnification and relevant issues. The China 
Times Evening News, (September 22, 1987): Supplement (Special column). Publisher: China Times 
Evening News Co., Taipei.
63. 1987.09,〈「台灣鑑湖張氏族譜」的構想與寫作經過〉,第三屆 亞洲族譜學術研討會宣讀論文,收錄於該會《會議紀錄》,頁
Sep. 1987. The speculation and the writing process of the article “The pedigree of the Chen-Hu 
Zhang family in Taiwan.” Paper presented in the 3rd Academic Conference in Asian Pedigree. This 
paper is collect in the book of “Conference Records on the Asian Pedigree,” pp. 479-508. Publisher: 
Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
62. 1987.07.09,〈日治時代台灣文學史研究者所面臨的幾個難 題〉,《自立晚報》副刊,自立晚報社,台北。
July 9, 1987. Difficult issues confronted by Taiwanese literature scholars and historians in the 
Japanese Colonial Period. The Independent Evening News, (July 9, 1987): Supplement. Publisher: 
Independent Evening News, Co., Taipei.
61. 1987.05.06,〈用圖片詮釋台灣—序還月新書《回首看台灣》〉,

May 6, 1987. To interpret Taiwan from pictures. This paper is collected as the preface the book 
“Look Back the history of Taiwan,” written by Huan, Yeh. Independence Evening News,
(May 6, 1987): Supplement. Publisher: Independence Evening
News Co., Taipei.
60. 1987.04.26,〈台灣史研究會的緣起與構想〉,《台灣史研究會 會訊創刊號》,卷首,台灣史研究會,台北。
April 26, 1987. The rationale and ideas to establish the Taiwan History Research Foundation. News 
Letter of Taiwan History Research Foundation, (The first issue; April 26, 1987). Publisher: Taiwan 
History research Association, Taipei.
59. 1987.04.25,〈從吳蘇案的發展想起—記台灣歷史上的兩位日 本法官(高郿孟矩與吉江清景)〉,《中國時報》人間副刊,中 國時報社,台北。
April 25, 1987. The development of the Wu Su case and two Japanese Justices in Taiwan history 
(Takano and Yoshiye). China Times, (April 25, 1987): Supplement. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., 
58. 1987.03.15,〈還我河山還我錢—台籍日本兵索賠案深入追 索〉,《時報周刊》472 期,頁 53-89,時報周刊社,台北。(與 李憲州、夏瑞紅、李石、王丰等合作)。(ISSN: 
March 15, 1987. Claiming for our land and money: In-depth investigation on the claims related 
to Taiwanese Japanese veterans. Times Weekly, 472 (March 15, 1987): 53-89. Publisher: Times 
Weekly Magazine Co., Taipei. (Co-authors: Lee,
Hsien-Chou, Hisa, Jui-Hung, Lee, Shih, and Wang,法 Feng)
57. 1987.01,〈認識台灣卅六書—附解題〉,《金石文化月刊》,25、
26 期合刊本,頁 79-81,金石堂圖書公司,台北。
Jan. 1987. Understanding Taiwan’s thirty-six books: Questions and answers. The Kingstone Cultural 
Monthly, 25/26: 79-81. Publisher: The Kingstone Book Company . Taipei.
56. 1986.12,〈台灣的認同危機及其發展史〉,香港大學「台灣歷 史國際學術會議」宣讀論文,收錄於《近代台灣社會發展與民 族意識》,頁 263-285,香港大學出版社,1987.12,香港。又
《自立晚報》副刊轉載,1987.4.23-25,連載三日,自立晚報 社,台北。
Dec. 1986. Crisis of Taiwan’s identity and its development history. Paper presented in the 
Inernational Conference in Taiwan History, organized by Hong Kong University. This paper is 
collecte din the book of “The Development of the Taiwan Society in the Modern Times and its 
National Identity,” pp. 263-285. Publisher: Hong Kong University Publisher, Hong Kong (published on 
April 23-25, 1987. This paper is published on “The Independent Evening News,” Supplement. 
Publisher: Independent Evening News, Co., Taipei.
55. 1986.12,〈史學以誠信為尚—敬答翁佳音、溫振華二先生〉,《台 灣風物》,36 卷 4 期,頁 159-162,台灣風物出版社,台北。(ISSN:
Dec. 1986. The better method to do the historical science is being honest and earnest: Answers to 
the questions raised by Mr. Jia-yin Weng and Mr. Jhen-hua Wun. The Taiwan Folkways, 36 (4):
159-162. Publisher: The Taiwan Folkways Publisher, Taipei.
54. 1986.10.25-27,〈台灣光復見聞錄〉,《自立晚報》民國 75 年 光復節特刊,連載三日,自立晚報社,台北。
Oct. 25-27, 1986. The records related to Taiwan’s return from Japan. The Independent Evening News, 
(October 25-27, 1986): Special edition for Taiwan Restoration Day. Publisher: Independent Evening 
News, Co., Taipei.
53. 1986.10,〈日本侵占台灣的後遺症〉,聲討藤尾正行侵略妄言 演講會講稿,刊於《中華雜誌》,24 卷 281 期,頁 32-33,中 華雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 0578-1442)
Oct. 1986. The aftermath related to Japan occupied Taiwan. The paper was presented as a 
speech in a seminar for condemning the false invasion statements given by Huzio Masayuki. 
This paper is published on the journal of “China Magazine,” 24(281): 32-33. Publisher: China Magazine Co., Taipei.
52. 1986.10,〈台灣意識之史的發展〉,《中國論壇》,23 卷 2 期, 頁 19-25,中國論壇社、聯經出版公司,台北。(《台灣命運中 

Oct. 1986. The development history of Taiwan identity. The Chinese Forum, 23(2): 19-25. Publisher: 
Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
July, 1987. This paper is also collected in the book of “Taiwan’s destiny as related to Mainland 
China.” Publisher: Tu-Li Publisher, Taipei.
51. 1986.08,〈台灣←→福建←→京師—「科舉社罵」對於台灣開 發史以及台灣與大陸關係之影響〉,近代中國區域史研討會宣 讀論文,收錄於該會論文集,頁 153-191,中央研究院近代史 
研究所,台北。又收於《台灣開發史研究》,頁 527-583,聯 經出版公司,1989.12,台北。(ISBN: 957-08-0093-3)
Aug. 1986. Taiwan—Fujian—Jing Shi: The influence of the emperial examination system on Taiwan’s 
development history and the relationship between Taiwan and China. Paper presented in the 
Conference of Chinese Regional History in the Modern History, Taipei, Taiwan. This paper is 
collected in the book of “Research in Chinese Regional History in the Modern History,” pp. 153-191. 
Paper presented at the Institute of Modern History, Taipei.
Dec. 1989. This paper is also collected in the book of “Research of Taiwan development History,” 
pp. 527-583. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
50. 1986.06,〈開拓台灣史研究的方法與視郿—敬答翁佳音先生對 於《張士箱家族移民發展史-清初閩南士族移民台灣之一個案 研究(1702-1983)》一書的評論〉,《台灣風物》,36 卷 2 
期, 頁 87-100,台灣風物出版社,台北。(ISSN: 0496-7070)
June 1986. Advanced research methodology for studying Taiwan history: Responses to the questions 
and critics raised by Mr.Jia-yin Weng toward the book of “The Immigration Development History of the Shih-Siang Jhang’s 
family: A Case Study on a Clans’ Immigration History from the Southern part of Fukien Province in 
the Early Period of Qing Dynasty (1702-1983).” The Taiwan Folkways, 36(2): 87-100. Publisher: The 
Taiwan Folkways Publisher, Taipei.
49. 1986.04,〈在學術工程上建立台灣史—歷史、態度與方法〉, 尹章義、黃富三、許雪姬三教授座談會紀錄,《中國論壇》,22 卷 2 期,頁 10-24,中國論壇社、聯經出版公司,台北。

Aug. 1986. Establishing the engineering structure for academic research on Taiwan history: History, 
attitudes, and methodologies. The Chinese Forum, 22(2): 10-24. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., 
48 1985.12 ,〈清 修 台灣 方 志 與近 卅 年 所修台 灣 方 志之 比 較 研 究〉,方志學國際研討會宣讀論文,《漢學研究》,3 卷 3 期, 頁 
233-265,中央圖書館漢學研究中心,台北。又收於《台灣 開發史研究》,頁 477-526,聯經出版公司,1989.12,台北。(ISSN:
0288-2604; ISBN: 957-08-0093-3)
Dec. 1985. The comparative analyses of the Taiwan areas studies written in the Qing Dynasty and the 
area studies written in the most recent thirty years. Paper presented at the International 
Conference of the Area Studies, held by Central Library, The Center for Chinese Studies. This paper 
is collected in the book of “The Chinese Studies,” 3(3): 233-265. Publisher: Central Library, The 
Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei.
Dec. 1989. This paper is also collected in the book of “Rearch of The Taiwan development History,” 
pp. 477-526. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
47. 1985.12,〈閩粵移民的協和與對立-以客屬潮洲人開發台北以 及新莊三山國王廟的 興衰史為中心所作的 研究〉,《台北文 獻》,74 期,頁 1-27,台北市文獻會,台北。又收於《台灣開 
發史研究》,頁 349-380,聯經出版公司,1989.12,台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660;ISBN: 957-08-0093-3)
Dec. 1985. The coordination and confrontation between Fujian and Guangdong immigrants: A research 
focused on the development history of Haka Chaochow people and the changes of the San-Shan King 
Temple in Hsinchuang. Taipei Archive, 74:
1-27. PublisherL: Taipei City Archive.
Dec. 1989. T This paper is also collected in the book of “Rearch of The Taiwan development 
History,” pp. 349-380. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
46. 1985,12,〈「非『父系血親繼嗣』制度」初探—以族譜學為 中心所作之研究〉,第二屆亞洲族譜學術研討會宣讀論文,收 錄於該會《會議記錄》,頁 325-366,聯經出版公司,台北。
Dec. 1985. A preliminary study on non-parental blood inheritance system: A research based on 
genealogical table. Paper presented at the 2nd Asian Genealogical Table Research Conference. This 
paper is alsoc collected in the publication of this conference “Conference Records,” pp. 325-366. 
Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
45. 1985.10,〈彰耀先人屐痕建立本土史學—四十年來的台灣史研 究〉,自立晚報慶祝台灣光復四十年專輯專論之(1),10 月 25
-26 日連載,自立晚報社,台北。收錄於《台灣在轉捩點上》, 頁 80-99,大呂、洛城出版社聯合出版,1986.04,台北。
Oct. 1985. To honor our predecessors who established the methodology of local historiography: The 
history research of Taiwan in the past 40 years. Independence Daily News, (October
25-26, 1985): Special column.
April 1986. This paper is also collected in the book of “Taiwan on its Turning Point,” pp. 80-99. 
Co-publishers: Ta-Lu Publish, Co., and LA Publish Co., Taipei.
44. 1985.09,〈老字據與台灣開發史的研究〉,國學文獻館主辦「台 灣地區開闢史料學術座談會」宣讀論文。收錄於《台灣開發史 研究》論文集中,頁 
441-467,聯經出版公司,1989.12,台北。亦收錄於《台灣地區開闢史料學術論文集》,頁 77-102,聯經 出 版 公 司 , 1996.06 , 台 北 。( ISBN: 957-08-0093-3 ; ISBN:
Sep. 1985. Research on old documents and the Taiwan development history. Paper presented in the 
Conference of Investigating Historical Documents in Taiwan Area, held by National Museum of Chinese 
Dec. 1989. This paper is collected in the book of “Research in Taiwan Development History,” 
pp.441-467. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
June 1996. This paper is also collected in the book of “Research of Investigating Historical 
Documents in Taiwan Area,” pp.
77-102. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
43. 1985.08.22,〈法規在前,拆城在後—從幾件公文看左營舊 城〉,《中國時報》人間副刊專論,中國時報社,台北。
Aug. 22, 1985. Law first, destruction second: An historical evaluation on the Tsoying Old City 
event based on several uncovered official documents. China Times, (August 22, 1985): Supplement 
(Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
42. 1985.08.16,〈論毀城短長不可有悖史實〉,《民生報》民生論 壇,民生報社,台北。
Aug. 16, 1985. Destructing city walls or not: Historical facts tell. Min Shen Daily, (August 16, 
1985): Special column. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
41. 1985.07.31,〈高市拆遷古蹟顯有違失(論不當擅拆左營舊 城)〉,《中國時報》三版讀者來論,中國時報社,台北。
July 31, 1985. It is obvious that the Kaohsiung government is flawed in relic destruction! It is 
inappropriate to tear down the Tsoying Old City. China Times, (July 31, 1985): 3 (Readers 
comments). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
40. 1985.07.07,〈中國現代化的實驗室—台灣〉,《中國時報》台灣光復四十年紀念系列專欄之(1),《中國時報》二版,中國時 報社,台北。(《台灣文獻》36 卷 3、4 期合刊本,台灣光復四 十週年紀念特輯頁 11-13 轉載;《海外學人》157 期頁 18-21 
轉 載)。(ISSN: 1016-457X 0492-1739)

July 7, 1985. Taiwan as the laboratory of China modernization. China Times, (July 7, 1985): 2A. 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei. This paper is also published on the special issue to 
memorize the 40th anniversary of Taiwan retrocession, Taiwan Archives, 36(3/4): 11-13. Publisher: 
Taiwanese Archive, Taipei. This paper is also published with Oversea Scholar, 157: 18-21.
39. 1985.06,〈台灣地名個案研究之一-台北〉,《台北文獻》,72
期,頁 113-128,台北市文獻會,台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)
June 1985. Taipei as a case study of the place name in Taiwan. Taipei Archive, 72: 113-128. 
Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
38. 1985.05.22,〈一個永遠真誠的聲音—紀念楊逵〉,《空中花 園》,第 1 期,草原文學社,台北。
May 22, 1985. A forever, sincere voice: In memory of Yang Kuei. Garden in the Air, 1 (May 22, 
1985). Publisher: Grassland Books Co., Taipei.
37. 1985.05,〈台灣的農民運動與楊逵〉,《中華雜誌》,23 卷 262
期,頁 35-38,中華雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 0578144205781442)
May 1985. The agrarian movement in Taiwan and Yang, Kuei. Chung Hua Cha Chi, 23(262): 35-38. 
Publisher: Chung Hua Cha Chi Shih, Taipei.
36. 1985.02,〈台大創校史與台大精神〉,《台大人》,3 卷 3 期, 頁 4-7,台大校友會台中分會,台中。
Feb. 1985. The history and the spirit of National Taiwan University. NTU People, 3(3): 4-7. 
Publisher: NTU Alumni Association Taichung Branch, Taichung.
35. 1984.12.23,〈討論台大校史當以史實為基礎〉,《自立晚報》自立論壇,自立晚報社,台北。

Dec. 23, 1984. Discussion of the history of National Taiwan University should base on historical 
facts. Independence Evening News, (December 23, 1984): Public forum. Publisher: Independence 
Evening News Co., Taipei.
34. 1984.12,〈台灣意識與台灣文學〉,《文季雙月刊》,2 卷 4 期, 頁 9-31,文季出版社,台北。
Dec. 1984. Taiwan ideology and Taiwanese literature. Wen Chi Bimonthly Journal, 2(4): 9-31. 
Publisher: Wen Chi Publishing Co., Taipei.
33. 1984.11.22,〈物換星移何損台大榮耀〉,《自立晚報》自立論 壇,自立晚報社,台北。
Nov. 22, 1984. The passage of time does not erode the glory of National Taiwan University. 
Independence Evening News, (November 22, 1984): Public forum. Publisher: Independence Evening News 
Co., Taipei.
32. 1984.11.11,〈台灣建省當然在光緒十三年-以確鑿的史實的 辨正為建省百年慶〉,《中國時報》二版專論,中國時報社,台 北。
Nov. 11, 1984. The provincial establishment of Taiwan was on the
13th year of Guangxus: Using historical evidences to celebrate the centennial anniversary of Taiwan 
provincial establishment. China Times, (November 11, 1984): 2 (Special column). 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
31. 1984.10.25,〈日據時期台灣的祖國意識〉,《中國時報》光復 節特刊專論,中國時報社,台北。佔領
Oct. 25, 1984. Taiwan’s identity to the mother country during the days of Japanese occupation. 
China Times, (October 25, 1984): Special Issue on Taiwan's Retrocession Day. Publisher: China Times 
Co., Ltd., Taipei
30. 1984.10.25,〈日治下台灣的漢文教育與文學運動〉,《中國時報》光復節特刊專論(以李惠勇名義發表),中國時報社,台 北。
Oct. 25, 1984. The Chinese education and literature movement under Japanese occupation. China 
Times, (October 25, 1984): Special Issue on Taiwan Retrocession Day. Publisher: China Times 
Co., Ltd., Taipei.
29. 1984.10.25,〈中國的民族奮起運動與台灣的光復〉,《民生報》 光復節特刊專論,民生報社,台北。(《海外學人》148 期轉載, 頁 7-11;《中國意識與台灣同胞》論文集轉載,頁 
1-9,1985.07, 自由新聞社,日本東京)。
Oct. 25, 1984. The rise of Chinese race and Taiwan retrocession. Min Shen Daily News, (October 25, 
1984): Special Issue on Taiwan Retrocession Day. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
July 1985. This paper is also published on the magazine of
“Oversea Scholar,” 148: pp. 7-11.
July 1985. This paper is also collected in the book of “Chinese Ideology and Taiwanese 
Compatriots,” pp. 1-9. Publisher: Free News Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japn.
28. 1984.10,〈我對於洪、陳政爭與林少貓、陳中和忠奸之辨的看 法〉,《太陽雜誌》,第 7 期,頁 31-34,太陽雜誌社,台北。
Oct. 1984. My opinions about the political conflicts between Hung and Chen, and the loyalty 
or betrayal of Lin, Shao-Mao and Chen, Chung-Ho. Sun Magazine, 7: 31-34. Publisher: Sun Magazine 
Co., Taipei.
27. 1984.09,〈林少貓抗日殉國事蹟考實〉,《台北文獻》,69 期, 頁 93-129,台北市文獻會,台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)
Sep. 1984. An investigation on the death of an anti-Japan patriotic, Lin, Shou Mao. Taipei Archive, 
69: 93-129. Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
26. 1984.09,〈族譜罵效用(genealogy group utility)與族譜之史料價值〉,第一屆亞洲族譜學術研討會會議紀錄,頁 178-184, 聯經出版公司,台北。
Sep. 1984. The genealogical table effects and the historical value of genealogical table. Paper 
presented at the First Asian Genealogical Table Research Conference. This paper is collected in the 
book of “Conference Records,” pp. 178-184. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., Ltd., Taipei.
25. 1984.08,〈台灣抗日史的求真與分期問題〉,七七抗戰四十七 週年紀念會講稿,刊於《中華雜誌》,22 卷 253 期,頁 22-23, 中華雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 05781442)
Aug. 1984. The truth and division of the anti-Japan history in Taiwan. Keynote speech on the 47th 
Anniversary Conference of the 7-7 Resistance War. This paper is published on the journal of “Chung 
Hua Magazine,” 22(253): 22-23. Publisher: Chung Hua Magazine Publisher, Taipei.
24. 1984.08.10,〈台灣建省應為光緒十三年〉,《中國時報》二版 專論,中國時報社,台北。
Aug. 10, 1984. The exact date whe the Taiwan province was established should be the 13rd year of 
Guangxu. China Times, (August 10, 1984): 2 (Special column). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., 
23. 1984.07,〈方志體例的創新與新史料的運用-以新莊志為 例〉,《漢學通訊》,3 卷 3 期,頁 147-149,中央圖書館漢學研 究中心,台北。
July 1984. The creation of area studies and the application of new historical materials: Using the 
area study of Hsin Chuang as an example. Sinology Communication, 3(3): 147-149. Publisher: Central 
Library Sinology Research Center, Taipei.
22. 1984.07,〈從劉永福到林少貓(林少貓在台灣史上的地位)〉, 保衛林少貓抗日英名演講會講稿,刊於《中華雜誌》,22 卷 252 期,頁 23-25,中華雜誌社,台北。(ISSN: 
July 1984. From Liu, Yung-Fu to Lin, Shao-Mao: The position of
Lin, Shao-Mao in Taiwan history. Chung Hwa Magazine, 22(252):
23-25. Publisher: Chung Hwa Magazine Co., Taipei.
21. 1984.06.03,〈林少貓當然是台灣抗日英雄〉,《中國時報》三 版專論,聯合報社,台北。
June 3, 1984. Lin, Shao-Mao surely is a Taiwanese anti-Japan hero. China Times, (June 3, 1984): 3 
(Special column). Publisher: China Times Co. Ltd., Taipei.
20. 1984.04,〈台北市二十方古蹟碑文之商榷-兼論台灣古蹟史實 研究之危機〉,《台北文獻》,67 期,頁 1-21,台北市文獻會, 台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)
April 1984. A discussion on the 20 relic inscriptions – a simultaneous discussion on the crisis 
on the research of the
historical facts of Taiwan relics, 《Taipei Archive》, 67: 1-21,
Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
19. 1984.04,〈移植與回饋—台灣與大陸的雙向關係〉,《中國時報》 清明節特刊專論,中國時報社,台北。
April 1984. Transplantation and feedback: The bi-directional relationship between Taiwan and 
Mainland China. China Times, (April 1984; Special issue of Tomb Sweeping Day): Special column. 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
18. 1983.12,〈台北設府築城考〉,《台北文獻》,66 期,頁 1-21, 台北市文獻會,台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)
Dec. 1983. Research on the Taipei government and the timeframes of building Taipei 
city’s sourounding walls. Taipei Archive, 66: 1-21. Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
17. 1983.09,〈族譜在台灣拓展史研究上的運用及價值〉,《國學文 獻館訊》,第 6 期,頁 7-8,聯經出版公司,台北。
Sep. 1983. The application and values of using genealogical tables in studying Taiwan 
development history. Chinese Studies Archive News, 6: 7-8. Publisher: Linking Books, Co., 
16. 1982.06,〈台灣北部拓墾初期「通事」所扮演之角色及其功 能〉,《台北文獻》,59、60 期合刊,頁 97-251,台北市文獻會, 台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)

June 1982. The roles and functions of “Tung-Shih” in the initial stage of developing the northern 
part of Taiwan. Taipei Archive,
59/60: 97-251. Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
15. 1982.03,〈新莊縣丞未曾移駐艋舺考〉,《台北文獻》,57、58
期合刊本,頁 221-240,台北市文獻會,台北。(ISSN: 1021-0660)
Mar. 1982. The county government never moved to Meng-Chia: A historical study. Taipei Archive, 
57/58: 221-240. Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
14. 1981.11&12,〈新莊巡檢之設置及其職權與功能—清代分守巡 檢之一個案研究〉,《食貨月刊》,11 卷 8 期,頁 5-24(上)及
11 卷 9 期,頁 1-16(下),食貨月刊社,台北。
Nov. and Dec. 1981. The establishment of Hsin Chuang Patrol and Inspection Agency: A case study on 
the rols and functions of the Division of Patrol and Inspection in Qing Dynasty. Food Stuff 
Monthly, 11(8): 5-24 (Part I), and 11(9): 1-16 (Part II). Publisher: Food Stuff Monthly Co., 
13. 1981.04,〈台北平原拓墾史研究(1697-1792)〉,《台北文獻》,
53、54 期合刊,頁 1-190,台北市文獻會,台北。( ISSN:
April, 1981. Research on the development history of the Taipei plain (1697-1792). Taipei 
Archive, 53/54: 1-190. Publisher: Taipei City Archive, Taipei.
12. 1980.03,〈班固之生卒年〉,《食貨月刊》,9 卷 12 期,頁 10-16, 食貨月刊社,台北。
Mar. 1980. The birth year and death year of Ban Ku. Food Stuff Monthly, 9(12): 10-16. Publisher: 
Food Stuff Monthly Co., Taipei.

11. 1977.06,〈湯和與明初東南海防〉,《國立編譯館刊》,6 卷 1 期,頁 93-134,國立編譯館,台北。又收於《明史研究論叢 第二輯》,頁 

June 1977. A research of Tang Ho and the southeast coastal defense in early Ming Dynasty. National 
Institute for Compilation
& Translation Issue, 6(1): 93-134. Publisher: National Institute for Compilation & Translation, 
July 1984. This paper is also collected in the book of “Research Collection on the History of Ming 
Dynasty,” pp. 145- 222. Publisher: Ta-Li Publishing Co., Taipei.
10.1976.10,〈徐霞客〉,《華航雜誌》,11 卷 2 期,頁 18,華航雜 誌社,台北。
Oct. 1976. About Hsu, Hsia-Ke. China Airline Magazine, 11(2):
18. Publisher: China Airline Magazine Co., Taipei.
9. 1976.08,〈魯班〉,《華航雜誌》,11 卷 1 期,頁 18,華航雜誌 社,台北。
Aug. 1976. About Lu Ban. China Airline Magazine, 11(1): 18. Publisher: China Airline Magazine Co., 
8. 1976.06,〈干將莫邪〉,《華航雜誌》,10 卷 2 期,頁 16,華航 雜誌社,台北。
June 1976. Gan Chiang Mo Hsieh. China Airline Magazine, 10(2):
16. Publisher: China Airline Magazine Co., Taipei.
7. 1976.04,〈沈括〉,《華航雜誌》,10 卷 1 期,頁 16,華航雜誌 社,台北。
April 1976. Shen Gao. China Airline Magazine, 10(1): 16. Publisher: China Airline Magazine Co., 
6. 1976.02,〈唐三藏〉,《華航雜誌》,9 卷 3 期,頁 14,華航雜誌 社,台北。
Feb. 1976. Tang, Shan Jang. China Airline Magazine, 9(3): 14. Publisher: China Airline Magazine 
Co., Taipei.

5. 1975.12,〈華陀〉,《華航雜誌》,9 卷 2 期,頁 11,華航雜誌社, 台北。
Dec. 1975. Hua Tao. China Airline Magazine, 9(2): 11. Publisher: China Airline Magazine Co., 
4. 1975.10,〈蔣公是中國人真正的代表〉,《中華文化復興月刊》,
8 卷 10 期,頁 56-68,中華文化復興委員會,台北。
Oct. 1975. Chiang, Kei-Shik is a true representative of Chinese. China Cultural Renaissance 
Monthly, 8(10): 56-58. Publisher: China Cultural Renaissance Committee, Taipei.
3. 1975.02,〈評介錢公博著《中國經濟發展史》〉,《中華文化 復 興月刊》,8 卷 2 期,頁 64-67,中華文化復興委員會,台北。
Feb. 1975. Critics on Chien Kuang-Po’s “The History of China
Economic Development.” China Culture Renaissance Monthly,
8(2): 64-67. Publisher: China Culture Renaissance Committee, Taipei.
2. 1974.09,〈明代的馬政與國運〉,《中華文化復興月刊》,7 卷 9
期,頁 49-57,中華文化復興委員會,台北。
Sep. 1974. The horse administration and the national fortune in Ming Dynasty. China Culture 
Renaissance Monthly, 7(9): 49-57. Publisher: China Culture Renaissance Committee, Taipei.
1. 1966.05,〈漢與匈奴初期和親關係之遞變〉,《史苑雜誌》輔仁 大學史學系系刊第 7 期,頁 19-21,輔仁大學史學系,台北。
(ISSN: 0386-9318)
May 1966. The transformation of marriage concession between
Xiongnu and Han in early Han Dynasty. Shih-Yuan Magazine, 7:
19-21. Publisher: Fu-Jen Catholic University, Department of

Poetries and Others

7. 1996.03,〈孟嘉,想你〉,《我們最愛的老姚—姚孟嘉先生紀念 集》,漢聲雜誌社,台北。
Mar. 1996. Miss you, Meng Chia. The article is collected in the book of “Our Dearnes Friend, Yao: 
Yao, Meng-Chia’s Memorial Collection.” Publisher: Han Shen Magazine Co., Taipei .
6. 1992.06,〈牡丹花下〉,《中國男人》月刊 32 期,中國男人月刊 社,台北。
June 1992. Under the peony. Chinese Man Monthly, 32 (June
1992). Publisher: Chinese Man Monthly Co., Taipei.
5. 1992.05,〈夢愛一生〉,《中國男人》月刊 31 期,中國男人月刊 社,台北。
May 1992. A whole life dream love. Chinese Man Monthly, 31 (May 1992). Puublisher: Chinese Man 
Monthly Co., Taipei.
4. 1991.12.09,〈大男人的資格問題〉,《中央日報》「現代男性新 語」專欄,中央日報社,台北。(此專欄連載若干篇)。
Dec. 9, 1991. The qualifications of a big man. Central Daily News, A special column "Modern Male 
Neologism." Publisher: Central Daily News Co., Taipei. (A series of articles)
3. 1973.05.18,〈初學瑣憶〉,《史苑》20 期,頁 52-53,輔仁大學 史學系,台北。
May 18, 1973. Some memory about the early time of my study. History House, 20: 52-53. Publisher: 
Fu-Jen Catholic University, Department of History, Taipei.
2. 1970.03.29,〈永懷師誼—紀念包遵彭先生〉,《台灣新生報》, 台灣新生報社,台北。收於《包遵彭先生紀念集》,頁 97-100, 
March 29, 1973. The eternal memory of my teacher-Mr. Bao,Tzun-Peng. Taiwan Shin Shen Daily News, (March 29, 1973). Publisher: Taiwan Shin Shen Daily News 
Co., Taipei.
This article is also collected in the book of “Bao Tzun-Peng’s Memorial Collection,” pp. 97-100 
(Published March 29, 1973). Publihser: Bao, Tzun-Peng Memorial Collection Editorial Committee, 
1. 1968.10.31,〈傅園散記(二)—新詩三首〉,《台大青年》4 期, 頁 29,台大青年社,台北。
Oct. 31, 1968. Prose in Fu-Yuan: Three modern poetries. NTU Youth, 4: 29. Publisher: NTU Youth 
Club, Taipei.-

Interview Reports, Comments toward Chang-Yi Yin’s Articles, and Introduction to Chang-Yi Yin 
Written by Others

87. 吳行健,〈尹章義—從受虐兒到史學家,漫漫長路瀟灑一生〉,
1997.12,《家庭月刊》255 期,頁 135-141,台灣電視文化事 業公司,台北。
Wu, Hsin-Chien. Chang-Yi Yin, from an abused child to a historian, a long road but jaunty 
life. Home Magazine, 255:
135-141. Publisher: TTV Cultural Business Co., Ltd. Taipei.
86. 林昭彰,〈跨越四百年耗資六百萬,五股鄉志發表—費時三年 編纂,蒐集數十種族譜數百本古契約,先民腳印歷歷在目〉,
Lin, Chao-Chang. Strides over 400 years and costs NT$6,000,000. Wu Ku Records is published: It took 
three years to compile. Tens of genealogical tables and hundreds of ancient contract were 
collected. The footprints of our ancestors are shown clearly. United Dialy News (December 
30, 1997). Publisher: United Daily News Taipei Version, Taipei.
85. 林芝齡,〈蔣公是 中國人真正的代表? -向尹章義教授質 疑〉,1997.07.28,《自由時報》二十三版「自由廣場」,自由時 報社,台北。
Lin, Chih-Ling. Is Chiang Kei-Shik a true representative of Chinese? Some questions to ask 
Professor Chang-Yin Yi. Liberty Times, (July 28, 1997): 23 (Public forum). Publisher: Liberty 
Times, Taipei.
84. 樂夜,〈先認識自己〉,1997.07.23,《自由時報》二十三版「自 由廣場」,自由時報社,台北。
Le Yeh. To know oneself first. Liberty Times, (July 23, 1997): 23 (Public forum). Publisher: 
Liberty Times, Taipei.
83. 大玉兒,〈這樣的「台灣史教授」!〉,1997.07.22,《自由時 報》二十三版「自由廣場」,自由時報社,台北。
Ta-Tu-Er. Such a Taiwanese history professor! Liberty Times, (July 22, 1997): 23 (Public forum). 
Publisher: Liberty Times, Taipei.
82. 客家雜誌社論,〈從國中新教科書《認識台灣》漠視客家人談 起〉,1997.07,《客家雜誌》第 85 期卷首,客家雜誌社,台北。
Hakka Magazine Editorial. Speaking about the ignorance of Hakkanese from the new junior high school 
textbook “To Know Taiwan.” This article is collected as the preface of the journal of “Hakka 
Magazine,” 85. Publisher: Hakka Magazine Co., Taipei.
81. 許雪姬,〈史料的發掘與整理—第六章第二節重要的參考書, 近年「台灣史必讀書」〉,1997.02,《文化資產義工研習講義彙 編》,行政院文化建設委員會,台北。(拙著《台灣開發史研究》 
Hsu, Hsueh-Chi. The excavation and arrangement of historical data: An important reference book, the 
Section 2 in Chapter 6—A must-read book about Taiwan History Research in recent years. This article 
is collected in the book of “Research materials of Cultural Property Volunteers.” Publisher: 
Council of Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, Taipei.
80. 熊乃康,〈專訪品味族尹章義—吃,不能放諸四海皆準〉,
1996.06.16,《聯合晚報》20 版,聯合晚報社,台北。
Hsiung, Nai-Kang. An interview with a taster, Chang-Yi Yin: A good eating taste may not apply to 
everywhere. United Daily Evening News, (June 16, 1996): 20. Publisher: United Evening News Co., 
79. 汪詠黛,〈水滸傳裡走出來的悲情男人〉,1996.01.07,《中國 時報》「名人窩裡訪」專訪,中國時報社,台北。
Wang, Yung-Dai. A melancholy man in Shui-Hu-Zuan. China Times, (January 7, 1996): Special column 
“Interviews with Celebrities.” Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
78. 林利文,〈尹章義成立台灣佛教史研究中心〉,1995.09.26,《自 立早報》十版,自立早報社,台北。
Lin, Li-Wen. Chang-Yi Yin established the Taiwan Buddhism
History Research Center. Independence News, (September 26,
1995): 10. Publisher: Independence News co., Taipei.
77. 辛悅弘,〈五股地名溯源原是「五穀坑」—歷史教授尹章義推 翻「五人合力開發」傳統說法〉,1995.09.16,《自由時報》北 縣版,自由時報社,台北。
Hsin, Yueh-Hung. The original name of Eu-Ku is “The pit of grains”: History professor Chang-Yi 
Yin overthrows the traditional viewpoint “five people cooperated in the development.” 
Liberty Times, (September 16, 1995). Publisher: Liberty Times Co., Taipei.
76. 陳燕模,〈五股鄉原名五穀坑—尹章義編鄉志找出清代合同源 由說分明〉,1995.09.16,《聯合報》北縣版,聯合報社,台北。
Chen, Yen-Mo. The original name of Eu-Ku is “The pit of grains,” Chang-Yi Yin found a 
contract prepared in Qing Dynasty to explain the rationale. United Daily News, (September 
1995). Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
75. 鄭蕙卿,〈輔大教授尹章義自早年購得四份清朝地契中合同發 現珍貴史料—五股地名由五穀坑演變而來〉,1995.09.16,《自 立早報》,自立早報社,台北。
Cheng, Hui-Ching. From the four ancient contracts purchased in early years, Professor Chang-Yi Yin 
discovered an valuable historical materials, the original name of Eu-Ku is “The pit of grains.” 
Independence News, (September 16, 1995). Publisher: Independence News Co., Taipei.
74. 劉英純,〈五股原稱五穀坑—台灣史种破性史證、鄉公所開記 者會正本清源〉,1995.09.16,《中國時報》,中國時報社,台北。
Liu, Yin-Chun. The original name of Eu-Ku is “The pit of grains”: An important breakthrough in 
Taiwan history research; the county government explains the details using this new reference. China
Times, (September 16, 1995). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
73. 寇子淨,〈古契約會說話—專訪學者尹章義〉,1995.08,《光 華雜誌》20 卷 8 期,頁 48-56,光華雜誌社,台北。
Kuo, Tzu-Ching. Ancient contracts tell the story themselves: An interview with Professor Chang-Yi 
Yin. Kuang-Hwa Magazine,
20(8; August 1995): 48-56. Publisher: Kuang-Hwa Magazine Co., Taipei.
72. 佚名,〈史料出土〉,1995.04.27,《中國時報》十三版焦點評 論,中國時報社,台北。
Author Unknown. Historical data unearthed. China Times, (April
27, 1995): 13 (Comments). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
71. 黃霖煙,〈台灣史重要文獻出「閣」為五股鄉志彌補歷史空 白〉,1995.04.26,《台灣時報》北縣版,台灣時報社,高雄。
Huang, Lin-Yen. An important historical documents filled the missing parts in Wu-Ku Record. Taiwan 
Times, (April 26, 1995). Publisher: Taiwan Times Co., Kaohsiung.
70. 辛悅弘,〈請問其詳書不受日人籠絡—要求重新丈量土地據理 力爭、有忠義之氣〉,1995.04.26,《自由時報》三版,自由時 報社,台北。
Hsin, Yueh-Hung. To inquire for explanation and to ask for land re-measurement: A courageous 
resistance to the temptation from Japanese. Liberty Times, (April 26, 1995): 3. Publisher: Liberty 
Times Co., Taipei.
69. 辛悅弘,〈北縣發現清朝「漢、番租佃契約」〉,1995.04.26,《自 由時報》三版,自由時報社,台北。
Hsin, Yueh-Hung. The discovery of a contract between Han and aboriginal in Qing Dynasty in 
Taipei County. Liberty Times, (April 26, 1995): 3. Publisher: Liberty Times Co., Taipei.
68. 劉英純,〈五股鄉紳珍藏原始田契為北台灣開發重要史料〉,1995.04.26,《中國時報》北縣新聞焦點,中國時報社,台北。
Liu, Yin-Chun. An ancient land contract kept in Wu-Ku became an important historical materiall in 
the development of North Taiwan, Taipei. China Times, (April 26, 1995): Spotlight. Publisher: China 
Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
67. 陳燕模,〈輔大教授尹章義等在五股發現清代珍貴契約〉,
Chen, Yen-Mo. Professor Chang-Yi Yin found valuable contracts written during the Qing Dynasty. 
United Daily News, (April 26,
1995): 4. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
66. 陳佩琦,〈雜貨店閣樓發現大批乾隆年間字契對五股鄉誌製作 及台北開發史具重大意義〉,1995.04.25,《聯合晚報》四版, 聯合晚報社,台北。
Chen, Pei-Chi. The discovery of many ancient contracts of Qing Dynasty from penthouse of a 
grocery store significantly influences the production of Wu-Ku Record and the history of 
Taipei development. United Evening News, (April 25, 1995): 4. Publisher: United Evening News Co., 
65. 嵇童,〈鄉土的歷史、「本土」認識的開端—台北縣「鄉土志」 簡介〉,1995.03.01,《文化通訊》第 5 期,頁 21-22,行政院 文化建設委員會,台北。(之六、新莊,之七、新店,之八、 
Chi, Tung. Start to learn our local history: A brief introduction to the area studies about Taipei 
county. Cultural Communication, (March 1, 1995): 21-22. Publisher: Council of Cultural Affairs 
Executive Yuan, Taipei.
64. 劉英純,〈尹章義出馬撰述五股滄桑〉,1995.02.14,《中國時 報》人物專訪,中國時報社,台北。
Liu, Yin-Chun. Chang-Yi Yin engaged in the writing of Wu Ku record. China Times, (February 14, 
1995): Special interview column. Publihser: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.

63. 蘇士貞,〈尹章義將籌組客家黨〉,1995.01.25,《國會雙周刊》
48 期,頁 19,國會雙周刊雜誌社,台北。
Su, Shih-Chen. Chang-Yi Yin is organizing a Hakka party. National Legislature Bi-monthly, 48 
(January 25, 1995): 19. Publisher: National Legislature Bi-Monthly Co., Taipei.
62. 江 中 明 ,〈 客 籍 學 者 擬 成 立 客 家 黨 — 專 訪 尹 章 義 〉,
Chiang, Chung-Ming. A Hakka scholar is proposing the organization of Hakka Party: A special 
interview with Chang-Yi Yin. United Daily News, (January 17, 1995): 2 (Special report). Publisher: 
United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
61. 石靜文,〈尹章義規劃「台灣現代史專題研究」系列演講〉,
Shih, Ching-Wen. Chang-Yi Yin is preparing a series speeches on special research topics of Taiwan 
modern history. Independence News, (September 25, 1994): Supplement. Publisher: Independence News 
Co., Taipei.
60. 林馨琴,〈尹章義編地方志—強調史學方法〉,1994.09.24,《中 國時報》寶島版專訪,中國時報社,台北。
Lin, Hsin-Ching. Chang-Yi Yin edits an area study: He emphasized the historical methods used in 
area studies. China Times, (September 24, 1994): Special interview. Publisher: China Times Co., 
Ltd., Taipei.
59. 李玉玲,〈大學課程本土化新走向—輔大開設「台灣現代史專 題研究」課程〉,1994.09.02,《聯合晚報》專訪,聯合晚報社, 台北。
Lee, Yu-Ling. The new trend of localization in the college education curriculum: Fu-Jen Catholic 
University opens a new class “Special research topics in Taiwan modern history.” United Evening 
News, (September 2, 1994): Special interview. Publisher: United Evening News Co., Taipei.

58. 廖天任,〈尹章義贊成制定宗教法—不是規範宗教本身而是規 範宗教人士世俗事務〉,1994.01.23,《大明報》三版,大明報 社,台北。

Liao, Tien-Jen. Chang-Yi Yin supports the establishment of religion laws: Religion laws do not 
intend to regulate religions themselves, but to regulate the relgion officers’ activeities outside 
the scope of religions. Ming News, (January 23, 1994): 3. Publisher: Ta-Ming News Co., Taipei.
57. 甘鐵生,〈氣貫長虹寫春秋—訪台灣著名學者尹章義〉,《台聲 雜誌》1993 年 9 月號(總 107 期),頁 31-34,台聲雜誌社, 北京。
Gan Tie-Shen,〈 Writing history – interviewing a famous scholar
Chang-Yi Yin〉, 《Tai-Shen Magazine》, Sep. 1993, pp. 31-34, Tai
Shen Magazine Co., Beijing.
56. 林英吉,〈尹章義解讀大陸文化資產維護法令〉,1993.08.07,

Lin, Ying-Chi. Interpretating China’s Cultural Asset Maintenance Laws by Chang-Yi Yin. Min Shen 
Daily News, (August 7, 1993). Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
55. 張 慧 中 ,〈 追 尋 夢 裡 的 慈 母 — 愛 在 那 裡 、 那 裡 就 是 家 〉,
《與孩子們立約》頁 13-20,1994.09,民生報社,台北。
Chang, Hui-Chung. Questing the lovely mother in the dream: Home is where love is. Min Shen Daily 
News, (May 30, 1993): Special interview. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
This article is also collected in the bookd of “Making Agreement with Children,” pp. 13-20 
(published on Sepember 1994). Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
54. 許玲齡,〈輔仁大學尹章義教授在高雄無願讀書會「認識台灣」 課程講授十四堂「台灣歷史」〉,1993.04.16,《高雄市政》四版, 高雄市政府,高雄。
Hsu, Ling-Ling. Professor Chang-Yi Yin organizes a study group to lecture 14 classes about Taiwan’s 
History. Kaohsiung City Administration, (April 16, 1993): 4. Publisher: Kaohsiung Municipal 
Government, Kaohsiung.
53. 楊貢金,〈鑑往知來—泰山鄉公所編纂發展史〉,1992.08.07,

Yang, Guan-Chin. Knowing the future from the past: An area study “Tai Shan Record.” United Daily 
News, (August 7, 1992):
16. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
52. 吳克,〈行政院《二二八事件研究報告初稿》披露,尹章義期 望二二八事件不再成為政治鬥爭的口實〉,1992.02.23,《中國 時報周刊》8 期,頁 34,中國時報周刊社,台北。
Wu Ke. The preliminary research report of the “228 Incident Report” has been released by 
Executive Yuan: Professor Chang-Yi Yin expects that the 228 Incident will not become another 
excuse of political conflict in the future. China Times Weekly, 8(February 23, 1992): 34. 
Publisher: China Times Weekly Magazine Co., Taipei.
51. 謝邦震,〈行政院《二二八事件研究報告》出爐,尹章義認為 應該透過特別立法作為處理善後依據〉,1992.02.12,《聯合報》 三版聯合報社,台北。
Hsieh, Ban-Cheng. After Executive Yuan released the “228
Incident Report”, Professor Chang-Yi Yin urges a special law to deal with issues related to the 228 
Incident. United Daily News, (February 12, 1992): 3. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
50. 曹郁芬,〈行政院《二二八事件研究報告》披露,尹章義認為 夾敘夾議,未替善後工作提供強有力支持〉,1992.02.12,《中 國時報》三版,中國時報社,台北。
Chao, Yu-Feng. Executive Yuan realsed the “228 Incident Report.” Chang-Yi Yin thinks 
this report includes too much gossip and does not provide supports for follow-up activities.China Times, (February 12, 1992): 3. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
49. 劉宛如,〈圍爐團圓話祖譜—尹章義教授暢談族譜點滴〉,《中 央日報文心藝坊》011、012 合刊號,頁 9,1992.02.01,中央 日報社台北。

Liu, Wan-Ju. Talk about our genealogical tables during reunion: An interview of Professor Chang-Yi 
Yin. Central Daily News Culture, 11/12 (February 1, 1992): 9. Publisher: Central Daily News Co., 
48. 達流,〈對《台灣文學觀察雜誌》創刊號的觀察—最有質量的 是尹章義「什麼是台灣文學?台灣文學往哪裡去?」一文〉,
1991.11,《台灣文學觀察雜誌》4 期,頁 92,台灣文學觀察雜 誌社,台北。
Da, Liu. An observation on the first issue of “Taiwan Literature Observation”: The most valuable 
article was the one written by Chang-Yi Yin “What is Taiwan Literature? Where does Taiwan 
literature go?” Taiwan Literature Observation, 4 (November
1991): 92. Publisher: Taiwan Literature Observation Co., Taipei.
47. 徐東海,〈二二八事件終於回到政治層面—李登輝總統在就職 記者會中說明政府將處置二二八事件,尹章義相信李總統會以 進步的思考模式處理〉,1991.05.23,《聯合報》三版,聯合報 社,台北。
Hsu, Tung-Hai. Returning to the political arena of the 228
Incident: President Teng-Hui Lee announced his solutions in his inauguration news conference. 
Chang-Yi Ying believes that President Lee will deal with this event using a progressive 
thinking model. United Daily News, (May 23, 1991): 3. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., 
46. 江中明,〈尹章義表示二二八事件一度商品化〉,1991.02.04,

Chiang, Chung-Ming . According to Chang-Yi Yin, the 228
Incident had ever been commercialized. United Daily News,
(February 4, 1991): 6. Publisher: United Daily News Co. Ltd., Taipei.
45. 陳維新,〈尹章義首度公開二二八受難者張七郎家屬當年訴冤狀〉,1991.02.04,《自由時報》二版,自由時報社,台北。
Chen, Wei-Hsin. Chang-Yi Yin revealed the original statement of the injustice claim for Chang 
Chi-Lang, a victim of the 228
Incident. Liberty Times, (February 4, 1991): 2. Publisher: Liberty
Times Co., Taipei.
44. 陳孔立,〈尹章義教授〈台灣開發史芻論〉的評論〉,1990.07,
《海峽兩岸首次台灣史學術交流論文集》,廈門大學出版社, 廈門。
Chen, Kung-Li. A book review on “The Preliminary Theory of Taiwan’s Development History” by 
Chang-Yi Yin. This article is collecte din the book of “Thesis Collection of the 
First Cross-Strait Academic Exchange.” Publisher: Xiamen University Press, Xiamen, China.
43. 許雪姬,〈尹著「台灣開發史研究」評介〉,1990.03,《台灣 史田郿研究通訊》第 14 期,頁 18-23,中央研究院台灣史田 郿研究室,台北。
Hsu, Hsueh-Chi. A book review toward the book of “Research of Taiwan Development History,” written 
by Chang-Yi Yin. The News Letter of the Field Study Workshop for Taiwan History, 14 (March 1990): 
18-23. Publisher: Taiwan History Field Study Lab. Academia Sinica, Taipei.
42. 莊 姿 音 ,〈 為 二 二 八 事 件 默 哀 — 建 立 國 家 檔 案 制 度 〉,
Chuang, Tzu-Ying. Mourn the 228 Incident: The need to establish a national documents system. 
Liberty Times, (February 24, 1990):
2. Publisher: Liberty Times Co., Taipei.
41. 余小民,〈有愛才能成為一個家—專訪尹章義〉,《人本教育札 記》第 8 期,人本教育基金會,台北。Yu, Hsiao-Ming. Only love can help establish a home: An interview with Chang, Yi-Yin. Humanistic 
Education Notes, 8. Publisher: Humanistic Education Foundation, Taipei.
40.《台灣春秋》月刊編輯部,〈作者疏忽注釋出處,編輯部道歉 啟示〉,《台灣春秋》月刊 1989 年 9 月號卷末,台灣春秋雜誌 社,台北。

Editorial Department, Taiwan Monthly. The author missed the source of quotation. The editorial 
department later on apologized to Professor Chang-Yi Yin, and announced the quotation source. 
Taiwan History Monthly, (September 1989): Editor’s note. Publisher: Taiwan History Monthly Co., 
39. 賴志彰,〈引用尹教授的資料九十二字不及說明出處—道歉啟 事〉,《台灣春秋》月刊 1989 年 10 月號卷末,台灣春秋雜誌社, 台北。
Lai, Chih-Chang. Announcement of apology for quoting materials from Professor Chang-Yi Yin, without 
indicating the material source. Taiwan History Monthly, (October 1989): Editor’s note. Publisher: 
Taiwan History Monthly Co., Taipei.
38. 林蕙麗,〈他專扯「正」史後腿〉,《張老師月刊》1989 年 9 月號,張老師月刊社,台北。又收入《我的本性、我的風格》, 張老師出版社「中國人的追尋系列」,1990.10,台北。
Lin, Hui-Li. He, Professor Chang-Yi Yin, always challenge official/government documents. Teacher 
Chang Monthly, (September 1989). This article is also collected in the book of “My characteristics 
and style.” Publishers: Teacher Chang Publisher, Taipei.
37. 紀 慧 玲 ,〈 區 區 方 志 也 能 大 開 大 闔 — 尹 章 義 獨 樹 一 格 〉,
Chi, Hui Ling. Area studies are something! The special style of Chang-Yi Yin. Min Shen Daily 
News, (March 18, 1989): A special interview. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
36. 周 俊 雄 ,〈 尹 章 義 教 授 不 計 名 利 完 成 《 新 店 志 》 編 纂 〉,1989.02.19,《自由時報》九版專訪,自由時報社,台北。
Chou, Chun-Hsiung. Chang-Yi Yin completes editing “Hsin-Tien Record” without considering any 
gains or fame to himself. Liberty Times, (February 19, 1989): 9 (Interview). Publisher: Liberty 
Times Co., Taipei.
35. 楊 翠 ,〈 不 信 東 風 喚 不 回 — 學 者 專 家 談 台 灣 史 研 究 〉,
Yang, Tsui. The impossible is possible: Professor Chang-Yi Yin talks about Taiwan’s history 
research. Independence Evening News, (August 31, 1988). Publisher: Literature Monthly Bulletin, 
Independence Evening News Co., Taipei.
34. 魏貽君、顧秀賢,〈歷史真理站在我這邊—尹章義踏出校園關 懷鄉土〉,1988.02.09,《自立早報》人物版,自立早報社,台 北。
Wei, Yi-Chun, & Ku, Hsiu-Hsien. The historical truth is always on my side: Chang-Yi Yin steps out 
of campus and cares his homeland. Independence News, (February 9, 1988): Special interview. 
Publisher: Independence News Co., Taipei.
33. 倪炎元,〈春秋筆犯忌、方寸間存義—尹章義重評歷史人物、 大作翻案文章〉,1988.02.06,《中國時報》「新聞人物」版,中 國時報社,台北。
Ni, Yen-Yuan. An offensive pen, a righteous heart: Chang-Yi Yin re-evaluates historical characters 
and challenges conventional viewpoints. China Times, (February 6, 1988): News Person. Publisher: 
China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
32. 朱淑芬,〈尹章義戮力研究台灣史〉,1988.01.31,《自立早報》 文化版,自立早報社,台北。
Chu, Shu-Feng. Chang-Yi Yin’s hard works and contributions to
Taiwan History Research. Independence News, (January 31,
1988): Culture. Publihser: Independence News Co., Taipei.
31. 顧秀賢,〈王詩琅譯《台灣總督府警察沿革誌》尹章義大表意外〉,1988.01.21,《自立早報》創刊號,自立早報社,台北。
Ku, Hsiu-Hsien. Chang-Yi Yin was surprised when he found out that Wang, Shih-Lang translated the 
book of “The History of the Police Department in Taiwan.” Independence News, (The first issue: 
January 21, 1988). Publisher: Independence News Co., Taipei.
30. 佚名,〈台籍日本兵弔慰金達成協議,戰歿遺屬可獲二百萬日 圓,尹章義促由公正人士發放〉,1987.12.29,《自立晚報》二 版,自立晚報社台北。
Author Unknown. Agreement was reached. The dispute of the compensation of Taiwanese Japanese 
soldiers finally resolved: Chang-Yi Yin urges the issuance of the 2 million Yen by 
public-recognized fair persons. Independence Evening News, (December 29, 1987): 2. Publisher: 
Independence Evening News Co., Taipei.
29. 蕭 衡 倩 ,〈 不 可 不 知 台 灣 事 — 介 紹 台 灣 史 的 研 究 〉,
1987.10.25,《中國時報》「台灣光復四十二周年紀念特刊」,中 國時報社,台北。
Hsiao, Heng-Chian. The must-know events happened in Taiwan: An introduction to Taiwan history 
research. China Times, (October 25, 1987): Special issue of the 42nd Taiwan recovery anniversary. 
Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
28. 倪炎元,〈台灣史、政治叢結與心理期待—環繞台灣史研究的
「史觀」問題〉,1987.10.25,《中國時報》「台灣光復四十二周 年紀念特刊」,中國時報社,台北。
Ni, Yen-Yuan. Taiwan’s history, the complexity in politics, and psychological expectation: Issues 
related to the historical views about Taiwan history research. China Times, (October 25, 1987): 
Special issue of 42nd Taiwan recovery anniversary. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
27. 蕭衡倩,〈以人道精神為基礎對歷史有交代—尹章義教授認為 日本對於台籍原日本兵求償問題不應延宕〉,1987.08.19,《中國時報》三版,中國時報社,台北。

Hsiao, Heng-Chian. Responding to a historical problem with the spirit of humananity: Chang-Yi Yin 
urges Japan Government to accelerate Taiwanese Japanese soldiers’ compensation claim cases. China 
Times, (August 19, 1987): 3. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
26. 蕭衡倩,〈台籍日本兵索賠團體單一化積極展開交涉,尹章義 建議建立公信力,有關單位應輔導〉,1987.06.15,《中國時報》 五版,中國時報社,台北。
Hsiao, Heng-Chian. The unification of groups representing Taiwanese Japanese soldiers to claim 
compensateions from Japan Government: This unification could speed up the negotiation. Chang-Yi 
Yin suggests related government agencies to be involved in cousultation. China Times, (June 
15, 1987): 5. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
25. 康日昇,〈尹章義教授臨危授命編纂《新店志》〉,1987.06.13,

Kang, Jih-Shen. Professor Chang-Yi Yin accepted the task to edit “Hisn-Tien Record” at the most 
critical time. Wen Shan Report, (June 13, 1987): Special note. Publisher: Wen-Shan Report Co., 
24. 魏敏慧,〈學不厭教不倦—訪七十五學年度傑出學術研究成果 得獎人尹章義教授〉,1987.05.25,《輔友雜誌》19 期,輔仁大 學,台北。
Wei, Ming-Hui. Never tired of learning and teaching: An interview with the winner of the 
1986 Outstanding Scholarly Research Awards, Professor Chang-Yi Yin. Fu-Jen Alumni, (May
25, 1987): 19. Publisher: Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei.
23. 蔡體楨,〈台灣史研究獲重視尹章義等年輕學人發起台灣史研 究會〉,1987.03.16,《中國時報》二版,中國時報社,台北。
Tsai, Ti-Chen. The research on Taiwan history is getting more and more attention. Several young 
scholars, including Chang-Yi Yin,-
are urging to establish up the Taiwan History Research Foundation. China Times, (March 16, 1987): 
2. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
22. 溫振華,〈讀尹章義「開拓台灣史研究的方法與視郿」一文的 感慨—誰剽竊誰?〉,1986.09,《台灣風物》,36 卷 3 期,頁
Wen, Chen-Hua. The feelings after reading Chang-Yi Yin’s article “To Develop the Methods and 
Eyesight in Taiwan History Research”: Who is stealing ideas from whom? Taiwan Sights,
36(3): 167-171. Publisher: Taiwan Sights Publishing Co., Taipei.
21. 翁佳音,〈台灣史研究的史的繼承與批判—答尹章義教授〉,
1986.06,《台灣風物》,36 卷 2 期,頁 101-106,台灣風物出 版社,台北。
Weng, Chia-Yin. The inheritance and criticism on Taiwan’s history research: Professor 
Chang-Yi Yin’s responses. Taiwan Sights, 36(2): 101-106. Publisher: Taiwan Sights Publishing Co., 
20. 魏哲明,〈台灣怎能無史—訪為台北平原尋根的尹章義〉,
Wei, Che-Ming. How can Taiwan have no its own history: An interview with Chang-Yi Yin, who seeks 
the root of Taipei Plain. Independence Evening News, (May 15, 1986): Supplement. Publisher: 
Independence Evening News Co., Taipei.
19. 翁 佳 音 ,〈 簡 評 尹 章 義 著 :《 張 士 箱 家 族 移 民 發 展 史 》〉,
1985.12,《史聯雜誌》第 7 期,頁 108-111,史聯雜誌社,台 北。
Weng, Chia-Yin. A book review of “Immigration History of Chang, Shih-Hsiang’s Family” written by 
Chang-Yi Yin. United History, 7(December 1985): 108-111. Publisher: United History Magazine Co., 
18. 渡也,〈蘇南成大戰左營城〉(現代詩),1985.09.13,《自立晚報》副刊,自立晚報社,台北。Du, Ye. The fight between Su, Nan-Chen and Tso-Ying City (a modern poem). Independence Evening 
News, (September 13,
1985): Supplement. Publisher: Independence Evening News Co., Taipei.
17. 無名氏,〈知識分子的言論與氣節—斥尹章義教授的囈語〉,
《掃盪雜誌》1984 年 12 月號,台北。(捉妖集專欄,作者未 署名)。
Author Unknown. The talking and moral integrity of intellectuals: Repeling the dream words made by 
Chang-Yi Yin. Sweep Magazine, (December 1984). Publisher: Taipei.
16. 洪金珠,〈沈潛中的台灣社會學界〉,1984.09.19,《時報雜誌》
251 期,時報雜誌社,台北。
Hung, Chin-Chu. The sleeping society in sociology in Taiwan. Times Magazine Weekly, 251(September 
19, 1984). Publisher: Times Magazine Co., Taipei.
15. 戚嘉林,〈《台灣歷史真貌》序—一則感人的新聞〉,1983.10,
《台灣歷史真貌》卷首,作者自印,台北。Chi, Chia-Lin. The preface: A touching story. This preface is collected in the book of “True Face 
of Taiwan History,” published on October 1983. Publisher: Yin, Chang-Yi, Taipei.
14. 李雅卿,〈修訂族譜萬流歸宗、張氏子孫盍興乎來—專訪尹章 義教授〉,1983.07.27,《中國時報》三版專訪,中國時報社, 台北。
Lee, Ya-Chin. The revision of the genealogical tables makes unification. Welcome all the Chang’s 
descendants: A special interview with Chang-Yi Yin. China Times, (July 27, 1983): 3 (Special 
interview). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
13. 李雅卿,〈尹章義指千人塚似清代大墓公,年代應在嘉慶年 間〉,1983.05.13,《中國時報》三版李雅卿在彰化縣溪州鄉現 場採訪,中國時報社,台北。Lee, Ya-Chin. Chang-Yi Yin said: The Thousand’s Tomb is similar to the Public Great Tomb in 
Qing Dynasty, built around
1800s. China Times, (May 13, 1983): 3 (Field interview by reporter Lee, Ya-Chin on the site of 
His-Chou, Chang Hua). Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei.
12. 吳昭明,〈張士箱來台拓荒、子嗣茂盛校對族譜得以大會合— 專訪尹章義教授〉,1983.01.10,《新生報》三版,新生報社, 台北。Wu, Chao-Ming. Chang, Shih-Hsiang, a pioneer explorer, had prosperous descendents in Taiwan. The 
genealogical tables makes the tribe integral: A special interview with Prof. Chang-Yi Yin. Hsin 
Shen Daily News, (January 10, 1983): 3. Publisher: Hsin Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
11. 陳小凌,〈一本族譜尋出六代根源—專訪尹章義教授與張士箱 家族〉,1983.01.09,《民生報》七版特稿,民生報社,台北。
Chen, Hsiao-Ling. The source of six generations was found by a genealogical table: A special 
interview with Prof. Chang-Yi Yin about Chang Shih-Hsiang’s family. Min Shen Daily, (January 9,
1983): 7 (Special report). Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
10. 林 思 源 ,〈 新 莊 拓 墾 者 的 真 貌 — 尹 章 義 和 《 新 莊 志 》〉,
1981.07,《亞洲人》周刊 1 卷 3 期,台北。
Lin Shih-Yuan. The true faces of pioneers in Hsin Chuang: Chang-Yi Yin and Hsin Chuang 
Record. Asian Weekly, 1(3). Published on July 1981, Taipei.
9. 佚名,〈台灣拓墾史的新發現—尹章義震驚台灣史學界〉,
Author Unknown. A new discovery in the Taiwan development history: Chang-Yi Yin shocks the academic 
of history. Independence Evening News Culture weekly, (May 3, 1981). Publisher: Independence 
Evening News Co., Taipei.
8. 佚名,〈尹章義發現台北市新史料指出台灣史籍運用錯誤,陳
賴章不是人名而是墾號〉,1981.03.03,《世界日報》第十六頁, 世界日報社。
Author Unknown. Chang-Yi Yin found a new historical material about Taipei. The material indicated 
the erroneous utilizeation of historical data: Chen Lai-Chang is not the name of a person, but a 
land contract idejntification. World News, (March 3, 1981): 16. Publisher: World News Co.
7. 林淑蘭,〈尹章義教授以清代契約做證據推翻先民拓墾台北源 自萬華淡水一帶的說法〉,1981.03.01,《中央日報》六版,中 央日報社,台北。
Lin, Shu-Lan. With ancient contracts from Qing Dynasty, Chang-Yi Yin overthrew the 
conventional saying that the development of Taipei started in Wan-Hwa and Tamsui. Central Daily 
News, (March 1, 1981): 6. Publisher: Central Daily News Co., Taipei.
6. 佚名,〈尹章義老師昨指出台北平原拓墾者原是遷台讀書人〉,
Author Unknown. Chang-Yi Ying said yesterday that the explorers of Taipei Plain 
were intellectuals moving from Mainland China to Taiwan. Min Shen Daily New, (February 28,
1981): 10. Publisher: Min Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
5. 劉美懿,〈尹章義介紹北市新史料—陳賴章非人名乃是墾號〉,
Liu, Mei-Yi. Chang-Yi Yin found a new historical material of Taipei indicating that Chen Lai-Chang 
is not the name of a person, but a land contract identification. Hsin Shen daily News, 
(February 28, 1981): 5. Publisher: Hsin Shen Daily News Co., Taipei.
4. 陳宏,〈探索先民披荊斬棘足痕重寫台北拓墾史實—尹章義教 授田郿調查有新發現〉,1981.02.28,《大華晚報》二版,大華 晚報社,台北。
Chen, Hung. Exploring the steps of ancestors and rewriting the Taipei exploration history: Professor Chang-Yi Yin found a new discovery in field investigation. 
Ta-Hua Evening News, (February
28, 1981): 2. Publisher: Ta Hwa Evening News Co., Taipei.
3. 黃萬居,〈輔大歷史系教授發現重要原始史料,台北平原初闢 過程得以明朗〉,1981.02.09,《台灣時報》二版,台灣時報社, 高雄。

Huang, Wan-Chu. Professor of History Department of Fu-Jen Catholic University found important 
original historical materials, which clarifies the development process of the Taipei Plain. Taiwan 
Times, (February 9, 1981): 2. Publisher: Taiwan Times Co., Kaohsiung.
2. 吳豐茂,〈編撰新莊志尹章義新發現資料引起史學者刮目相 看〉,1981.02.04,《台灣時報》六版,台灣時報社,高雄。
Wu, Fong-Mao. In the process of editing the Hsin Chuang Record, Professor Chang-Yi Yin 
discovered new historical materials, which brough up the other scholars’ attention. Taiwan 
Times, (February 4, 1981): 6. Taiwan Times Co., Kaohsiung.
1. 葉華鏞,〈專訪尹章義—新莊市發現張廣福文件資料完整價值 非凡〉,1981.01.31,《中國時報》七版,中國時報社,台北。 同日;聯合報、新生報等皆有專題報導。
Yeh, Hua-Yung. A special interview of Chang-Yi Yin, who discovered the complete documents of Chang, 
Kuang-Fu. China Times, (January 31, 1981): 7. Publisher: China Times Co., Ltd., Taipei. At the 
same day, similar reports were publicshed on
United Daily News, and Hsin Shen Daily News, Taipei, Taiwan.