
張省卿's 的頭像
張省卿 Sheng-Ching Chang
教授兼任博物館學研究所所長 Full Professor
德國柏林洪堡大學藝術史博士(PhD from the Department of Art History at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany)
德國漢堡大學藝術史系與歷史系碩士(M.A. in Art History and History from the University of Hamburg, Germany)
臺灣 ARTIMA 雜誌駐歐記者
德國 Chinese Contex 翻譯社創辦人





  • 榮獲德國“Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung”獎學金(1990-1995)。
  • 榮獲德國“Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung”獎學金(1996-1999)。
  • 榮獲「蔣經國國際學術交流基金會」獎學金(2000-2001)。
  • 以“Natur und Landschaft in Athanasius Kirchers China illustrata - Der Einfluss auf die europaische Kunst”榮獲德國聯邦政府最高學術研究機構“Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG﹕German Research Foundation,德國研究基金會,或稱德國研究協會)” 學術研究出版獎,學術研究出版獎項是為鼓勵優秀學術著作而制定, (2002-2003)。
  • 《東方啟蒙西方 — 十八世紀德國沃里茲(Wörlitz)自然風景園林之中國元素》榮獲輔仁大學2017年專書著作獎勵學術研究獎。


  1. 張省卿,“The Philosophy of Nature in Cultural exchange between East and West in the 17th and 18th century” 國科會補助(補助編號﹕92-2914-1030-001-A1)at “Fascination and Understanding: The Spirit of the Occident and the Spirit of China in Reciprocity”, Slovakia,Smolenice Castle,“Monumenta Serica Institute",Germany,補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議, 吸引與了解:西方精神與東方精神之交流, 2003
  2. 張省卿,論德式都市規劃經日治政府對台北城官廳集中區與總督府的影響,科技部研究計畫, 96-2411-H-030-001-,2007.08.01-2008.07.313.
  3. 張省卿,多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動--十七、十八世紀德國中式園林之再造(I),99-2410-H-030-059-,2010.08.01-2011.08.31
  4. 張省卿,多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動 — 以沃利茲園林(Worlitz,1770-1813)為例,論十八世紀下半期德國東部中式園林之再造(II),科技部研究計畫,100-2410-H-030-050-, 2011.08.01-2012.08.31
  5. 張省卿,補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議 “EurAsian Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800”, University Heidelberg, Germany, 2014
  6. 張省卿,十八世紀普魯士(Preußen) 波茲坦(Potsdam)無愁苑(Sanssouci)中國風園林之建造,科技部研究計畫105-2410-H-030-038-MY2, 2016.08.01-2018.08.31
  7. 張省卿,十七、十八世紀歐洲機械圖像中之美麗烏托邦及中西交流(I) ,科技部研究計畫 107-2410-H-030 -062 - , 2018.08.01-2021.07.31
  8. 張省卿,以易經二元圖為例,論十七、十八世紀中西科學圖像之交流(II) ,科技部研究計畫 108-2410-H-030-029 - , 2019.08.01-2021.07.31
  9. 張省卿,由易經二元圖像,論十七、十八世紀中西科學圖像之交流(Ⅲ) ,科技部研究計畫 109-2410-H-030-008 - , 2020.08.01-2021.07.31


  1. 張省卿,Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Dresden Germany研究論文撰寫補助計畫,“National Art Collections Dresden” (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden) on “China and Europe – Alternating Views”,2006.09.01 - 2006.09.30
  2. 張省卿,文化部補助計畫,博物館變革力與堅韌性:110-111年博物館專業人才培育計畫,2021.02.26 - 2022.12.05
  3. 張省卿,輔仁大學博物館學研究所網絡交流計畫,2021.08.01 - 2021.12.31
  4. 張省卿,輔仁大學研發處補助計畫,探究人工智慧 (AI) 之歷史圖像起源 – 論歐洲宇宙圖與中國易經圖之交流,2021.08.01 - 2022.07.31
  5. 張省卿,輔仁大學學術研究計畫,學生策展與雕塑藝術展示規劃博物館週學生策展-全球化與在地之連結,2021.08.01 - 2021.12.31.
  6. 張省卿,輔仁大學博物館學研究所國際發展計畫,2022.01.01 - 2022.07.31.
  7. 張省卿、黎世輝,【110年第二學期大學社會責任實踐計畫/ 前導計畫】新莊好學百寶箱:新莊露天博物館的建置,2022.05.01 - 2022.11.30.
  8. 張省卿,新莊學特色融入課程計畫:全球化下之東西藝術史,2022-09-05-2022-11-30.





Research Gate




一、Monographies (專書)

  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. Studentenprotest und Repression in China, April bis Juli 1989 (English: ‘Student protest and Repression in China, April to July 1989’), in Ruth Cremerius, Doris Fischer and Peter Schier, eds. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1990, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg, No. 186.
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. Das Porträt von Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Athanasius Kirchers ‘China illustrata’ (English: ‘The Portrait of Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Athanasius Kircher’s ‘China illustrata’). Hamburg: Hamburg University, M.A. thesis, Germany, 1995, 139 p.
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Das Porträt von Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Athanasius Kirchers ‘China illustrata’ ” (English: ‘The Portrait of Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Athanasius Kircher’s ‘China illustrata’’) in : Western learning and Christianity in China - The Contribution and Impact of Johann Adam Schall von Bell(1592-1666). Roman Malek ed., Sankt Augustin, Germany: Monumenta Serica,1998,Vol.Ⅱ. ISSN 0179-26X, ISBN 3-8050-0409-5
  • March 2001, Chang, Sheng-Ching. Das Chinabild in Natur und Landschaft von Athanasius Kirchers ‘China illustrata’ (1667) sowie der Einfluß dieses Werkes auf die Entwicklung der Chinoiserie und der Europäischen Kunst, (English: ‘The image of China in nature and landscape of Athanasius Kircher’s ‘China illustrata’ (1667) and the influence of his work on the development of Chinoiserie and European Art’ ), Berlin: Humboldt University, Ph.D. thesis, Germany, March 2001, 398 p.
  • 2003, Chang, Sheng-Ching. Natur und Landschaft - der Einfluss von Athanasius Kirchers China illustrata auf die europäische Kunst, (English: Nature and Landscape – the Influence of Athanasius Kircher’s ‘China illustrata’ on European Art) Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag GmbH, Germany. 232 p. ISBN:  3-496-01280-3
  • 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching. Taiwan - Polyglott on tour, München: Polyglott Verlag, photographer.
  • 2008, 張省卿,《德式都市規劃經日本殖民政府對台北城官廳集中區之影響》,台北: 輔仁大學出版社,2008,ISBN978-986-6922-61-9。July 2008, Chang, Sheng-Ching. The influence of German style urban planning on the central area of administrative buildings in the city of Taipei by the Japanese colonial administration. ISBN978-986-6922-61-9 (research project of the National Science Council, NSC96-2411-H-030-001).
  • 02. 2011, Sheng-Ching Chang、Achim Mittag, Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit(1450-1850), Band 9 “Ostasiatische Kunst, China und Europa” (Germany:Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag,2014-07-01) (與德國學者共同編寫德文 Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit(1450-1850),Band 9 《世界近代史(1450-1850)百科全書,第9 冊》, “Ostasiatische Kunst, China und Europa"〈東亞藝術 - 中國與歐洲〉,(Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, 02. 2011),ISBN978-3-476-01935-6 (http://www.enzyklopaedie-der-neuzeit.de/)
  • 2013, Chang, Sheng-Ching. Taiwan - Polyglott on tour, München: Polyglott Verlag, photographer, 2013-07-01.
  • 2015,張省卿,《東方啟蒙西方—十八世紀德國沃里茲(Wörlitz)自然風景園林之中國元素(The East enlightening the West - Chinese elements in the 18th century landscape gardens of Wörlitz in Germany ) (台北:輔仁大學出版社,2015-10-24), 515頁。
  • 2022, 張省卿,《新視界:全球化下東西藝術交流史》(A New Perspective-History of Eastern and Western Art Exchange under Globalization)(台北:時報出版社,2022-11-22),448頁。


二、Publication of articles(論文: 含學術期刊、論文集與書籍論文)

  • Juni 1989, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Dokument 1 :Augenzeugenbericht eines Studenten über das Massaker vom 4. Juni 1989”in:“China aktuell”, Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, Berichtsmonat Mai 1989, pp.375-377.
  • 1997 年4月,張省卿,〈從湯若望(Adam Schall von Bell)肖像畫論東西藝術文化交流〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第十五卷第一期,(台北﹕國立故宮博物院,1997 年4月),No.169,頁74~89。April 1997, Chang, Sheng-Ching. „Der Kulturaustausch zwischen Ost und West anhand eines Porträts von Adam Schall von Bell“ in der Zeitschrift „The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art“ in Taiwan, Nr. 169, pp. 74-89.
  • December 1997, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Kulturaustausch zwischen Europa und Asien in Natur und Landschaftdarstellungen”, in:“Diskus”,(Göttingen﹕Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, December 1997), No.5,pp.74-89.
  • March 1998,Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Der Einfluß chinesischer Naturphilosophie auf das Abendland” in:Das neue China,(Berlin: GDCF,March 1998),pp. 23-25.
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. July 1999, “Mutters Billardladen”, in:“Diskus”, Göttingen: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, No. 8, pp. 25-34.
  • 2003年7月,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀歐洲龍與中國龍之交遇〉,《輔仁大學歷史學系成立四十週年學術研討會論文集》(台北:輔仁大學歷史學系),頁221-252。July 2003, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Encounter of the European and Chinese Dragon in the 17th and 18th centuries”, “Collection of essays of the symposium on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the History Department of Fu Jen Catholic University”, Taipei, History Department of Fu Jen Catholic University, pp.221-252.
  • 2006年11月,張省卿,〈台灣總督府廳舍(1912-1919)﹕中央級與地方級官署建築之探討〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,第17期,台北:輔仁大學歷史學系,頁285-353。Nov. 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Administrative buildings of the Taiwan governor's office, 1912-1919: a study of central and local administrative architecture”, “Fu Jen Historical Journal”, no. 17, Taipei, Department of History of Fu Jen University, pp. 285-353.
  • 2007年7月,張省卿,〈以日治官廳台灣總督府(1912-1919)中軸佈置論東西建築交流〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,第19期,台北:輔仁大學歷史學系,頁163-220。July 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching. „Exchange between Eastern and Western architecture from the perspective of the central axis alignment with the example of the administrative buildings of Taiwan’s governor’s office“, “Fu Jen Historical Journal”, no.19; Taipei, Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, pp. 163-220.
  • 2008年3月,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國京城圖像在歐洲〉,《美術學報》,第2期,台北:台北藝術大學美術學院,頁67-119。March 2008, Chang, Sheng-Ching.  "Images of China’s Imperial City of the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe", “Art Journal”, no.2, Taipei: Taipei National University of the Arts, Art Faculty, pp.67-119.
  • 2010年7月,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國自然圖像對歐洲藝術、庭園規劃與城市景觀之影響〉,《以漢學為中西文化之橋樑:華裔學志漢學研究中心專題演講選集》, ISBN:978-986-6221-03-3,台北縣新莊市:輔仁大學出版社,初版一刷,頁113-163。Sheng-Ching Chang: “Chinese illustrations of nature in the 17th and 18th centuries and their influence on European art, landscape gardening and urban landscapes” in “Sinology as a Bridge between Chinese and Western Cultures: A Selection of Special Lectures of the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center”, ISBN: 978-986-6221-03-3, Taipei , Fu Jen University Press, July 2010, pp. 113-163.
  • 2010年9月,張省卿,〈論十七世紀卜彌格鳳梨圖像及鳳梨圖像在歐洲之流傳〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第 28 卷 第 1 期,台北:國立故宮博物院,頁79-140。Sep 2010, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Pineapple Images by Michael Boym and the Circulation of Pineapple Images in Europe in the 17th Century” , “The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly” , vol. 28, no. 1;Taipei, The National Palace Museum Press , pp. 79-140
  • September, 2014. Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The construction of Chinese style gardens in 18th century German by using the garden of Wörlitz (1764-1813) and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum (1793-1797) as examples”, in Face to Face. The transcendence of the arts in China and beyond – Historical Perspectives , II, 2 (Rui Oliveira Lopes ed.), Lisbon: Artistic Studies Research Centre, Faculty of Fine Arts University of Lisbon, 2014, (2014-09-01):pp.486-501.
  • 張省卿,〈德國地區園林交流史之文獻探討與研究回顧A Study of Documents and Review of Research on the History of Exchange in Landscape Gardens in Germany〉,《輔仁歷史學報》卷,第34期(2015-03-31):pp.109-140. (THCI) “Fu Jen Historical Journal”, no.34; Taipei, Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, march 2015, pp.109-140.
  • 張省卿,2017年8月,〈日治時期臺北城中新區歷史主義建築群之佈置〉,《台灣藝術史研究學會通訊》,第3期,台北:台灣藝術史研究學會,頁10-34。 (Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Layout of the building complex in the Historicism style in the new Chengchung area of Taipei City during the Japanese colonial period, in: Newsletter of the Association of Art History Research of Taiwan, issue 3, Taipei, Association of Art History Research of Taiwan, pp. 10-34).
  • 張省卿,2019年11月,〈論柏林洪堡廣場與台北自由廣場之空間轉型正義〉,《雕塑研究學術半年刊》,第22期,台北:朱銘美術館,頁2-78。Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Transitional Justice in the Spaces of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and Freedom Square in Taipei,” in: The Sculpture Research Semiyearly, Taipei, Juming Museum, pp. 2-78. (THCI) (有審查制度)

  • 張省卿,2019年12月1日,〈東方啟蒙普魯士 - 從波茲坦園林規畫到國際風城市景觀規劃〉,收錄於邵大箴、范迪安、朱青生等主編,《第34屆世界藝術史大會文集(全三卷) / Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of Art History》(北京:商務印書館,2019),頁1305-1317。(有審查制度)


三、Papers delivered in International Conferences (學術研討會論文)

  • February 2003, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Philosophy of Nature in Cultural exchange between East and West in the 17th and 18th century”, at “International Conference: Fascination and Understanding – The Spirit of the Occident and Spirit of China in Reciprocity”, “Monumenta Serica Institute”, Sankt Augustin,  Smolenice Castle, Slovakia.
  • 2006年5月,張省卿,〈從台灣總督府廳舍(1912-1919,今日總統府)看東西文化交流〉,「第二屆文化交流史:跨文化的互動、衝突與融合國際學術研討會」,主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系,台北。54 頁。May 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Cultural exchange between the East and the West as seen from the buildings of Taiwan’s governor’s administration (1912-1919, today’s Presidential Palace), Planning and organising of the '2th International Symposium on Culture-Exchanges, sponsored by the Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Taipei, 54 pp. in the collection of papers of the conference.
  • September 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “A new aesthetical idea in Europe in the 17th and 18th century — the introduction of the concept of irregularity from China to Europe”, at “China and Europe — Alternating Views”, Dresden Germany: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, September 26-28, 2006.
  • 2007年1月,張省卿,〈論德式都市規劃經日治政府對台北城官廳集中區與總督府的影響〉,「城流鄉動:2007年文化研究會議暨第八屆文化研究學會年會」,主辦單位:台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所與文化研究學會,台北。Jan. 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching Chang. “The influence of German style urban planning on administrative buildings in Taipei’s central district and on the Governor’s office through the Japanese administration”, “Urban Flows – Rural Moves: 2007 Conference on Cultural Studies and 8th Annual Conference of the Association for Cultural Studies”, organiser: Graduate Institute of Building and Planning of Taiwan University and Association for Cultural Studies, Taipei.
  • 2007年5月,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀歐洲對中國京城之圖像報導〉,「第三屆文化交流史:點與線的觀察與思維國際學術研討會」,主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系,台北。May 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “European pictorial accounts on China’s imperial city from the 17th and 18th centuries”, Planning and organising of the '3th International Symposium on Culture-Exchanges' , sponsored by the Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Taipei.
  • Oct. 6th , 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching. „The influence of the central axis alignment of the Chinese imperial city on the planning of palace gardens in 17th and 18th century Europe“ at the “International Symposium on Eastern and Western studies”, organised by the Chinese Faculty of Hong Kong University, Oct. 5th-7th, 2007, 43 pp. 2007年10月6日,張省卿,〈中國京城中軸佈局對十七、十八世紀歐洲宮殿庭園規劃之影響〉,「東西方研究國際學術研討會」,主辦單位:香港大學中文學院,香港,2007年10月5-7日,43頁。
  • 2009年5月16日,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國自然圖像對歐洲庭園規劃與城市景觀之影響〉,「第五屆文化交流史國際學術研討會:中心與邊緣」(The International Symposium on Culture-Exchanges:The Interactions between “Centers” and “Peripheries”),主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系,台北。100頁。16 May 2009: Lecture on “The Influence of Illustrations of Nature in China on the Planning of Gardens and Urban Landscapes in Europe in the 17th and 18th Centuries", Planning and organising of the '5th International Symposium on Culture-Exchanges: The Interactions between “Centers” and “Peripheries” ' , sponsored by the Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Taipei, 100 pp.
  • 26 September – 1 October, 2009, Chang Sheng-Ching, “Michael Boym’s Chinese Plants and Nature – His Influence on European Enlightenment”, at International Conference: “Venturing into Magnum Cathay - 17th Century Polish Jesuits in China: Michał Boym S.J. (1612–1659), Jan Mikołaj Smogulecki S.J. (1610–1656), and Andrzej Rudomina S.J. (1596–1633)” , “Monumenta Serica Institute”, Sankt Augustin, at Kraków, Poland.
  • 2010年6月23日,張省卿,輔仁大學歷史學系九十八學年度第二學期專任教師「研究與教學」學術研討會論文發表,〈論十七世紀鳳梨圖像在歐洲之流傳〉。23 June 2010: Chang Sheng-Ching, Lecture on “The dissemination of images of the Pineapple in 17th century Europe” during the Symposium on “Research and Teaching” of the second term of the academic year of 2009 at the History Department of Fu Jen University.
  • 2010年7月,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國自然圖像對歐洲藝術、庭園規劃與城市景觀之影響〉,《以漢學為中西文化之橋樑:華裔學志漢學研究中心專題演講選集》, ISBN:978-986-6221-03-3,台北縣新莊市:輔仁大學出版社,初版一刷,頁113-163。Sheng-Ching Chang: “Chinese illustrations of nature in the 17th and 18th centuries and their influence on European art, landscape gardening and urban landscapes” in “Sinology as a Bridge between Chinese and Western Cultures: A Selection of Special Lectures of the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center”, ISBN: 978-986-6221-03-3, Taipei , Fu Jen University Press, July 2010, pp. 113-163.
  • 2011年3月,張省卿,〈十八世紀德國地區中式園林之再造〉,輔仁大學學術研究院華裔學志漢學研究中心(Monumenta Serica),「專題演講系列之三十三」,台北 。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Reconstruction of Chinese style gardens inGermany in the 18th Century," (Lecture series, no.33),Taipei, Fu Jen University, Institute Monumenta Serica, Mar. 23th 2011, 22pp.
  • 2011年11月,張省卿,〈以沃利茲園林(Wörlitz, 1770-1783)為例,論十八世紀下半期德國東部中式園林之再造〉,「第7屆文化交流史暨輔仁大學在台復校50週年:「遷徙與新生」國際學術研討會」,主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系。Nov. 2011: Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Reconstruction of Chinese Style Gardens in Eastern Germany in the latter half of the 18th century using the example of the Garden of Wörlitz (1700-1813),”  at “The International Symposium on Culture-Exchanges & 50th Year Anniversary of the Re-establishing of Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan: Migration and Rebirth,"Taipei, Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Nov. 2011, 28pp. in the collection of papers of the conference.
  • 2012年11月,張省卿,〈以沃里茲園林(Wörlitz)為例,論十八世紀下半期德國東部中式園林之再造 (II)〉,「第8屆文化交流史:『跨越文化:生活、工作及語言』 國際學術研討會」(The 8th International Symposium on the History of Cross-Cultural Exchange: Life, Work, and Language , November 16-17.2012) 國際學術研討會主講人,台北:輔仁大學歷史系,2012年11月16-17日(2012年11月16日)。Nov. 2012: Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Reconstruction of Chinese Style Gardens in Eastern Germany in the latter half of the 18th century using the example of the Garden of Wörlitz (II)”, at The 8th International Symposium on the History of Cross-Cultural Exchange: Life, Work, and Language , November 16-17.2012, Taipei, Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Nov. 2012, 95pp. included in the collection of papers of the conference.
  • 張省卿,〈圖像學之運用〉,「第三屆世界史研習營:視覺與史料」演講,台北:輔仁大學歷史學系,2013年03月16日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. “How to apply Iconography”, “3rd Workshop on World History: Vision and historical sources”, lecture, Taipei: History Department of Fu Jen University, March 16, 2013.
  • April 2013: Sheng-Ching Chang, “The Construction of Chinese style gardens in 18th century Germany by using the Garden of Wörlitz (1764-1813) as examples.”, Paper presented at International Conference: Face to Face. The transcendence of the arts in china and beyond, Lisbon: Faculdade de Belas - Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Lisbon), 03-05 April 2013(04 April 2013).
  • May 2013: Sheng-Ching Chang, “The Construction of Chinese style gardens in 18th century Germany by using the Garden of Wörlitz (1764-1813) and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum (1793-1797) as examples.”, Paper presented at Entangled Landscapes : Rethinking the landscape exchange between China and Europe in the 16th-18th centuries, Zurich: University of Zurich, University Research Priority Program (URPP)‘Asia and Europe’, May 10-12.2013 (11 May 2013), 29pp.
  • 2013年7月6日,張省卿:〈以德國沃里茲園林群 (Wörlitzer Garten, 1764-1813) 及其下之歐拉尼恩包姆中國園林 (Chinesischer Garten von Oranienbaum, 1793-1797)為例,論十八世紀中國圖像啟蒙日耳曼風景園林〉,近史所專題研究計劃小型座談會「多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動」。“Images of China as a means of Enlightenment in the development of landscape gardens in 18th century Germany by using the Garden of Wörlitz and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum as examples” in the symposium "Interaction between Europe and East Asia in the fields of vision and material culture in Early Modernity" of the Institute for Modern History of the Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
  • 2013年11月8日,張省卿,<The construction of Chinese style garden in 18th Century Germany by using the garden of Woerlitz (1764-1813) and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum (1793-1797) as examples>,輔仁大學歷史學系所,「第9屆文化交流史暨輔仁大學歷史學系在台50週年:傳承與涵化國際學術研討會」。Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The construction of Chinese style garden in 18th Century Germany by using the garden of Woerlitz (1764-1813) and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum (1793-1797) as examples”, The 9th International Symposium on the History of Cross-Cultural Exchange and 50th Anniversary of the Fu Jen History Department: Inheritance and Accommodation, Nov. 8, 2013.
  • 2013年12月16日,張省卿:〈以德國沃里茲園林群 (Wörlitzer Garten, 1764-1813) 為例,論十八世紀日耳曼地區園林中之東方元素〉,近史所專題研究計劃工作坊「多方觀照:近代早期歐洲與東亞在視覺、物質文化上的交會互動」。“Images of China as a means of Enlightenment in the development of landscape gardens in 18th century Germany by using the Garden of Wörlitz and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum as examples” in the workshop "Interaction between Europe and East Asia in the fields of vision and material culture in Early Modernity" of the Institute for Modern History of the Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
  • 2013年12月23日,張省卿,輔仁大學天主教學術研究中心與華裔漢學研究中心,「第一屆傳教士漢學國際會議:傳教士對認識中國與台灣的貢獻」研討會主講人,講題:<十八世紀歐洲傳教士之中國風景圖像對德國自然風景園林之影響>。Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Images of Chinese landscapes from 18th century European missionaries and their impact on German natural landscape gardens” in the “1st Symposium of Missionary Sinology: The Contribution of Missionary Sinology to the Knowledge of China and Taiwan”, Taipei, Fu Jen University, Institute Monumenta Serica, Dec. 23, 2013.
  • 2014年1月8日,張省卿,輔仁大學歷史學系所,「教師研究與教學」學術研討會,講題:<十八世紀德國自然風景園林中之「世界一家」理念>。 Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Cosmopolitan ideas in 18th century German landscape gardens” in the symposium at Fu Jen University on “Research and didactic methods by teaching staff”, Taipei, Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Jan. 8, 2014.
  • 2014年11月14日,張省卿,<十七、十八世紀東西園林交流史之文獻探討與研究回顧>,輔仁大學歷史學系所,「第10屆文化交流史:理論、回顧與趨勢國際學術研討會」(The Tenth Annual International Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange: Theories, Reviews, and Trends), 台北,輔仁大學2014年11月14-15日。 
  • 21-23.11.2014, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The Cosmopolitanism of the German Landscape Gardens and Chinoiserie in the 18th century by using the garden of Wörlitz (1764-1813) and the Chinese garden of Oranienbaum (1793-1797) as examples” at Heidelberg University in Karl Jaspers Zentrum für Transkulturelle Forschung (KJC) on “EurAsian Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800”, Heidelberg, Germany, 21-23.11.2014.
  • 2015-11-20, 張省卿,〈東方啟蒙與普魯士波茲坦國際風城市景觀規劃〉,「第十一屆文化交流史:「帝國、殖民主義與全球化」國際學術研討會(The Eleventh Annual International Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange: Imperialism, Colonialism and Globalization),台北,台灣,輔仁大學歷史學系暨研究所,2015-11-20
  • 張省卿,〈從波西米亞人艾啟蒙 (Ignatius Sickeltart) 為清宮繪製之 「平定伊犁回部戰圖」(1759-1766) 看東西藝術交流〉,「中歐漢學論壇: 傳教士與漢學家的貢獻 」,Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center, Taipei; the Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin,台北,台灣,2016-04-28
  • 2016-05-05, Chang, Sheng-Ching, “Artistic exchange between the East and the West viewed from the perspective of the “Picture of the War of Suppression against the Hui in Yili” (1759-1766) made by the Bohemian Scholar Ignatius Sickeltart, for Qing Dynasty Court“, Sinological Studies in Central Europe Language and Culture – Literature and History – Religion and Philosophy, Prof. dr hab. Cheng-Shu Yang (Dean, Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Taipei), Dr Piotr Adamek (Director of the Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin), Dr Sonja Mei Ting Huang (Director of the Monumenta Serica Institute, Taipei), Kraków, Poland, 2016-05-05
  • 2016-06-13, 張省卿,”Modernization of the Old Taipei City Area During the Japanese Period”,  Asia and West: Architecture and Cultural Exchange in Times of Globalization, 台灣,台北,國立臺灣師範大學藝術史研究所,2016-06-13
  • 張省卿 / CHANG Sheng-Ching, “The Enlightenment of Prussia through the Far East – From the planning of the gardens of Potsdam to modern cityscape planning”, (〈東方啓蒙普魯士: 從波茲坦園林規畫到國際風城市景觀規劃〉) ,34th World Congress of Art History (第34届世界藝術史大會), in “Session 12 Garden and Courtyard”, Beijing (北京, 16.09.2016-20.09.2016), 18.09.2016.
  • 張省卿,2016年11月12日,〈台北城區之現代西化整建 (“Modernisation of the Taipei City area”)〉,輔仁大學歷史學系暨研究所主辦,「第12屆文化交流史:庶民生活與物質文明國際學術研討會」(The Twelfth International Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange:Material Civilization and the Life of Common People), Taipei, Fu Jen Catholic University History Department and Graduate Institute, 11-12 Nov. 2016. (有審查制度)
  • 張省卿,2017年3月25日,〈日治時期台北城中新區歷史主義建築群之佈置〉("The layout of the building complex in the style of Historicism in the new central district of Taipei City during the Japanese colonial period") ,46頁,台灣藝術史研究學會第一屆學術研討會,臺灣藝術大學人文學院主辦,2017年3月25日。(有審查制度)
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. 2017.06.24, “The Enlightenment of Prussia Through the Far East – From the Planning of the Royal Gardens of Potsdam to Nineteenth-Century Urban Greening” at “TRANSPLANTED PLACES Garden Design and Shifting Cultural Geographies 1650 – 1800 Transregional Perspectives”, “Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin”, Museum of Asian Art, Berlin, Germany, June 22-24 2017. (有審查制度)
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. 2017.08.26, “The Construction of Chinoiserie Gardens in 18th Century Sanssouci in Potsdam, Prussia”, at “the Second Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology”, by “the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology and the Section for East Asian Art (Institute of Art History)”, University of Zurich. Switzerland. 24th–27th August 2017. (有審查制度)
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. October 20, 2017, “The beautiful Utopia in images of mechanics from 17th century Europe and Asia ” (「十七世紀歐、亞機械圖像中之美麗烏托邦」) ,第十一屆台灣西洋古典、中世紀暨文藝復興研討會,台南藝術大學藝術史系主辦。 (the 11th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS)), at the Department of Art History, Tainan National University of the Arts, October 20, 2017. (有審查制度)
  • 張省卿,2017年11月10日至11日,〈從耶穌會教士為清宮繪製之「平定伊犁回部戰圖」(1759-1766) 看東西藝術交流〉,「第13屆文化交流史:戰爭、流離與再生國際學術研討會」,輔仁大學歷史學系暨研究所主辦,台北,2017年11月10日至11日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. Nov. 10-11, 2017 “Artistic exchange between the East and the West viewed from the perspective of the “Picture of the War of Suppression against the Hui in Yili” (1759-1766) made by Jesuit, for Qing Dynasty Court”, ‘The Thirteenth Annual International Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange: War, Refugees, and Recovery’ , sponsored by the Department and Graduate Institute of History of Fu Jen University, Taipei, Nov. 2017. (有審查制度)
  • 張省卿,2018年05月06日,〈從柏林洪堡論壇 (Humboldt Forum)(柏林城市宮殿)之城市規劃,論台北中正紀念堂文化園區場域之使用〉,「雕時X塑域:現代雕塑的異變 - 2018朱銘美術館學術論壇」,主辦單位:朱銘美術館,台北。Chang, Sheng-Ching. May 06, 2018 “Making Use of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Cultural Park from the Perspective of Urban Planning of the Humboldt Forum (Berlin City Palace) in Berlin”, “Sculpting Temporality and Shaping Site of Exposition: Modern Sculpture in Its Differentiation 2018 Juming Museum Academic Forum”, organiser: Ju Ming Art Museum, Taipei. (有審查制度)
  • 張省卿,2018年 11 月 10至11日,〈以洪堡廣場(Humboldt Forum)為例,論柏林與台北城市空間之再使用〉,「第 14 屆文化交流史:城市、貿易與交通國際學術研討會」,主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系暨研究所,台北。(有審查制度)
  • 張省卿,2019年11月8日,〈啟蒙時代中西科學圖像之交流與中國易經二元圖〉,「 第 15 屆文化交流史:宗教、理性與激情國際學術研討會 」,主辦單位:輔仁大學歷史學系暨研究所,台北。(有審查制度)

  • 張省卿,2020年9月23日,〈由易經二元圖像,論十七、十八世紀中西藝術與科學之交流〉,頁27-88,「2020華裔學志國際會議:基督宗教與道家∕道教的會遇」,主辦單位:輔仁大學華裔學志漢學研究中心、德國聖奧古斯丁華裔學志研究所、 國家圖書館漢學研究中心、輔仁大學宗教系、華沙大學漢學系,台北。(有審查制度)

  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. October 22, 2021, “Exchange of European images of the Binary Images of the Chinese Yijing during the Age of Enlightenment,” in The Fifteenth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS), Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei (Taiwan) , pp. 1-18. (有審查制度)

  • 張省卿,2021年11月13日,〈以萊布尼茲為例,論啟蒙時代歐洲與中國易經二元圖像之交流〉,頁1-37,「第17屆文化交流史國際學術研討會(The Seventeenth Annual Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange)」,主辦單位:輔大歷史學系暨研究所,台北。(有審查制度)

四、Articles (期刊論述)

  • 1984 年,張省卿,〈 唐代詩人薛濤〉,《史苑》,(台北﹕輔仁大學歷史學系,1984 年),39 期,頁19-30。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "The poet and Geisha Hsüeh Tao in the 8th and 9th centuries", in “Historical Journal” of the History Department of Fu Jen University, Taipei: 1984, No. 39, pp.19-30.
  • 1985 年,張省卿,〈明代青花瓷〉,《史苑》,(台北﹕輔仁大學歷史學系,1985 年),40 期,頁34-45。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Chinese porcelain of the Ming period (1368-1644)" , in “Historical Journal” of the History Department of Fu Jen University,  Taipei: 1985, No. 40, pp.34-45.
  • 1988年10月,張省卿,〈易北河畔阿特蘭區(“Das Alte Land”)〉,《世界地理雜誌》,(台北﹕世界地理雜誌社,1988年10月),74期,頁8-16。Chang, Sheng-Ching. photographic report in "World Geographic Magazine" on the scenic area "Altes Land" in Northern Germany , Taipei, Oct. 1988, No. 74, pp. 8-16.
  • 1989年4月,張省卿,〈威尼斯〉封面專題,《世界地理雜誌》,(台北﹕世界地理雜誌社,1989年4月),80期,頁9-28。Chang, Sheng-Ching. Title story "Venice" ,  in "World Geographic Magazine", Taipei, April 1989, No. 80, pp. 9-28.
  • 1989年12月,張省卿,〈漢堡建城八百週年〉封面專題,《世界地理雜誌》,(台北﹕世界地理雜誌社,1989年12月),88期,頁11-36。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "800. Hamburger Hafengeburtstag" (als Titel¬geschichte), in "World Geographic Magazine", Taipei: 12/1989, Heft 88, S.11-36.
  • 1990年12月,張省卿,〈表現主義大師貝克曼(Max Beckmann)專輯〉封面專題,《藝術家》(台北﹕藝術家出版社,1990年12月),187期,頁166-189。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Max Beckmann" in "Artist", Taipei, Dec. 1990, pp. 166-189.
  • 1993年5月,張省卿,〈異國文化對歐洲文化的影響-哥倫布登陸美洲四百年紀念-遠離文明永恆的人間伊甸園〉,《Art Monthly》,(台北﹕藝術貴族雜誌社,1993年5月),41期,頁50-53。Chang, Shen-Ching. "Woodcuts on the discovery of the New World" in "Art Monthly" , Taipei, May 1993, pp. 50-53.
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. "The fledgling orphan of Asia" in "das neue China" (Berlin, June 1993, pp. 33-35)
  • 1993年8月,張省卿,〈文藝復興人文風潮始祖-布魯內列斯基(Filippo Brunelleschi, 1377-1446)及典範傑作帕齊(Pazzi)禮拜堂〉,《ARTIMA-Taiwan art magazine》,(台北﹕藝術貴族雜誌社,1993年8月),44期,頁103-113。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Brunelleschi and Renaissance architecture" in "ARTIMA", Taipei, Aug. 1993, pp. 103-113.
  • 1993年10月,張省卿,〈現代社會的建築人文-德國波昂國會大廈(Parlamentsgebäude von Bonn)民主新風格〉《ARTIMA-Taiwan art magazine》,(台北﹕藝術貴族雜誌社,1993年10月),46期,頁86-90。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "New 'Bundestag' ['Federal Parliament'] in Bonn and Democracy" in "ARTIMA", Taipei, Oct. 1993, pp. 86-90.
  • Sheng-Ching Chang, “Neue Taiwanesische Kultur”, in “Pen”,(Berlin: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, December 1993),No. 7,pp. 26-29。
  • 1994年2月,張省卿,〈中古鹽城綠內堡(Lüneburg)〉,《世界地理雜誌》,(台北﹕世界地理雜誌社,1994年2月),138期,頁62-76。Chang, Sheng-Ching. „Lüneburg und die Lüneburger Heide“ in "World Geographic Magazine", Taipei: 2/1994, Heft 138, S.62-76.
  • 1995年9月,張省卿,〈談克里斯朵(Christo)包裹德國國會大廈(Reichstag)的意義〉,《典藏》,(台北﹕典藏雜誌社,1995年9月),36期,頁179-183。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "The veiled 'Reichstag'" of Christo and Jean-Claude in "Art of Collection", Taipei, Sept. 1995, pp. 179-183.
  • 1997年6月,張省卿,〈藝術史學科的創立-德國藝術史巨擘瓦堡(Aby Warburg)〉,《藝術家》,(台北﹕藝術家出版社,1997年6月),265期,頁438-448。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "The emergence of history of art as a discipline of science and the art historian Aby Warburg" in "Artist Magazine" in Taiwan, No. 265 (June 1993), pp. 438-448.
  • 2008年10月,張省卿,〈新德國當代藝術中的挑釁與批判眼光〉,展覽手冊“New German Contemporary Art(最新德國當代藝術)”藝展,(台北也趣藝廊AKI Gallery,2008年10月),ISBN978957-29817-8-8。October 2008: advisor for planning the ‘New Germany Contemporary Art Exhibition: Matthias Galvez, Martin Galle and David Ostrowski’ by Taipei AKI Gallery (也趣藝廊) ,ISBN978957-29817-8-8

五、Lectures (學術演講)

  • 2002年12月,張省卿,〈借東方啟蒙西方——以德國耶穌會傳教士契爾學(Athanasius Kircher, 1602-1680)對中國之報導來探討東西文化交流〉,主辦單位:台灣師範大學國科會補助西洋藝術史研究推動計劃,2002年12月14日,台北。Dec. 14th 2002, Chang, Shen-Ching. “Enlightening the West via the East – a discussion of cultural exchange between the East and the West with the example of the accounts on China by the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher, 1602-1680” at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Promotion Programme of the National Science Council for Research of Western Art History.
  • 2003年5月,張省卿,〈論圖像學在藝術史學研究中之實用性 - 圖像學(Ikonologie)與圖像誌(Ikonographie)〉,主辦單位:台南藝術大學史評所與藝術史學系,台南。May 2003, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Practicability of Iconology in Art History Research – iconology and iconography” (Tainan National University of the Arts, Research Institute for Art Appraisal, and Department of Art History).
  • 2003年10月,張省卿,〈城市藝術史——藝術中心的遞變 ﹕維也納〉,西洋藝術史學術研習營,主辦單位:國科會補助西洋藝術史研究推動計劃與成功大學藝術研究所,台南。October 2003, Chang, Sheng-Ching. „Urban art history – Sudden changes in the artistic centre: Vienna“. Academic Workshop on Western art history, organiser: Project of the National Science Council for Advancing the study of Western art history and the Art Institute of Chengkung University, Tainan.
  • 2004年4月10日,張省卿,〈德國現代藝術社會批判意識的覺醒〉,台北國立故宮博物院 「德藝百年大展 — 德意志藝術的黃金時代」系列專題演講,主辦單位:台北國立故宮博物院。April 10th 2004, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Awakening of the consciousness of social criticism of German Modern Art”, Lecture series of the National Palace Museum in Taipei on “Exhibition of One Hundred Years of German Art”.
  • 2004年4月12日,張省卿,〈德國表現主義〉,台北國立故宮博物院 「德藝百年大展——德意志藝術的黃金時代」系列專題演講,主辦單位:國立故宮博物院,台北。April 12th 2004, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “German Expressionism”, Lecture series of the National Palace Museum in Taipei on “Exhibition of One Hundred Years of German Art”.
  • 2004年4月17日,張省卿,〈從新興階級的自信看德國器物〉,台北國立故宮博物院 「德藝百年大展——德意志藝術的黃金時代」系列專題演講,主辦單位:國立故宮博物院,台北。April 17th 2004, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Viewing German objects from the perspective of new classes”, Lecture series of the National Palace Museum in Taipei on “Exhibition of One Hundred Years of German Art”.
  • 2004年4月19日,張省卿,〈柏林至維也納之工藝美術〉,台北國立故宮博物院 「德藝百年大展——德意志藝術的黃金時代」系列專題演講,主辦單位:國立故宮博物院,台北。April 19th 2004, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Arts and crafts from Berlin to Vienna”, Lecture series of the National Palace Museum in Taipei on “Exhibition of One Hundred Years of German Art”.
  • 2005年11月19日,張省卿,〈德國電影中的歷史意識〉,主辦單位:台北市立教育大學社會科教育學系暨研究所。Nov. 19th 2005, Chang, Shen-Ching. „Historical consciousness in German films“ at the Department of Education of the Taipei Municipal University of Education.
  • Sept. 20th, 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “The introduction of Chinese aesthetics to Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries” for the German Taiwan Association in Berlin. 2006年9月20日,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國美學在歐洲的輸入〉,主辦單位:德國台灣協會(Taiwan Verein),柏林。
  • Sept. 21th, 2006, Chang, Sheng-Ching.“Die Rezeption der chinesischen Ästhetik im Europa des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts”, Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft e. V. at Berlin-Asien-Lounge, Berlin.
  • 2007年10月14日,張省卿,〈巴洛克時代之機械信仰〉,台北國立故宮博物院「華麗巴洛克:偉大的哈布堡收藏家——來自維也納藝術史史博物館之鉅作」特展,學術專題演講,主辦單位:高雄師範大學美術學系。Oct. 14th, 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching. ”The cult of the machine in the Baroque period” on the occasion of the exhibition of the National Palace Museum Taipei “Splendor of the Baroque and Beyond: Great Habsburg Collectors – Masterpieces from the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna” held at the Department of Arts of Kaoshiung Normal University.
  • 2007年10月21日,張省卿,〈巴洛克時代之科學圖像與藝術典藏室〉,台北國立故宮博物院「華麗巴洛克:偉大的哈布堡收藏家——來自維也納藝術史史博物館之鉅作」特展,專題演講,主辦單位:台灣師範大學美術學系。Oct. 21st, 2007, Chang, Sheng-Ching. “Illustrations from Science and the ‘Kunstkammer’ of the Baroque” on the occasion of the exhibition of the National Palace Museum Taipei “Splendor of the Baroque and Beyond: Great Habsburg Collectors – Masterpieces from the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna” held at the Department of Arts of National Taiwan Normal University.
  • 2009年2月9日,張省卿,〈中國古典小說《西遊記》上〉,專題演講,臺北歐洲學校(Taipei European School)。9 Febr. 2009: Lecture on the Chinese Classical Novel "Journey to the West, Part 1" at the invitation of the Taipei European School
  • 2009年3月25日,張省卿,〈十七、十八世紀中國自然圖像對歐洲藝術與庭園規劃之影響〉,台北,輔仁大學學術研究院華裔學志漢學研究中心(Monumenta Serica),專題演講系列之二十五,54頁。25 March 2009: Lecture on "Images of Nature from 17th and 18th century China and their influence on European Art, garden designs and urban landscape", Taipei, Fu Jen University, Institute Monumenta Serica
  • 2009年5月1日,張省卿,〈中國古典小說《西遊記》下〉,專題演講,臺北歐洲學校(Taipei European School)。1 May 2009: Lecture on the Chinese Classical Novel "Journey to the West, Part 2" at the invitation of the Taipei European School
  • 2009年5月25日,張省卿,〈以柏林『文化釀酒(Kulturbrauerei)』之案例,談東西德統一以來對柏林文藝中心之經營策略與開發建設〉,專題演講,(「台北藝術大學藝術行政與管理研究所主辦」)。25 May 2009: Lecture on the example of the "Kulturbrauerei" in Berlin and the management policy and setting up of cultural centres since German unification (organised by the "Graduate Institute of Arts Administration and Management" of Taipei National University of the Arts).
  • 2011年3月23日,張省卿,〈十八世紀德國地區中式園林之再造〉,台北,輔仁大學學術研究院華裔學志漢學研究中心(Monumenta Serica),「專題演講系列之三十三」。23 March 2011: Lecture on "Reconstruction of Chinese style gardens in Germany in the 18th century ", Taipei, Fu Jen University, Institute Monumenta Serica
  • 張省卿,2017年5月12日,〈日治時期台北城中區之現代化〉(Modernization of the Taipei City Area During the Japanese Period)台北大學歷史系主辦,「台北地區發展史」專題講座。
  • 張省卿,2017年05月22日,〈東方啟蒙西方 - 十八世紀德國沃里茲(Wörlitz)自然風景園林之中國元素〉(The East enlightening the West - Chinese elements in the 18th century landscape gardens of Wörlitz in Germany),國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系主辦,專題講座演講。
  • 張省卿,2018年03月28日,〈論中西方園林的交會〉,「與書有約.品書會」演講,台北:輔仁大學天主教學術研究院主辦。
  • 張省卿,2018年11月15日,〈啟蒙時代東西交流下之科學圖像〉,臺灣師範大學歷史學系「107-1 研究生講座(五)」專題演講,主辦單位:臺灣師範大學歷史學系。Chang, Sheng-Ching. 15 Nov. 2018, “Scientific illustrations in the exchange between the East and the West during the Age of Enlightenment”, lecture at “2018-1 graduate student seminar (5) at the History Department of National Taiwan Normal University”, hosted by History Department of National Taiwan Normal University.
  • 張省卿,2019年05月23日至24日,〈中國藝術史及其全球化(包括六場講座主題:「中國城市:北京」、「中國園林:蘇州園林」、「中國建築:南京寶塔」、「中國繪畫:風景畫」、「中國雕塑:佛像」、「中國手工藝品:青花瓷」)〉,「亞捷隆的中國窗口:克拉科夫臺灣漢學資源中心成立三週年」專題講座,主辦單位:波蘭克拉科夫亞捷隆大學漢學系。Chang, Sheng-Ching. 23-24 Aug. 2019, “Chinese Art History and Its Globalization (Including six lectures: “China City: Beijing”, “Chinese Gardens: Suzhou Gardens”, “Chinese Architecture: Nanjing Pagoda”, “Chinese Painting: Landscape Painting”, “Chinese Sculpture: Buddha statue”, “Chinese Handicraft: Blue and White Porcelain"),” at “Jagiellonian Window to China - The third Anniversary of Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies in Krakow”, hosted by Jagiellonian University, JU Institute of Oriental Studies and JU Chinese Studies Student Academic Society.
  • 張省卿,2021年12月11日,〈啟蒙時代歐洲自然風景園林中之中國元素〉,國立故宮博物院主辦,南部院區專題演講。

六、Publication of articles and photography in Germany, Taiwan and Hong Kong(報章評論)

  • 張省卿,〈德國學生運動二十年回顧〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1988年6月6、7日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "The German students' movement of 1968" in "Independent Morning Post" (Taiwan, June 6th/7th , 1988).
  • 張省卿,〈卡廷(Katyn)大屠殺紀實〉,:《自立早報》副刊,台北,1988年8月7日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Massacre of Katyn" in "Independent Morning Post" (Aug. 7th, 1988).
  • 張省卿,〈北海環保危機〉,《自立晚報》副刊,台北,1988年8月10日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Environmental problems in the North Sea and the environmental organisation 'Greenpeace'" in the Taiwanese newspaper "Independent Evening Post" (Aug. 10th, 1988)
  • 張省卿,〈德國新聞媒體-拒絕報導的勇氣〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1988年11月16日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Problems of the mass media in Germany" in "Independent Morning Post" (Nov. 11th, 1988).
  • 張省卿,〈觀蘇聯電影《女政委》〉,《九十年代》,(香港,1989年1月),頁102-103。Chang, Sheng-Ching. Report on the Russian film director Alexander Askoldov and his long banned film "The commissar" for the Hong Kong news magazine "Nineties" (Jan. 1989).
  • 張省卿,〈黨派內部分歧-綠黨還有沒有救〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1989年3月14日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Interfactional strife in the German Green Party" in "Independent Morning Post" (March 14th 1989).
  • 張省卿,〈東德難民逃往西德-真正的愚昧剩餘者〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1989年9月11日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Wave of refugees from East Germany" in "Independent Morning Post" (Sept. 11th, 1989).
  • 張省卿,〈專訪西德民間地方性環保組織-綠林好漢羅賓遜(Robin Wood)〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1990年2月7日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. Interview with and report on the environmental organisation "Robin Wood" in "Independent Morning Post" (Taiwan, Febr. 2nd, 1990).
  • 張省卿,〈東西德統一問題 - 統一是萬靈丹?〉,《自立早報》副刊,台北,1990年3月11、12日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Issues of German reunification" in "Independent Morning Post" (March 11th/12th 1990).
  • 張省卿,〈也談二二八建碑問題〉,《自立周報》海外版,台北,1993年9月3日。Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Planning of momuments and art policy" in "Independent Weekly Post" (Taiwan, Sept. 3rd, 1993).
  • Chang, Sheng-Ching. "Architecture of Parliament buildings and democracy" for the "Taiwan Association in Germany" (Sept. 25th, 1993)
  • Sheng-Ching Chang, “Mutters Billardladen”, in:das neue China,( Berlin ﹕GDCF,July 1999),No. 26,pp. 28-31.